The Bath

"Princess! Your bath is ready." Fiadh walked back into the room carrying a towel and soap. The maid's smile faded. She glanced around the empty room, searching for something. "Are you alright, Your Highness...?"

"...Yes," Rache murmured. "Thank you for setting it up. It wasn't too much work, was it?"

"Oh, of course not. It was nothing. Just let me help you get into it, alright? Here. Take the towel."

The maid helped her out of the bed. She was a bit wobbly on her feet, but not terribly so. She managed to walk to the bathroom on her own, though she was leaning heavily on Fiadh for support.

Once they reached the tub, Fiadh let her go and began undressing Rache, pulling off the clothes that stuck to her body with sweat and grime.

As the girl worked, she kept talking. It seemed to be her natural state.

"Prince Donncahd seemed really concerned when you passed out in the garden. I saw him carry you all the way to the infirmary."