The following morning brought a welcome calm to New Haven, though it was underscored by an unmistakable tension. The group awoke early, ready to prepare for the next phase of their efforts against the vampires. The knowledge that someone, something, was orchestrating these attacks weighed heavily on everyone. The air was crisp as they gathered in the courtyard, the rising sun casting long shadows across the town.
John unrolled a large map across the table in the war room, his finger tracing a winding path through the mountains north of New Haven. "The scouts confirmed a series of caves here, just beyond the ridgeline. If there's more of those altars, or worse, we need to find them before another attack."
"Or before they bring something worse to our doorstep," Raven added, leaning over the table. Her dark eyes flicked to George. "If we take this fight to them, we need to hit hard and fast."