
Lucius and Evelyn departed swiftly, leaving Elion standing amidst the debris with the mysterious vampire who had saved him. 

"So, who are you?" Elion asked, curiosity piqued. "I heard Jonathan mention something about the king's shadow guard."

The vampire nodded. "Indeed. My name is Alverick. It's a pleasure to meet you face-to-face. I've been following you for almost three years under the king's orders, protecting and observing your progress. I work for the Shadow Protectors division."

Elion blinked in surprise. "Three years? I never even noticed. But why would the king give such an order?"

Alverick's expression remained unreadable. "I can't claim to fully understand the king's intentions. I simply follow his commands. But rest assured, his motives are always in Alastor's best interest."

Elion considered this, nodding slowly. "I see. Well, regardless of the reason, it's true I'd be dead without your help today. Thank you, Alverick." Elion smiled, extending his hand.

Alverick returned the smile, his grip firm as they shook hands. "It was my duty. But it was also a pleasure to finally meet and talk to you properly, Elion."

Elion nodded, grateful for Alverick's presence.

Alverick straightened up, his expression turning more serious. "Now, I must take my leave. There's a detailed report to be sent to His Majesty about this whole incident and your involvement. But rest assured, I'll continue to watch over you from the shadows."

Elion chuckled lightly. "Alright, take care."

Alverick gave a small nod, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You too—and try not to make my job more difficult than it already is, huh?"

With that, Alverick vanished into the shadows, leaving Elion standing alone, feeling both relieved and curious about the king's mysterious interest in him.

[It seems you've managed to draw quite a bit of attention to yourself, kid.]

'I have no idea why. I swear to god that I'm a low-key person. Don't you think so?' 

[Oh, absolutely.] 

Valen replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

[In your twelve years in Alastor, you've definitely kept a low profile.] 

'Heh. Whether you agree or not doesn't matter. Anyway, it's time to head home. I'm exhausted. I'll probably sleep until tomorrow, no doubt about that.'

Elion teleported back to his room in Varzinhein, the familiar surroundings offering a sense of relief after the intensity of the events that unfolded. 

His gaze immediately fell on a small, fluffy ball curled up in the middle of his bed. Fenrir, his ever-adorable companion, was sound asleep, completely oblivious to the chaos that had unfolded earlier.

'Even if the world was ending, this little guy would still just want to eat and sleep,' Elion thought, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched the tiny creature's chest rise and fall in peaceful slumber.

[Lazy or not, it's thanks to this little guy that you're still alive. Be thankful.] 

Valen's voice cut through his thoughts, pragmatic as ever.

'Of course, I'll make sure to repay him,' Elion replied mentally. 'I'll hunt down plenty of beast cores for him. I'm sure that would be his idea of paradise.'

Elion's thoughts lingered on Fenrir for a moment longer before a curious question arose in his mind. 

'Valen, something's been bothering me. How did Fenrir find me so easily back there? It's like he knew exactly where I was, even though we were far apart.'

[It's not that surprising.] 

Valen replied after a pause. 

[I believe you unintentionally formed a bond with him when he was born. Such a connection would be linked to your soul.]

Elion blinked, intrigued. 'A soul connection? That explains a lot. But why can't I feel it?'

[It's instinctual for him. His kind must be able to naturally track those they're bonded with through this connection. As for you, you haven't fully honed your awareness of it yet. It's something you'll develop over time.]

'So basically, he's better at it than I am,' Elion thought, grinning wryly. 'Thanks for the reminder.'

[You're not wrong, but don't feel too bad. It's hard to tap into your soul's deeper connections before reaching the Soul-Strengthening Realm. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try now. Close your eyes and focus. Maybe you'll surprise yourself.]

Elion took a deep breath and followed Valen's advice. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to focus inward, reaching for something he couldn't quite describe. 

It was elusive, like trying to grasp a mist. For a long moment, there was nothing but darkness and his own steady breathing. But then, faintly, he began to sense something. 

A subtle pull, like an invisible thread extending from deep within his soul. It was faint but unmistakable, and as he concentrated harder, the thread seemed to stretch outward, connecting to… Fenrir.

'I think I can feel it,' Elion thought, excitement bubbling up inside him. 'So this is how he found me.'


Valen acknowledged, his tone hinting at approval. 

[Now you understand. Over time, you'll become more attuned to it. In moments of danger, you'll be able to sense those connected to you, just like he does.]

Elion opened his eyes, the world around him coming back into focus. He glanced over at Fenrir, still fast asleep, blissfully unaware of the revelation Elion had just experienced. For the first time, he truly understood the depth of the bond they shared.

'I guess we're connected on a level I hadn't realized,' Elion mused. 'I'll have to take care of him properly, then.'

[That would be wise. Especially since he might save your life again someday, you are still too weak.]

Elion chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. 'Yeah, I owe him one. And maybe a few more beast cores.'

Elion stretched his weary limbs, feeling the exhaustion settle deep into his bones after the day's intense events. Every muscle ached, and his mind, though still buzzing with lingering thoughts, was beginning to surrender to the fatigue. 

He glanced at Fenrir, the small ball of fur still curled up peacefully on the bed, undisturbed by the world's chaos. With a soft smile, Elion walked over and gently picked Fenrir into his arms, careful not to wake him.

The warmth of his small companion brought a comforting sense of tranquility, one that Elion desperately wanted after almost failing. 

Slowly, Elion lay back on the bed, adjusting his position so that Fenrir could rest comfortably in the crook of his arm. The little creature stirred slightly, snuggling closer into Elion's embrace, its fur soft against his skin. 

Elion's eyelids grew heavier as the bed's softness enveloped him, and a sense of calm finally took over his restless thoughts.

As his head sank into the pillow, Elion's mind wandered, recalling the events of the day—the fierce battles, the unexpected allies, Lucius' intimidating presence, and the eerie yet casual mention of torture. 

But now, in the stillness of his room, with Fenrir safely nestled against him, those worries began to fade, replaced by a soothing sense of security.

And with that, his eyes closed completely, and the darkness of sleep embraced him.