
Elion smiled back at Dorian, sensing his excitement. Truth be told, despite the gravity of his mission—saving the city of Varzinhein and its people, all while ensuring he didn't lose his life in the process—he was enjoying the fight more than he expected. The thrill of the battle made his blood rush.

"In that case, let me try something else," Elion said with a grin, channeling his mana. His right fist became enveloped in space magic, warping the distance around it. First, he expanded the space, increasing the distance between his fist and the outside world. Then, in an instant, he compressed the space rapidly, distorting space and creating a void.

Dorian's sharp eyes didn't miss the dangerous energy swirling around Elion's hand. His heart skipped a beat as he sensed the immense, crushing force contained within it.

"Since you're going all out, I won't hold back either," Dorian replied with a determined smirk, concentrating all his aura into his spear. The air around him thickened with power as he prepared for the clash.

The two combatants locked eyes, understanding that this next strike would decide the winner.

In an explosive moment, Elion's fist collided with Dorian's aura-infused spear. The sheer force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, causing the very ground beneath them to tremble. 

Both Elion and Dorian were flung backward with tremendous force, hurtling to opposite ends of the arena. They crashed into the stone barriers with heavy thuds, blood trickling from their lips as they lay on the ground, struggling to stand.

The elf judge, seeing both combatants wounded and unable to rise, raised his hand. "This match ends in a tie!" he declared, his voice echoing through the hall.

The crowd watched in awe, completely mesmerized by the battle. Neither combatant showed any sign of weakness—despite their young age, both fought with the skill and precision of seasoned war veterans. 

What captivated the audience even more was the challenger, a mere human child, matching blow for blow with Dorian, a noble vampire hailed as one of the most gifted of his generation. Elion's talent, standing on par with Dorian's exceptional abilities, left everyone astonished.

Clap, clap, clap ,clap.

The sound of applause began with Lucius, the host of the evening, followed swiftly by his wife, Evelyn, her graceful clapping echoing in support. Soon, the entire room erupted in applause, the sound swelling as everyone present acknowledged the brilliance of the battle.

Lucius Blackthorn's smile widened, pride evident in his eyes—not only had his son proven to be a formidable warrior, capable of defending their people from the demons, but a human child with equal strength had emerged as well.

"This was an extraordinary fight," Lucius declared, his voice carrying across the hall. "The future generation will soon surpass us and lead our fight against the demons."

As his words lingered in the air, two healers entered the arena, moving swiftly to tend to Dorian and Elion. Gentle streams of healing magic flowed from their hands, easing the boys' injuries. 

Elion and Dorian, still catching their breath, exchanged glances. Slowly, they both rose to their feet, and without a word, stepped toward each other.

With smiles of mutual respect, they clasped hands firmly, a silent acknowledgment of their incredible battle.

"That was something else," Dorian said, his grin broad.

"Likewise," Elion replied, matching the grin. "I won't forget it anytime soon." 

The crowd roared its approval, the handshake between the two fighters cementing a moment that no one present would soon forget.

"It wasn't really a win, but I quite liked the fight, so tell me. What do you wish in return for this fight? My father, after all, promised a reward," Dorian inquired, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

Elion knew this was the moment he needed—his chance to communicate with the Blackthorn family and warn them about the looming danger. However, he chose his words carefully, sensing that patience would serve him better in the long run.

"Well, since I didn't win, I won't be pretentious. How about we discuss martial arts in private after the celebration? I was really impressed by your fighting style. I'd love to learn something from it," Elion replied with a calm smile.

Dorian's eyes lit up with respect. "I admire that. A true warrior should always seek to improve himself," he said. "But why wait until after the celebration is over? Let's do it now."

Before Elion could respond, Dorian grabbed his hand, his grin broad and full of energy. Without hesitation, he began leading Elion out of the hall, their newly formed bond evident in the simple gesture.

As the crowd watched, they couldn't help but smile at the scene. Two young warriors, one a vampire and the other a human, had forged a friendship through their duel. Whispers of admiration spread through the room as Lucius and Evelyn exchanged approving glances, clearly pleased with the unfolding events.

Elion and Dorian walked side by side, leaving the hall behind, and unbeknownst to them, a small shadow trailed behind, moving quietly and furtively in their wake.

"This is my training hall. What do you think?" Dorian asked with a proud smile as they entered a spacious room. The hall was filled with an array of equipment and devices, all designed to hone strength and combat skills, and at its center stood an arena perfect for sparring.

'Rich people really live on another level,' Elion thought, glancing around in awe.

"Impressive," he said aloud. "Do you always train here alone?"

"Not always," Dorian replied. "Sometimes my father or one of his trusted subordinates joins me. The spear techniques I use are part of our family's legacy, passed down through generations. My father taught me everything I know." 

Elion nodded, not just in admiration of the training hall but of the weight of tradition that came with it. "You're fortunate to have that kind of guidance. It must be incredible to carry on your family's legacy."

Dorian, still smiling, tilted his head slightly. "And you? Where are you from? I know most of the geniuses around our age in the north, but I've never heard of you before. You must not be from around here, am I right?" There was curiosity in Dorian's voice.

"I came from Skywood Village, a small settlement far from here," Elion began, choosing his words carefully. "Initially, I came to the northern borders to train. I'd heard the battles here were more intense, and I thought it would push me further in my practice."

Dorian raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, initially? What changed?"

This was Elion's moment. If there was ever a time to reveal what he knew, it was now. Steeling himself, he decided to tell Dorian everything. "Actually, I came to this gathering with a purpose in mind. About three days ago, I overheard a conversation—two people discussing a plan that's already in motion to destroy the city."

Dorian's eyes widened, his skepticism growing. "Destroy the city? How?"

"They're planning to alter the city's portal coordinates, redirecting them to the demon realm," Elion explained, his tone grave. "Once that's done, the demons will be able to invade with full force, bypassing our defenses entirely."

Dorian's disbelief was evident. "That's impossible," he scoffed, shaking his head. "There's no way demons could infiltrate with enough force to pull off something like that. Any demons stronger than the third realm can't come through without alerting our sentries, and anything weaker wouldn't stand a chance against our defenses."

Elion, unwavering, held Dorian's gaze. "That's because they aren't demons. They're people people from our side who've made a pact with the demons. And one of them is here, in this very gathering. I recognized his voice."

Dorian's expression darkened, the weight of Elion's words sinking in. A mix of doubt and concern clouded his face, but he could see the urgency and sincerity in Elion's eyes. "Who was it?"

Elion nodded grimly. "A dwarf named Jonathan. I don't know who he was speaking to, but I overheard him say that they've already turned over 200 guards to their side. They're planning to seize control of the portal in four days."

Dorian's face hardened with determination. "If that's true, we don't have much time. Alright, I'll trust you. I'll talk with Father, even if he doesn't believe in your story, he'll at least investigate it and improve the defenses around the portal. This is enough to ensure that their plan doesn't come to fruition."

Before Elion could respond, a slow, mocking clap echoed through the hall, sending a chill down their spines. A voice, laced with malice, interrupted their conversation. "So that's what this is all about. I did wonder why a brat I didn't recognize was eyeing me during the party."

Elion's heart sank as the voice grew more familiar. Turning, he saw Jonathan, the dwarf, standing behind them with a sinister grin on his face. Mana swirled violently around him, gathering in waves. Elion's chest tightened—this was no ordinary mage. Jonathan was a mage at the peak of the Body and Soul Fusion Realm, a terrifyingly powerful opponent.

"You think you can foil our plan so easily?" Jonathan sneered, raising his hand. The air around them distorted as space itself began to warp. He wasn't wasting any time—he had locked the area, preventing them from escaping.

Panic surged through Elion as he realized the gravity of his mistake. 'Dammit! Valen warned me not to draw too much attention to him… looks like it's too late now.'