The dawn is breaking over the academic city, and Sunday morning has arrived in a certain room in the Tokiwadai dormitory. [208] The birds sing melodiously, caressing the ears of a certain brown-haired girl, who slowly wakes up to the next day.
Misaka Mikoto shared a bed with her Imoto and for reason, the (older) sister was slept on the side closer to the middle of the room, closer to the bed of her red-haired roommate. As she rolled from one side to the other and back again, she finished her position with her face turned towards her sister. She slowly opened her eyes to see her mirror image already looking back at her.
The (younger) sister was already awake. "Good morning Onee-sama, says Misaka at the beginning of the day as it should be. Proving that she is not an alien element."
"Oh right,-- I've got you here. I'll shall to get used to this kind of awakening." She yawned. "But it's still better than leaving you at the mercy of my classmates." Although she looked at her for a moment, she closed her eyes again.
"Onee-sama should update her morning statement. Misaka points out tactfully."
"Hmm?" Mikoto, still in sleeping position tried to stretch. "If you don't like it, say something."
Inoue was silent for a few seconds, until she began her narrative monologue. "Welcome back to the next live episode of 'Life with Onee-sama'. Your guide for today's show is once again Misaka Inoue and she will be providing current commentary for the audience. Today's unanswered questions continue to be: (Will Shirai Kuroko apply herself in the political sphere? Will the chicks continue to do well? Will big sister finally get some answers? Or will she let her guard down in her pursuit of more than one mystery in her life? Which certain someone person will be staying on her side for today? What plot will we get in the upcoming mission?, when the scenario involves Misaka's trip to the beach? Will the mystery behind the pineapple coconut cocktail be solved?) Misaka notes as she takes the steps to truly be the most popular transfer student."
"Seriously?" Still with closed eyes, Mikoto uttered just to say something. "I starting to thing that you will keep reminding me the yesterday morning for a longer time. As it seems, you don't lack enthusiasm for the trip at all. However, certain points would deserve to be discussed. We could start, for example, by saying, what did you want to indicate to me with this introduction?" She rolled onto her back to open her eyes and look at the ceiling. Her gaze grew serious when she saw traces of adhesive tape where a certain camera had been stuck the previous day. She closed her eyes for a moment and rise her torso to sit up. She then fixed her serious gaze on the front door, ignoring left and right. It took her a few seconds, before she decided to stop ignoring the presence on the next bed and turned her head in that direction.
Her red-haired roommate was indeed on that bed. She was awake. She was even already dressed in their prescribed uniform and was now sitting on the edge of her bed facing them with her beret-hat on her head and her legs crossed. Quietly, but with great anticipation or enthusiasm on her face, she observed a pair of brown-haired girls on other bed like a philanthropist watching a rare species of birds. That beret-hat was clearly unnecessary for indoor, but it gave out feeling like that beside fashion style, it had some symbolism in it.
The main problem was that Shirai was not alone on her side.
Sitting next to the redhead, was Shirai's classmate with the same beret on her head. She was shifting her gaze between her laptop on her lap and the scene in front of her. [the first bed]
Next to the bed stood another girl wearing a same beret, armed/equipped with large headphones on her head, audio device satchel box on her hip and a long pole with a bushy microphone hanging from it that was aimed at the pair like some sort of satellite dish.
Another girl with a beret stood by the window, directing the natural morning light into the room with something like a mirror in her hands. Next to her, on the study table, stood something like an audio player with larger speakers from which the morning birdsong was playing.
The icing on the cake was the last beret-hat-girl operating the larger camera set up on a tripod placed on the center conference/ coffee-table between the two beds. Of course, the camera lens had a certain brown-haired couple in the shot.
All the female members of the film crew were completely silent as professionals with expressions of excitement from the mysterious suspense of secretly watching a rare opportunity, and their hearts were definitely pounding like they were experiencing an action adventure.
It is therefore no wonder that Kuroko, clutching a paper megaphone like some kind of director, got really sweat when Onee-sama smiled at them with an innocent, loving, friendly, even angelic smile that would conquer many a heart. No! Shirai paled white, terrified. (Oh shit!)
After one: ('Panicked (hasty) retreat of the film crew.'), later.
With a throbbing blood vein on her forehead, Mikoto scolded the redhead as she distorted her roommate face by pulling the offender by the cheeks. "Ku-- ro-- ko~o!!-- How could you?!! I'm going to let my guard down for a moment and you pull out something like this? You really haven't improved you manners in the slightest, you're just playing an innocent form where you dragged other people into your depravity."
Shirai tried to answer, but because of (the massage), she couldn't be understood in the slightest. Only a knocking on the door freed her from her punishment.
It was followed by another more demanding knocking and only after Railgun answered (Come in!), the door opened from outside. It was another female in a blue uniform of Anti-Skill acting as they guard. Their current supervisor informed them that as soon as they were ready to leave, she would take them directly to the aqua park compound. When Kuroko asked if they could stay for breakfast, she got a straight answer that their stay on park is fully covered: from food to clothes, from accessories to services.
When the policewoman retreated back to her place in the corridor, closing the doors and giving them time to prepare, the redhead sighed deeply. "So much for the plan to meet Uiharu and Saten san. I'd better call them, to let them know, that there have been minor changes." She pulled out her phone. While she was talking with her partner from Judgment, the twins got dressed. Yet it was she who was not satisfied with the call. "That's weird." She turned to the duo when she was done with the phone call. "It was to be expected that the resort would arrange it this way, but this is too strict. Its an over kill."
When the (older) brunette looked at her, she continued.
"As it turns out, someone in the background is pulling the strings very intensively and the Aqua Park is already a sensation. If someone planed to boost it popularity to capitalize for commerce use, using cheap tactic, they overshot greatly. On top of that, someone seems to be suffering from paranoia and let Anti-Skill make the place an impenetrable fortress for anyone not on the (invited only) list. The security is so high that they practically preventive arrested Uiharu and Saten. First, received a request from Anti-Skill to supervise the network. The second was invited as a guest on a whole series of shows that will take up her entire day. Saten's cuddly escort and unyielding secretary in one, as she called her, won't let her say no. Very conveniently, as compensation; they both got free group tickets to make a reservation only after the park is officially open for public. However-- Since a certain person, so enthusiastic presented the park during yesterday speech, so friends from Saten and Uiharu got really excited. So, when they found out about the tickets, those two don't had no option, other to agreed to go there together with them. That's like talking about a double checkmating. Either way, Sissy Inoue, with me on your side, you don't have to worry about anything." The redhead completely ignored a sarcastic remark, that she was the person the two of them should be most wary of.
As soon as they stepped out of the room, someone else besides their guard was waiting for them.
In the corridor, they dorm manager was talking to that member of Anti-Skill. As could be gleaned from the scraps of their conversation, it was rather that the policewoman served as a willow for the distressed madam for the time being. As the hawk eye woman suddenly registered the trio, she gave them a tired smile. Mikoto first looked at her, then at the one in blue, and finally she returned with a searching look at the dorm manger. Tokiwadai Iron-Wall adjusted her glasses, that was her move to return to her neutral, stern expression. "There's no point in walking around the hot mess at this point, so... Someone from higher-ups has concluded, that I'm not good enough to keep with all of you at the moment. So you've been assigned someone with more adequate skills."
Kuroko quietly remarked that she probably couldn't imagine the guerrilla warfare that the one in blue would have to go through in order to even get the more appropriate abilities that this iron woman is talking about.
Yet the hawk eyed woman aimed her sight at red-head. "Shirai, that tells me that you still have some duties that need to be completed. First of all, you have to answer some questions that have piled up since yesterday, so you will probably stay here."
Shirai shuddered, when she imagined that her dearest would go to the beach alone without her sissy, just when there might be a trap waiting for her in the form of an altar, a white veil and too many possible rivals for her one true love. Immediately, and with a clear hint of panic, she began to object, trying to maintain her poise as a noble lady. [just her own imagination] "Ara, Ara, Ara, madam dorm manager, I thought that the attached documentation explained clearly enough what we used and how we used it. I don't think that additional confirmation of what is written there would necessarily be necessary."
"Maybe, but I'm really interested in why I have mechanized infantry in the pool. In addition to the fact that they are dismantling something, they are also building something there. Instead of an explanation from them, I only got vague excuses. On top of all that, they splash around in the water in those suits as if they were neoprene suits. [-(one piece) full body clothing for water sports, created to prevent lose of body heat] The next point to discuss is all these shopping orders… Current communication problems aside, but at least for some of the food items you could take what we have stored in the basement. More I read it, more controversy like points of contention continue surfacing, one after another." As the girls gave her a deep dumb look, she stiffened. "I'm not kidding!"
Yet the redhead spoke up her doubts out loud even for her roommates. "I can understand the robots and the suits, but... Does Tokiwadai really have a basement?"
A blood vein pulsed on hawk-eyed face. "Rich girls… Don't tell me, that you have now directly imagined how under this building; there is a dungeon, a torture chamber, or a labyrinth; into which male delinquents who managed to slip into the dormitory are thrown?" Watching their dumb looks, she soured, turning into sarcasm. "Oh sure. All right. So while we're at it, just imagine: That there's a secret base of a mysterious hero under the dormitory estate. That when its needed, the courtyard opens up revealing a hidden hangar from which an invisible High-Tech passenger jet takes off or land in a vertical takeoff. And that very jet will take you to a cool party, which is actually a secret meeting of an alliance of heroes from all over the world."
Kuroko clearly understood the sarcasm, but she still didn't let go of the comment about whether it would directly negate the primary function of a safe and quiet dormitory for young ladies in a studies.
On the other hand, Inoue pointed out, that the base is still under construction and, based on the plans in progress, there is nothing like a hangar at the moment. So they are unlikely to use this transport method. Of course, she tilled her head on side, when everyone was staring at her silently.
"I'll get knocked down by illness for half a day, and meanwhile Tokiwadai is turned upside down." The dorm manager sighed in distress. "Anyway, you two go now. Shirai, you will keep me company for now. Since you've already taken charge of this project of yours, it's time to see it through."
Of course, this triggered an alarm for the redhead not only because of the threat of a horde of paperwork. "I apologize, but with all due respect, I already have an assignment for today: and that is to accompany Sissy and Inoue chan on their trip. After all, it is my duty as her Herald and a member of the Judgment. So if possible, please summarize your questions in ten minutes. I have to be by Sissy side at her VIP presentation day, so she can fully represent Tokiwadai, as its Ace."
"Excuse me!..." The Anti-Skill woman interjected, as amiably as possible. "I think there was a minor misunderstanding here that should be cleared up. At first I was surprised that there were three of you and in the same uniforms, but now it's clear to me whats going on. Miss Shirai, I apologize deeply but my assignment is to escort the pair from the Dormitory to of the aforementioned Aqua park. I am also to tell the local force from Judgment that when she is free from her work, she must to report to HQ without delay, for further evaluation and instruction. [HQ- the highest headquarters for Anti-Skill and Judgment.] It's true that the description they gave me was a bit strange, but now it's clear to me that it fits yours exactly." She bowed deeply. "Shirai-san from Judgment, please follow the instructions given to you by HQ."
The redhead immediately began to weaken, and Mikoto could clearly see how much Shirai true nature and her allegiance to the Judgment member were fighting within her. Her roommate was losing her temper, and if she could, she would prefer to split into several parts, but that wouldn't be her anymore. Therefore, the brunette sighed lightly and joined the conversation before the self-proclaimed Herald did something to herself that she would later regret. "Kuroko!" She called out to her with a serious tone in her voice. The named girl jerked away. "We haven't discussed your punishment yet." Ignoring the forced guilty smile on Shirai's face, she continued. "Your public service comes first! So don't you dare to show up at that resort, before you fulfill your obligations!"
"Sissy?..." Redhead eyes widened as she realized something. "You sold me!??" She was about to start cry. "Altar-- white veil-- and-- then, b- barefoot..."
The brunette grabbed both of Shirai cheeks again and began to distort her expression. With a swollen blood vein on her forehead, she immediately scolded her kōhai for her imagination. "That priest will get what he deserves as soon as I meet him again. Don't worry about that! Next!; do you really though I won't notice? Yesterday, you softened me up with a promise of explanations that you don't have even now. You sudden leadership position gotten into your head. You let yourself be carried away, started to abuse you position and pulled stings here and there for your own benefit. And lastly..." She took a breath. "For what good use you will be, when you're be locked in that golden cage with me? Like a songbird whistling to catch anyone's attention? -yet it voice don't reach far." She sighed as that last remark gained the full attention of the redhead who was taken aback and finally began to think rationally about it. "Saten, Uiharu, and now you-- do you really think this isn't a coincidence? You may not have noticed, but there's a reason why they lumped so many Level-Fives into one place as some sort of juicy bait for something big. Really, those Higher-ups should learn to properly ask for help, instead of scheming. A nice vacation?! Undoubtedly, there is a catch!" She blew off offended.
Yet it was the other sister who react. "No, no, that theory is flawed, Misaka waves her hand dismissively in an attempt to brush this flawed thinking aside. Minimizing collateral damage is the main goal." Everyone present looked at her. "By the way, how long will Misaka have to wait before she can taste the pineapple coconut drink? Misaka asks with growing impatience, implying that someone here is holding/delaying the departure. Misaka state next, that she won't reveal any more to this matter, silently demanding that drink."
At that suggestion, the first brunette averted her gaze somewhere in the unknown to hide her tired expression from the (smooth talker). Once again, her Imoto was able to completely plow through her pace and subdue her into hers rhythm.
The redhead partially calmed down as she finally put the pieces of information together. She commented how much she respects her Sissy, when actually even the whimsical punishment she received from her goddess is actually for her own good. Realizing that she would be restless in that golden cage like a wolf that wants to run outside to follow its instincts, she got excited, going into a dreamy state. That's why she didn't even object [she was dreaming about her idol with blushed face], when the black-haired dorm manager technically dragged short girl behind her, by the collar like a sack, while only she walked down the corridor with a vigorous step.
At that time, only a policewoman in a blue uniform remained, who showed the two girls the direction and ordered them to follow her. Mikoto took on a determined look, because it was high time for them to travel to a certain Aqua Park. There will be certain someone, who will be waiting for her. But if that someone will be unwilling to speak, she can zap out the answers she wants. Yet, let no one shall wish for her wrath, if it happens that the person happens to not be there.
-Anti-Skill HQ , is a large tall square building containing everything necessary for this police like organization to function "under almost any conditions". From training rooms to a huge conference hall. From large warehouses and garages, to production capacities that would ensure activity even if they were cut off from all supply for several months. Respectable when we look at the fact that this is the civilian part of the executive power, aimed at maintaining public order.
-The military part is buried in bunkers (mainly the 2nd and 23rd districts) and has technologies and equipment that exceed the world's competition by an entire generation. Do not count secret warehouses and projects marked as too advanced even for 'next generation'.
-The second District, in addition to the military-oriented facilities, contains the Judgment and Anti-Skill training areas. It is interesting that the garden of education (located in the 7th district) is practically adjacent to the other.
Neoprene is the material used to make tight water resistant suits ts for water sports. Its purpose is to provide protection against loss of body temperature, dehydration, wind and sunlight. Some modifications provide partial protection against deformations caused by atmospheric pressure when diving at greater depths. However, the dominant black color scheme is the main reason why sharks mistake surfers and swimmers for seals, which are their main food. Yet it is a specific type of frog who is notoriously know for trying to eat everybody they see, even if it means they die suffocating, because the target is too big.
If you are interested, the biggest and most valuable 'asset' [active property] of the Academic City is its enormous database of advanced knowledge from all possible fields, known as (the 'Bank'). It is so comprehensive that the mere publication of its contents (theft, release to the world) would throw the whole world into chaos. That's why the city actually has such a strong information control. Mikoto (on her own) hack to the 'bank' only once, to find out if she was capable to do it. But since saving the sisters, she has refrained from similar intrusions into such important places.