The Deal

Airie's declaration made Rache feel like she'd missed several chapters in her book.

She gaped and stared at the princess in a stunned, disbelieving silence.


But her mind was moving quickly.

She had to gather her thoughts and be rational.

In the story of Auberon's Edge, Airie is indeed the princess that marries Prince Donncahd, but some time shortly after the marriage, he turns and slays the princess without warning, and sieges the nation of Aurania.

She knew this. And so, it was right that Airie wouldn't want to be a part of this marriage.

But she'd not told anyone about this.

There was no way Airie would know it.

And even if she did, surely she'd be calling off the wedding and faux-alliance entirely, preparing for war instead. Right?

Rache stared at Airie, struggling for words.

The princess stared back at her with a disinterested frown.

"You should be happy." She sighed. "Although you are common born, not only have you survived the Quickening, but you will live life as a queen. Beautiful and powerful."

She waved a hand then.

"For a while, at least. Fear not." Her lips curled up into a little smile.

"I have no intention of living my life in hiding. We need only find time. Once Aurania no longer needs the alliance with Sidera, I will be able to announce my true identity once more, and free you from your play."


What would happen to the fake Airie living in Sidera when that happened?

Airie gazed at Rache, and she gave a sigh.

"It is a burden, I know." She shrugged. "But a royal's duty is a heavy one. Surely you understand."

"...Not...exactly." Rache shook her head slowly. "Your Highness, why...?"

Airie gave her an incredulous look. "Is it not obvious? Prince Donncahd is terrible."

"I know that." She coughed and shook her head again. "B-But why me?"

"Is it not obvious?" She looked at Rache with confusion, then glanced between the men holding the maid in place.

After a moment - where she hardly even had the chance to respond - Airie sighed and shook her head.

"You survived the Quickening. At least you have for now, at any rate." She tapped her lips, eyeing Rache's slim form briefly, before continuing.

"As a prize for your survival, you have been gifted an appearance much like the royal family's. Prince Donncahd has never set eyes upon myself, the princess. And so you see, you have a unique opportunity to serve the crown."

"--What if I'm not interested in the opportunity?"

The bite in her words actually surprised herself, given how...

Confusing and...

Terrifying this all was.

The princess' gaze flickered back to her, eyes like hard amethyst. "To refuse the a command is treason."

Rache trembled, but forced herself to stand strong.

"I am already dying, your highness." She bit out. "And so will you, if I were to tell the prince of this plan of yours."

Airie's lips thinned into an ugly line.

She snapped her fingers and one of the guards grabbed Rache's hair, yanking her head backward painfully.

The blade she felt at her neck left little doubt as to the princess' response to that particular threat.

Which was.



It wasn't understandable.

But it wasn't surprising.

Rache's hands gripped into fists.

Honestly, she wasn't certain where her defiance sprung from. A part of her still wanted to curl up and run away, hide in a corner and cry or...

Maybe just have a panic attack, because what this woman was saying, whether she knew it or not, was condemning her to a brutal death.

...But then again. Maybe that's where the bravery came from. She read - or heard - once, that the uncertainty of fear caused cowardice, but the certainty of it brought peace.

She didn't know where it came from.

But maybe it was right.

She swallowed and glared at the princess.

"If you kill me, you won't be able to find another like me to take your place. You'll have no choice but to take the hand of the prince yourself."

"Hm." Airie's eyes narrowed.

Rache clenched her fists hard enough that her hands hurt.

The woman staring coldly at her.

She'd been feeling sympathy for only minutes ago.

"Very well, then, little maid." Airie spoke soft and sweet, her voice like music, a stark contrast to the coldness in her eyes. "You have convinced me of your position. Release her."

The hands that had up until that point been lifting her shoulders just enough to support her weight vanished with enough suddenness that her knees gave out.

Rache dropped to the ground with a grunt, barely catching herself with her arms.

The soft sound of silks shifting met her ears as Airie knelt down just enough to speak to her. Her white hair shimmered in the dim light.

"I will grant you a favor, little maid. Although protecting this land of Aurania should be reward in itself, I am willing to indulge you for the weight of your sacrifice."

She reached out and brushed the hair from Airie's face. Her palm was cool on Rache's cheek. Her smile was so kind it made Rache shiver in disgust.

"Make one request and I will grant it in exchange for your cooperation." Airie lifted one finger from her other hand. "But if your request offends me, I will retract this offer. Understood?"

She looked up into the girl's eyes.

What a horrid, horrid creature.

The truth was...

Rache had more power in these negotiations than Airie was willing to admit.

She could drive a hard bargain.

The problem was that if she tried, it was very likely her fragile body would give out under the intensity of Airie's harsh handling.

While it was tempting to spite Airie...

Well, she didn't want to die. And marrying Donncahd meant death, but at least that was death later - something she might be able to escape. Fighting Airie now meant death now, and she wasn't some tactical genius who could find some escape from that in a matter of minutes.

And besides that...

When Airie went to Sidera...

The fates of everyone left behind would be sealed.

The fate of Laine, who didn't even know this was happening would be sealed.

Probably, even if Rache agreed, she wouldn't be able to stop the inevitability of plot marching forward.


"My request is simple, Princess."

The woman arched a brow. "Your princess is listening to your plea."

"....Send the maid Laine to Nial." She bit her lip. "Permanently banish her there immediately."

"...Is that all?" The princess asked with a low voice.

She could not know Rache's attachment to Laine, the kindness she showed.

She couldn't know that Nial would be one of the few nations where the dark fingers of Donncahd never quite reached.


Perhaps she could have asked for something more, for the other maids, for the others in the city but...

This was.

Of absolute importance.

Even if she couldn't escape Donncahd and meet up with Laine there one day...

Even if the razing of Aurania was inevitable.


All she could ask for, if not her own life, was Laine's life.

And Airie's eyes glittered at the name.

"That's all I ask." Rache whispered. "Please."

The princess drew in a breath then and stood. "Very well then. I suppose it is not unreasonable to wish to settle debts and scores before leaving behind a life. I will grant this request in exchange for your service."

"I thank you, princess."

She bowed her head, and tried to bite back tears that...

She wasn't certain the origin of.

At least this way she could try to meet up with Laine again.

At least this way she knew that kind, gentle woman would live.

No matter what.

"Now then, get this maid dressed and made up properly."

The princess crossed her arms as the guards once more yanked Rache up to her feet.

"From the moment you leave these doors, the name and life you once had will be gone. You shall be the true Princess Airie as far as this world knows until the time that I can return. Behave properly."

She hummed. "At a glance there are none in Aurania who will suspect that any could look like me, and none in Sidera will have seen me, but if you act as a fool even a beautiful face such as yours will be a waste."

Rache drew in a breath. "...I don't know how to act like a princess. I'm just a maid."

Airie's smile seemed a touch sardonic. "Obey. Submit. Do as the prince desires, but maintain your dignity to all others. That will suffice."

Just as the guards began to move Rache deeper into the room - where no doubt there were people to perform their makeover on her - Airie held up a hand.

"Remember. If you reveal the truth to Prince will be the first one he kills."