A New Way to Use Space Magic

In a small inn in Elandor, Elion sat cross-legged, his body radiating with mana as it swirled around him. 

He was deeply focused, absorbing the ancient and powerful knowledge of void magic that now coursed through his mind. The room was silent, save for the faint hum of energy that echoed from his training.

As he delved into the intricacies of void magic, Elion couldn't help but recall the first time he unknowingly wielded its destructive force. 

Back then, he had instinctively gathered the spatial distortions around him, compressing them into a single point—the moment his fist collided with the beast, everything in its path was annihilated. 

He was right to think that concentrating space like that would unleash immense power. But the cost was high. 

The memory of his broken, mangled arm made it clear: without refinement, using void magic in such a crude manner could easily cost him his life—or at the very least, a limb.

Avandor, the ancient mage whose inheritance now flowed through Elion, had approached void magic with caution. He never unleashed it near his body, always channeling it from a safe distance. 

While this method diminished the raw power of the void, it prioritized safety, ensuring that Avandor wasn't consumed by the very force he wielded.

Elion, however, had a different perspective. He recalled how, in a moment of desperation, he had used void magic up close, nearly sacrificing his arm for the devastating power it granted. It had been reckless, but it was undeniably effective.

Now, with both his and Avandor's methods swirling in his mind, Elion envisioned something far more ambitious—a way to merge both techniques. If he could master the delicate balance between proximity and control, he could unleash the full, destructive potential of void magic without tearing himself apart. 

By expanding space around him, and compressing it outside this 'space barrier', he could wield void magic at its peak, amplifying its capabilities while safeguarding his body from the backlash.

It was a dangerous idea, but one that had the potential to revolutionize void magic itself.

Space magic wasn't just about compressing space to shorten distances. If space could be compressed, it could also be expanded—stretched to increase distance, creating barriers or even vast gaps between objects and attacks. 

This new understanding opened a realm of possibilities. Instead of risking his body to obliterate foes with compressed space, perhaps he could distort space itself, creating vast distances between him and danger.

If compressed space could distort matter and create a void where everything perished, then the reverse should also hold true. 

To protect himself from the devastating force of his own magic, Elion realized he could enlarge the space between his arm and the void he created. 

By expanding the distance, he could shield his arm from the destructive effects, channeling the raw power of void magic outward without tearing himself apart. It was a delicate balance—using the vastness of space to contain the chaos, ensuring his own survival while still wielding its immense power.

Having already mastered the basics of compressing space and releasing crude void magic, Elion decided it was time to practice the opposite—space expansion. 

He went outside and approached a nearby tree, placing his hand just a fraction of a millimeter from the bark.

Focusing intently, he began channeling his magic, trying to expand the space between his hand and the tree. The goal was simple: to stretch the distance without physically moving, creating a barrier of space that would push the world itself apart, if only slightly. 

This would test his precision and control, laying the foundation for using void magic with his body without harming himself.

"Damn it, this is harder than I thought," Elion muttered. 

Every time he'd used space magic before, it had been about shortening the distance between two points, manipulating space to teleport or compress. 

Now, trying to expand it felt completely counterintuitive. 'It's like everything I've learned is wrong,' he thought, frustration building. 

"I mastered one technique, only to realize I have to start over from scratch." The complexity of reversing what had become second nature weighed on him, but he knew mastering this was key to controlling the destructive power of void magic without harming himself.

Elion stood still for a moment, taking a deep breath as he focused on the tree in front of him again. His hand hovered near the bark, less than an inch away. 

He closed his eyes and began channeling his mana, trying to feel the flow of space around him. It was a familiar sensation.

He visualized the space between his palm and the tree as a taut string. His mana began to vibrate in response, and for a moment, he felt the familiar sensation of space bending to his will. The distance expanded—a mere fraction, but noticeable.

Sweat dripped from his brow as he pushed harder. The air around his hand distorted, shimmering with energy. Slowly, the gap between his hand and the tree increased even further, but just as Elion felt he was making progress, the connection snapped. His hand jerked back, and he staggered, panting.

"Damn it!" he cursed under his breath, shaking out the tension in his arm.

But when he looked again, the distance between his hand and the tree had indeed increased by a small but significant amount. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start. Elion grinned, wiping the sweat from his face.

"I actually did it, even if just a little," he whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming with a renewed sense of determination.

Elion dedicated the next four weeks to mastering the art of space expansion. Day after day, he practiced relentlessly, focusing on both enlarging and shortening space, fine-tuning his control. 

Each training session brought him closer to a deeper understanding of the forces he wielded.

By the end of his intense training, Elion felt a profound shift. He no longer struggled with the concepts that once seemed elusive. Space itself felt malleable in his hands, bending and stretching at his will, as though it were an extension of his own body.

The realization hit him—he had only scratched the surface of space magic before. What he once thought was mastery was nothing more than crude manipulation. 

Now, with his newfound abilities, Elion understood that he had unlocked the true potential of space, elevating himself beyond anything he had imagined.

"It's like the very fabric of reality bends to my command now," he mused, a satisfied smile creeping across his face. "What I was before was nothing. Now... now I am truly a master."

[What master, kid?] 

Valen's voice cut through Elion's thoughts like a cold wind. 

[You're still stuck at the threshold of the Soul-Strengthening Realm. Any Body and Soul Fusion expert could crush you like an ant. Stop getting ahead of yourself.]

Elion's grin faltered as he rolled his eyes. 'Way to ruin the moment, Valen.'

[Just keeping you grounded. A little space magic doesn't mean you're invincible.] 

Valen's tone was stern, but there was an undercurrent of amusement. 

[You've got potential, sure. But keep your ego in check.]

Elion sighed. 'Yeah, yeah. I know. Still, progress is progress.'

"Time to train some void magic for real," Elion grinned, feeling the familiar rush of excitement course through him. He stood up, stretching his arms as he mentally prepared for the challenge ahead. 

Void magic was dangerous, and he had already experienced firsthand how easily it could backfire. But now, with weeks of intense training under his belt, he felt ready to push his limits.

Elion found a clearing just outside the city of Elandor, a place isolated enough where no one would get caught in the crossfire. He closed his eyes, focusing his mind, and slowly began channeling mana into his hands. 

The familiar sensation of space magic rippled through him, but this time he wasn't going to merely distort or teleport. This time, he would attempt to manipulate the void—the nothing, the ultimate compression of space, that annihilates everything that was once inside it.

He lifted his hand, visualizing a point in the air before him. Slowly, he compressed the space, focusing all his energy on that single point. The air began to shimmer and warp, creating a small, dark sphere that absorbed light, leaving only a void in its place.

Elion gritted his teeth as he felt the pressure building. This was where it usually went wrong—he had lost control before, and it nearly cost him his arm. But not this time. This time, he knew what to do. 

He expanded the space around his arm, pushing the void magic away from his body just as it reached its critical point.

The void sphere pulsed, destabilizing for a moment, but then held. Elion exhaled, sweat beading on his forehead. He had done it—he had created pure void magic without harming himself.

'Not bad,' he thought, admiring the deadly, swirling mass of nothingness.

[Careful, kid. It might look stable now, but one wrong move and that thing will swallow you whole.] 

Valen's voice warned in his mind, though Elion could sense a hint of pride in his tone.

Elion nodded, focusing once again. With a flick of his wrist, he released the void magic, watching as it shot forward and obliterated a large boulder in its path, leaving behind nothing but a scorched crater.

A surge of triumph welled up in Elion's chest. He could feel the power in his hands, the raw force of the void at his command. But it wasn't enough. He needed more control. He needed to master it.

Without hesitation, Elion turned toward a nearby tree. This time, instead of creating a void, he attempted to warp the space around it—enlarge and compress at will. 

His hand moved fluidly as he expanded the space between his palm and the tree, increasing the distance, then suddenly shortening it in an instant. The tree bent unnaturally as if space itself was bending at his command.

"Not perfect," Elion muttered, but it was progress. He could feel the magic becoming an extension of himself, something that responded to his thoughts rather than just raw force.

He spent the next several hours practicing, alternating between void and space manipulation, testing the boundaries of what he could do. 

Each time, the control came easier, the void less dangerous, the space more malleable. And by the time the sun began to set, Elion stood in the clearing, exhausted but satisfied. 

"I think I'm finally getting it," he whispered, looking down at his hands. The void was no longer just a chaotic force—it was something he could wield, something he could command.

[Don't get cocky.] 

Valen chimed in, but this time there was no harshness in his tone, only a quiet sense of acknowledgment.

Elion smiled. "I'm not. But soon... I'll be ready."