The First Steps

After finishing her drink and reassuring Laine that she was fine, Rache was left on her own.

The day passed in a blur, though it might have been that she kept falling asleep.

That definitely would explain why the day felt so short.

Laine came back that night, and in the morning she woke up by a familiar knocking at the door.

"Come in," she called out sleepily.

"Morning, dear," Laine announced her presence. "Shall I lay out a fresh dress for you?"

"...Mmh. Yes. Please."

She yawned and stretched out, then slowly, painfully pulled herself up out of bed.

Just standing up felt like she'd strained an old injury.

...There had to be a way to stop this.


She didn't know how.



She also didn't know how she'd explain she wanted to avoid Donncahd marrying Airie, because he'd kill her and she knew that for certain.

There was also the delicate matter of the plot.

Things improved in the long run because of the quest for Auberon's Edge, and Altoran would only be motivated to go on that quest because of Donncahd's rapid conquest, which required Aurania's downfall.

She pressed her lips together as she sat down in the chair, watching her hair be brushed out and braided.

Donncahd had to remain an evil king.

Altoran had to go on his quest.

Princess Airie had to marry Donncahd.

She sighed.

These three things had to happen.


Did they?

Could she interfere with the plot and lead the entire future of the world down an unintended path?

She did know Auberon's Edge pretty well. If she could somehow get herself in a position of influence, she might be able to guide certain things to happen while avoiding the bad things.

Like every reader's fantasy about their favorite book.

...It was...

Definitely just a fantasy at this point though. A maid getting into any kind of position of power, let alone one that could influence the entire world was...


Not that she even knew how to get started on this plan.

Perhaps just working up the strength to leave the room was enough for the time being.

Once she could stand on her own and walk around, then she could contemplate what to do about the greater moral dilemmas of the world of Auberon's Edge.

If Donncahd arrived and took Airie away to be married before she recovered enough to intervene, well. She supposed that was one way of the book ensuring it plot still happened.

Even if that were the case, she'd still have time to escape the kingdom with Laine somehow.

They could ride a carriage to Nial and wait until Altoran saved everyone.

"You've got such an odd look in your eyes, dear." Laine hummed. "Is there something on your mind?"

She startled a little.

"Huh? Uh."

Was it that obvious?

"I... It's nothing. Just tired. I'm trying to stay awake."

"If you say so, sweetie."

Laine smiled at her softly.

"If you're tired standing up, we'll put off trying to walk more to another day. How about some cake, mm?"

...She loved cake.

"I'd love some cake."

"A wonderful choice, darling!"


Cake sounded really good.


"Alright, sweetie why don't we try walking today?"

The past day had passed in almost as much of a blur as the one before.

But she did feel a little bit stronger today.

"...Alright. I think I can do that."

Laine gave her a warm smile.

It felt a little like she could feel Laine's warmth soaking into her bones just from the smile.

Rache didn't have a lot of clear memories of her mother but-

If she did, she'd imagine she'd remember it like this.

"Come, stand up. There, good."

Laine took her by the elbow and guided her to her feet.

"Very good. You're getting stronger, I'm sure of it. I can feel the health coming back to you just by touch alone. Oh, isn't that something?" She smiled and patted Rache's cheek.

"It'll only be a moment longer, dear, before you're back to full health. We can only hope that you haven't lost any of that cleverness of yours in the fever, too."

She sighed, giving a wistful smile. "That would be a tragedy. It's been a lonely time without your clever and sweet comments in the kitchen and laundry, darling. We miss you down there with us."

Laine gently ruffled her hair. "Well. it's lovely to have you with me up here. Don't worry. We'll fix this."

Laine kept up a steady stream of chatter as she led Rache through a few paces back and forth across the room.

It was honestly tiring just doing that much, but Rache did her best to not show it.

She wanted to show Laine and herself that she was getting better.

She wanted to prove to herself that she was.

"Wonderful, darling. What a fine pace. You'll be back in the kitchen with the rest of the maid's club in no time."

"The...maid's club?"

"Yes, dear. The maid's club. We have a special club for maidfolk to learn special skills. You and the other maidfolk in the castle all attended and learned in it, after all."

Maidwork wasn't exactly something Rache had ever wanted to do.


Laine was so gentle and kind and supportive of her, and the woman seemed determined that this was a part of being a maid. So perhaps it wouldn't be a terrible life to live.

Well - until they left for Nial, anyway.

She stepped a bit weird, lurched, and her legs collapsed underneath her.

It was a quick grab by Laine to catch her and gently lower her back down, but that didn't make Rache feel any better.

She was frustratingly weak.

It was so damn difficult, this feeling of powerlessness.

"It's okay, dear. It's alright. These things take time." Laine gently brushed Rache's hair from her face.

"One step at a time, my dear. So long as we're alive, we only need to worry about one step ahead. Nothing else is important."

Her chest ached.

She clenched her fists and forced herself to meet the maid's gaze.


The woman smiled and pinched her cheeks lightly. "Alright then. You sit and rest. Let me get you some nice warm chicken soup."

Laine winked and leaned in, as if sharing a secret. "We'll see if I can sneak a little cake out of the kitchen, too, as a celebration for how much you've walked today.'


She really didn't want Laine to die.