A New Mother is Born

As the battle raged on, the number of wolves gradually diminished. The combined efforts of the adventurers and the city guards were starting to show results. 

Wolves fell one by one until only two beasts remained, each at the peak of the Fourth Stage Realm. The guards focused their strength on subduing the last of the pack, their coordinated attacks keeping the remaining wolves at bay.

While the guards engaged the last two formidable beasts, Elion's keen senses caught something unusual—a faint ripple of mana coming from deeper within the forest. 

Following his instincts, he quietly slipped away from the main battle and ventured into the thick underbrush, his eyes scanning for the source of the disturbance.

He soon stumbled upon a hidden cave entrance, half-concealed by dense foliage and claw marks on the ground, indicating that the wolf pack frequently used it. 

A strange, heavy feeling in the air confirmed his suspicions: this wasn't just any resting place—it was saturated with wild, chaotic mana. Elion's heart quickened, curiosity overtaking his initial caution as he stepped inside.

The cave was dimly lit, with the faint glow of residual mana illuminating jagged walls. As he moved deeper, the air became thick and oppressive, buzzing with unstable energy that made his skin tingle. 

Then, in a secluded alcove at the cave's end, Elion saw it—a large, pulsating egg nestled among the rocks, exuding waves of mana that distorted the air around it.

The egg wasn't like any Elion had seen before. Its shell was a deep, iridescent black, threaded with veins of blue mana that pulsed rhythmically, almost like a heartbeat. 

It radiated a raw power that filled the cave, and Elion could feel the intensity of its presence deep in his bones.

"What... what kind of beast could be inside this?" Elion whispered to himself, his gaze fixed on the ominous egg. His instincts told him that whatever was inside had the potential to be more dangerous than the entire pack of wolves combined.

"This can't be a wolf, right? Wolves don't lay eggs..." Elion muttered, bewildered by the sight before him.

As Elion stepped closer to the pulsating egg, a strange sense of familiarity washed over him, like an invisible thread pulling him toward it. 

He hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering just above the shell, feeling the intense mana radiating from it. Curiosity overpowered caution, and he gently touched the egg's surface.

The reaction was immediate. Cracks spidered across the shell, glowing with an otherworldly light. 

Elion instinctively pulled back, but the egg continued to break apart on its own, shedding pieces like fragile glass until, nestled in the remains, a small creature emerged—a tiny, dog-like pup, barely the size of his palm, with eyes closed and faint, silvery fur that shimmered with traces of mana.

The pup stirred, letting out a soft, almost melodic whimper as if recognizing Elion's presence.

"M-Mama?" the tiny pup squeaked, its voice unexpectedly clear for something so newly hatched.

Elion's eyes widened in disbelief. "Mama?! What the—? I'm not your mama!" he sputtered, stepping back. "How can a newborn pup even talk?"

[This isn't just any beast.] 

Valen's voice echoed in Elion's mind, sounding equally astonished. 

[It's an ancient breed that inherits memories and abilities directly through its bloodline. I've never seen one in my lifetime.]

The puppy dashed toward Elion's head with startling speed. Though Elion could have easily dodged, he was too stunned by the situation, and the little creature effortlessly perched itself on his head.

"Yawn," the pup sighed contentedly, curling up as if it had found the most comfortable spot in the world, and promptly fell asleep.

Elion stared up, baffled. "Seriously? It just dozed off like that? Who sleeps on someone's head so easily?"

[Not just anyone's head] 

Valen chuckled. 

[It's sleeping on its mama's head! HAHAHAHAHA!]

Elion groaned. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Well, at least it's pretty cute," Elion muttered, reaching up to gently stroke the puppy's soft fur. "Feeding it shouldn't be an issue, I've got enough money to spare."

As his fingers brushed over the tiny creature, the puppy stirred slightly, its small body leaning into his touch, a soft purr-like sound escaping it as it remained blissfully asleep. 

Elion couldn't help but smile at the sight; despite the bizarre circumstances, something was endearing about the little beast's trust in him. 

"Looks like someone's enjoying this," he murmured, continuing to caress the pup, feeling its rhythmic breathing calm under his hand.

"Well, I should get going. Can't have the group missing me and refusing to pay up when the mission's over. I might have plenty of money, but it never hurts to have more," Elion said, giving the pup one last pat before heading out of the cave.

He made his way back to the battle site, just in time to witness the guard captain delivering the final blow to the last remaining wolf. 

The captain's blade cut cleanly through the beast's neck, ending the skirmish with one decisive strike. 

Around him, the other guards and adventurers were busy collecting useful parts from the fallen monsters—sharp fangs, tough pelts, and most importantly, the valuable monster cores that pulsed with residual mana.

"Gather all usable parts!" the captain commanded, his voice cutting through the noise. "We're heading back. Rewards will be distributed once we return to the city."

The adventurers nodded, eager to cash in on their hard-earned victory. Elion joined them, collecting a few cores for himself. As he tucked the items away, he couldn't help but glance at the captain, who was already organizing the march back to Elandor.

Elion fell in line with the group, a small, satisfied smile on his face. Today had been a good day; he'd tested his magic, found something unexpected, and even managed to survive.

Now, it was time to reap the rewards.

As Elion walked alongside the combatants on the way back to Elandor, he couldn't help but notice the amused and curious glances thrown his way. 

A few adventurers exchanged knowing smirks and quiet chuckles, clearly entertained by something. Elion raised an eyebrow, wondering what had them all so interested until he remembered the small creature comfortably perched on his head.

One of the adventurers, the mage Elion had saved earlier, approached with a broad grin. "Elion, right? Thanks for the assist back there—I'd have been wolf chow if not for you."

Elion nodded, smiling slightly. "Don't mention it. Just doing my part."

The mage chuckled, his eyes drifting up to the little pup sprawled on Elion's head, still snoozing peacefully. "So, when did you decide to adopt a puppy? I don't remember that being part of the mission."

Elion sighed, feeling the soft, rhythmic breathing of the pup above him. "Yeah, about that… It sort of just happened. I found it in a cave while we were mopping up the last of the wolves. Next thing I knew, it was claiming my head as its new bed."

The mage laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, it's cute, I'll give you that. You might have just picked up the most adorable companion I've ever seen. Thanks again for having my back out there. I owe you one."

Elion shrugged, his hand reflexively reaching up to pat the sleeping pup. "No problem. Just make sure you don't get yourself cornered again."

With a grateful nod, the mage rejoined the group, leaving Elion to ponder his unexpected new role as a "parent." Despite the bizarre circumstances, he couldn't help but smile at the warmth of it all.