The Sleepwalk

Rache made a soft groaning sound at the back of her throat as she tried to sit up on the edge of the bed, shifting the blankets and pulling them off of her a little bit at a time so she could move around easier.

"Where." She grumbled softly under her breath, more than a bit aggravated. "...Where is it."

Darry made a snuffling and sniffly sounding noise as he wriggled around in the blankets, nibbling at her arm in protest of the disturbance.

It was adorable and a little bit funny, honestly.

Though it didn't really do much to make the baby goat seem particularly menacing. Rache reached down and gently petted his head, ruffling his little fluffy curls. She didn't say a word to the baby goat as she moved.

What was important was finding his milk and feeding him, anyway.

She couldn't remember where she put it though, because her mind was foggy for some reason. Why was that...?


It didn't really matter.