The Sudden Maid

She played it safe and avoided reading the maps for too long. By the time the inevitable worried Fiadh jumpscared her by suddenly popping her head around the side of the bookcase like some kind of. Grim Reaper Jack-in-the-box.

She'd been reading some useless book. About Sideran culture, or something.

She'd forgotten.

Because the moment Fiadh scared her like that she screamed and dropped it.

And couldn't remember the title of the book to save her own life, after.

"Please! Do not scream, Your Highness, it is only I!" Fiadh's eyes grew wide at her frightened scream.

She'd been smiling before that. Which made Rache feel bad, since it wasn't as if Fiadh had done anything wrong.

And maybe worse, her scream had scared her sweet, faint-of-heart goat.

The baby was crying out, terrified.

"It is alright, Darry!" Rache pulled her goat closer. "Shhh! Don't be scared! Don't be scared!"