
After finishing class, Elion got up, checking on his body. The pain from the previous day had vanished entirely. 

'Nothing like a good night's rest and some healing magic,' he mused, recalling his encounter with Princess Seraphina. 

After they left The Siren's Song, she had cast yet another healing spell on him, soothing his sore muscles and speeding up his recovery. 

'Princess Seraphina really is a godsend,' Elion thought, reflecting on her radiant smile and how she encouraged him to push harder in his training. Her support wasn't just helpful; she genuinely cared about his progress.

'I wonder why she's so concerned about my training… Could it be because she feels responsible after giving me her recommendation?' Elion thought, his brow furrowing slightly. 'Maybe she doesn't want me to tarnish her name or disappoint her expectations.' 

'All right, no point in overthinking it,' Elion resolved, shaking off his doubts. 'I'll just focus on pushing myself to break through as quickly as I can. This way I also won't disappoint Her Highness.'


A notification from his phone snapped Elion out of his thoughts. It was a message from Seraphina: [Meet me at my class. We'll head to your training after.]

Elion quickly typed a reply: [Ok, I'm on my way.] and stood up from his seat, heading towards her classroom. 

Fortunately, it wasn't far—all of the first-year Mage Department classes were located close to each other. 

He moved swiftly through the familiar hallways, already anticipating the intense training session to come after a day of rest.

As Elion made his way down the academy's corridors, he overheard a lively conversation between two students ahead of him.

"Hey, have you already prepared your clothes for the newcomers' welcome party this weekend? Even Princess Seraphina is attending this year," one student said excitedly.

"Of course! I prepared as soon as I arrived. My parents told me about it—it's one of the academy's oldest traditions. The welcome party is the most important event for first-years. It's our chance to meet seniors and make connections."

Elion's steps slowed as he listened to them. 'A party? I hadn't heard anything about it.' 

His brow furrowed in confusion as he realized that, somehow, this major event had completely slipped under his radar. 'A welcome party? I wonder why no one had mentioned it to me.'

[You barely talk to anyone and spend all your time training. What did you expect?]

'Right, I've been so focused on training that I barely interacted with anyone at the academy. I haven't even run into Dorian yet.'

'I'll ask Princess Seraphina about it. She probably knows more,' Elion said to Valen.

As Elion approached the Mage Department's S class, a foul, all-too-familiar stench assaulted his nostrils. After spending the last two years in Varzinhein, he could easily recognize it.

'Demon followers,' he thought, his face hardening.

His gaze swept over the room, counting about 25 students still present—the rest had already left. The rancid odor was potent, enough to tell him at least five of them bore the taint of demonic allegiance.

'How could there be so many of them in S class, yet none in F class?' Elion's mind raced. 'No wonder the Vampire Realm is on the brink of collapse.'

S Class, the elite of the Vampire Realm's younger generation, was supposed to be filled with the brightest talents destined to protect the borders and ensure the safety of their citizens. 

It should have remained untouched by the presence of demon followers.

Suppressing his emotions, Elion soon spotted Princess Seraphina engaged in conversation with a human and an elf mage. She had a polite smile as she addressed them.

Elion approached them, stepping into their conversation with confidence. "Hello, Princess." 

His interruption clearly irked the human and elf mages. The human mage shot Elion a glare, opening his mouth to retort, "Who are you to—"

"Oh, hello Elion!" Seraphina interjected, her previous polite smile fading in an instant to reveal a bright, genuine grin. "I was waiting for you. Let's go."

Her excitement at seeing Elion was palpable as she reached for his hand, almost tugging him toward the door. But just before they moved to leave the classroom, her noble upbringing kicked in, reminding her of her etiquette. 

She turned back to the human and elf mages with a polite smile. "Gentlemen, I have something important to attend to. I'll be taking my leave now. Farewell!"

Both mages exchanged glances, clearly displeased at being interrupted by an unknown commoner. They wanted to voice their objections, but the words eluded them. After all, they had no real authority to stop a princess. 

With reluctant respect, they offered her a brief salute and muttered a subdued farewell, masking their irritation.

Elion glanced at them and engraved their faces in his memory. He was almost sure—both of them were demon followers.

As they stepped out of the classroom and made their way toward Elion's training area, he glanced at Seraphina, curious about the two mages they had just left behind. 

"Who were they, Princess? They didn't seem too pleased with my interruption," he asked, hoping to gain some insight into their standing.

"Oh, those two are Asren Mendos and Vilson Hawk. You don't need to worry about them; they're just the sons of viscounts from the countryside," Seraphina explained casually. 

"While their parents may not have been particularly gifted, their sons have managed to reach Eldoria's S class, which makes them considered geniuses of their generation. They probably feel the need to associate with higher nobles to boost their families' status," she continued.

'Gifted, huh? More like relying on demon power to elevate their status,' thought Elion, but opted for not voicing his worries. 'I'll be sure to find Dorian later and discuss this with him. I wonder if this situation is also happening in the Warrior Department.'

"I see," replied Elion.

As they made their way, Elion recalled the newcomers' party scheduled for this weekend.

"Princess, do you know about the newcomers' party this weekend? I overheard some classmates talking about it," Elion asked.

To his surprise, Princess Seraphina halted abruptly, turning to meet his gaze with a look of astonishment, as if pondering how he could not know about such a significant event.

"Have you been living under a rock? How could you not know about this?" she exclaimed. "It's a tradition that everyone is aware of even before arriving here."

"Ah, sorry! I guess I'm just a country bumpkin who hasn't interacted with anyone but you," Elion replied, trying to mask his embarrassment with a sheepish smile.

Seraphina nodded, understanding. "I see. Let me explain it to you then. Every year, before the first assessment, the second and third-year students host a party. It's a very important event, especially for nobles, as it allows them to mingle and forge connections with one another," answered Seraphina.

Elion nodded.

"Even if you're not a noble, this is your chance to get to know your future teammates and make yourself known to others. After all, most of the people here will eventually head out to battle the demons and protect our borders," continued Seraphina.

Elion nodded, grasping the importance of the upcoming party. "I understand now. Thank you, Princess. I'll make sure to prepare an appropriate suit for the occasion."

Seraphina continued to gaze at Elion, her expression distant as if lost in thought. Sensing the strange atmosphere, Elion was about to suggest they move on when Seraphina spoke first. 

"Since you didn't know about the party, I assume you don't have an escort to accompany you, right?" 

"Uh, yes, I was thinking about inviting my—" Elion began, but she cut him off. 

"Then I shall give you the honor of accompanying me. You'll be my escort for the party," she declared, her tone more commanding than suggestive. 

"Princess, I'm just a commoner; I don't think it would be appropriate for me to be your escort," Elion protested. 

"Hehe, I'm the future Vampire Queen. Who would dare question my choice of escort?" she replied, flashing a playful smile that revealed her fangs. 

Elion gulped at her words. 'Such a domineering presence.'

[Exactly as a Vampire Queen should be,] Valen remarked dryly.

Elion chose to ignore Valen's comment and focused on Princess Seraphina instead. 

"Even so, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that, Princess," he replied hesitantly.

Her smile widened at his response, and she moved closer, her powerful Body and Soul Fusion aura beginning to leak from her, creating an oppressive pressure around Elion. 

"Are you certain you want to refuse? As your healer, I strongly advise against it. You wouldn't want to risk what could happen to you when fainting during training, would you?" 

Cold sweat trickled down Elion's back at her words. Resigning himself to his fate, he quickly responded, "All right then, I'll be your escort, Princess." 

The moment he agreed, Seraphina's imposing demeanor vanished, as if it had never been there. 

"Hehe, do you know how many would die for this opportunity? Countless nobles have been pestering me to be my escort since I arrived in Eldoria," she said with a bright smile. 

"Sure, sure. With so many god-chosen candidates vying for your attention, you had to pressure a poor commoner like me into your service. What a tyrant," Elion joked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, but I find this commoner much more pleasant to look at than some of those manipulative aristocrats who are always scheming for their own benefit," Seraphina replied.

"All right, should we go to our training seasons then, Princess?" Asked Elion.

"Yes, let's go!" Said Seraphina, moving once again to their destination.