She had never thought that she'd consider the bed she shared with Donncahd to be 'hers'. Nor had she expected to feel a sense of relief when she laid down in it.
After that surprisingly long trip - that was almost completely comprised of everything other than hunting - there was something.
She couldn't quite place it.
But something.
A tightness in her chest, a weight on her shoulders, and a soreness in her legs that all loosened up and faded away when she laid down under the blankets of the royal sized bed in the room.
Compared to the inn in Gypsditch...
It really showed how uncomfortable the straw bed and medical cots had been.
Because there really was no comparison at all to be made between the royal bed she laid in now and the one she'd slept in for a night and a day in Gypsditch.
And it.