The Dripping Water

Her neck hurt.

Apparently, she'd dozed off at some point. And there was not a tall prince for her to lean against. So she slumped into an uncomfortable angle.

And now she hurt.

It took Rache a few moments to even remember what had happened. In her sleep, she'd lost most of her tension. It was only the discomfort that woke her. Then...

Her eyes adjusted.

She'd woken up with her arms full. Darrach had curled up against her chest and slept, keeping himself close to her body heat.

She smiled softly at the sleeping goat. He was still small enough that holding him wasn't all that bad for long periods. It wasn't as if he were some huge beast of a dog that might crush her with his weight.

His limbs weren't even long and awkward enough to make it difficult to cradle him yet.