The Quiet Village

For all that this was a brand new, completely different world to the one she was born into, it didn't really look all that impressive when walking along the road.

Not to say it wasn't beautiful, but she was more struck with the fact that this new world looked pretty much the same as her old one.

Once you were in a town, it looked just like any other European style renaissance village you might stumble across in pictures or paintings.

Which wasn't exactly shocking - she'd spent quite a while in the palaces so far, and they were just about the same as this: a standard renaissance style look.

And that did match what was described in Auberon's Edge/

She found it a bit ironic.

She was in an entirely different world, and yet she was struggling to keep the feeling of wonder that should come from an alien world, because there just wasn't anything alien in the place for her to look at.