The Cloak

After a moment he stopped, turning towards her again.

"I won't hold your hand all the way there, glass princess." He gestured at the doors of the palace. They were tall and intimidating. So huge she couldn't imagine what they could possibly have been built to accommodate.

Perhaps they were so large simply to allow for more reinforcement in the case of a siege.

She didn't understand siege warfare very much, but she did know that the castle had been built with that in mind, because Auberon's Edge had said as much.

Therefore, it made since that the heavy wooden doors ahead of her, currently propped open, were designed to be effective in deterring invaders.

"Or will you get yourself lost in the courtyard?" Donncahd's voice was sharp. Mocking. His red eyes focused on her as if he expected her to affirm that she might.

Her face flared up.

She was still being teased for her inability to get out of the castle.