Chapter 11: Awakening and Power

A year and few months has passed

It's been some time since we arrived at the Brahmastra Society, and the transformation is nothing short of remarkable. We've gone from a group of clueless kids barely understanding what an Astra is to awakening our powers and finding our place in this world.


Out of the 64 students, only 10 of us managed to awaken our Astras within the first year. I was the 6th, somewhere in the middle, with Dev and Amrita leading the group with their awakenings. Indra was the last of us to awaken, the 10th, in the first year. They say that those who awaken within the first year stand a much higher chance of reaching the second tier, and with the way things are going, that feels more like a promise than just a saying.

Over the next few months, more than 20 students awakened their Astras, leaving the Gurus completely stunned. Half of our entire class had unlocked their powers in just a little over a year. That kind of progress? It never happens.


The Gurus kept telling us how unusual it was, how it normally takes around two years for students to fully awaken, and even then, it's rare for so many to succeed. Our class, with half of us already awakened, had become something of a legend in the Society, a batch of students they were beginning to call extraordinar


Even now, the Gurus keep praising this batch of students, saying we're one of the most talented they've seen in decades. It's strange to think that a year ago, we were just normal kids, trying to figure out what it all meant. And now, almost all of us have tapped into this power, ready to unlock more of what our Astras can offer.

One of the most important things we've learned since awakening is the concept of the Aura Pool. Every Astra warrior has one, and it's what fuels our powers. The Aura Pool is essentially a reservoir of energy that grows as we train. The bigger the pool, the longer our abilities we can use, and the more powerful our Astras become.

When I first awakened Garudastra, my aura pool was about the size of a ping-pong ball—small but manageable. I could feel it pulsing inside me, like a tiny core of energy that I could tap into when I needed to.


Every time I used my Astra, I could feel the pool shrinking, and when it ran out, I was exhausted, unable to summon any more power. But over time, as I trained, the pool grew. Now, a year later, it's nearly double the size of tennis ball. It feels incredible, like having a second heart pumping energy through my body. The more I expand it, the more power I can control.


Having that extra aura is like being on a constant high. My body feels lighter, my mind sharper. It's like I have a reserve of energy that normal humans don't. When I run, I can feel the aura fueling my muscles, pushing me further, faster. It's addictive in a way. The more I expand my aura pool, the stronger I feel, and the more abilities I can use.


My Garudastra responds to the extra aura, allowing me to see even farther and with more clarity than before. I can spot someone from over a kilometer away, and not just as a blurry figure—I can see the details, their movements, their expressions. It's like I've been given the eyes of a eagle.

The Gurus can sense our auras too. They have this extraordinary ability to detect the size and strength of our aura pools just by looking at us. It's eerie, to be honest. They don't need any fancy tools or measurements; they can just feel it.


The first time Guru Krishna measured my aura, he looked at me like I had grown a second head. "It's bigger than most students your age," he said, clearly impressed. It was a proud moment, but also a little intimidating. It's like they can see right through us, knowing exactly how much power we have stored inside.

Dev's the antagonist aura pool started out small, barely the size of a nail. He had a tough time at first, struggling to control his flames for more than a few minutes before running out of energy. But Dev, being the determined guy he is, didn't give up. He's been training non-stop, and now his aura pool is the size of a tennis ball.


His control over fire has improved drastically. He can summon flames without even thinking about it, and they burn brighter and hotter than before. You can see the pride in his eyes whenever he talks about his progress. The Gurus have been keeping a close eye on him, saying his connection to Agniastra is growing stronger by the day.


Six months in, we had to choose our primary weapons. It wasn't much of a choice for some of us—our Astras dictated the type of weapon we'd use.


 For Dev, his Agniastra was a trident, so naturally, that became his weapon. There wasn't much of a decision to make. The trident wasn't just a tool for Dev; it was the physical manifestation of his Astra's power.


The three-pronged weapon is the source of his fire, and it amplifies his abilities in ways that I still don't fully understand. Watching him wield the trident is mesmerizing. It's like seeing a flame controlled by the hands of a master—it never flickers out of control, but you can sense the raw power behind it.

Indra had a similar situation. His Vajraastra manifested as a bone sword, crackling with lightning. It wasn't really a choice either; the sword was part of his Astra. It's almost as if the sword was waiting for him to awaken his powers. When he holds it, the air around him buzzes with energy, like static electricity before a storm. Indra jokes around most of the time, but when he holds that sword, you can see the shift. He becomes focused, serious, almost intimidating.

I had more freedom in my choice. With Garudastra, I didn't have a pre-determined weapon. But after much consideration, I chose the bow. It wasn't just about distance or precision—it felt right. The bow complements my Eagle Eye, allowing me to target enemies from far away, keeping me removed from the chaos of close combat also when I will fly in the future it will also help me to perdorm ranged attacks, so it was a natural choice with my abilities.


When I draw the string back, it's like I can see the entire battlefield at once, and I know exactly where to strike. There's a clarity to it, a focus that makes me feel in control. And with Garudastra's sharp vision, I can see my target from over a kilometer away, which still blows my mind.


Amrita chose the whip, which was a surprise to most of us. But in hindsight, it makes sense. Her Varunastra flows through the whip like water, and she moves with it like she's dancing.


The whip allows her to control the flow of water with precision and grace. She spins it around her, creating whirlpools and waves in mid-air. It's perfect for her—wild, unpredictable, but still controlled. When she fights, it's like watching a storm, chaotic and beautiful all at once.


Every day we train, pushing ourselves harder, trying to unlock more of what our Astras can do. Dev and Amrita have made incredible progress since their initial awakening. Dev can now create fireballs the size of tennis balls, and his control over them is almost perfect. He can make them hover in the air, move them around, and even launch them with deadly precision. His trident amplifies his power, making his fire even more intense.


Amrita's water abilities have also grown. She can summon water orbs out of thin air and shape them into various forms, from shields to weapons. When they duel, it's like watching a battle between fire and water, and honestly, it's kind of epic.


Indra, since awakening his Vajraastra, has been able to summon his bone sword during combat. It's still a bit unstable, but every time he uses it, his connection to his Astra grows stronger. The sword crackles with electricity, and when he swings it, lightning arcs through the air, striking anything in its path.


Indra's still getting used to controlling the raw power of the sword, but he's improving every day. Watching him fight is like watching a storm in human form—wild, unpredictable, and dangerous.


The combat training has been intense, but it's also the best part of the day. Every morning, we're out on the training grounds, sparring with each other or practicing our techniques. The fights are tough, but they're also incredibly fun.


 I've been focusing on my bow skills, trying to use my Eagle Eye to anticipate my opponent's moves before they make them. It's all about precision and timing. Every time I pull back the string, I feel the connection between the bow and my Garudastra, like they're working together to help me hit my mark.


Dev and Amrita are the most competitive in our group. They're always trying to outdo each other in duels. Dev with his fireballs and Amrita with her water orbs—it's like watching a battle of the elements every time they clash.


They've gotten so good that it's hard to tell who's going to win. Their control over their Astras has improved dramatically, and they're always looking for ways to push themselves further.

Indra and I spar often too. He's still getting used to the power of his bone sword, but when the lightning arcs through it, you can see the raw energy he's working with. It's unpredictable, and one wrong move can leave you shocked—literally.


I keep my distance with my bow, but even then, it's tough to avoid his attacks. The more we fight, the more we learn about our Astras and ourselves. It's exhilarating, knowing that every day we're getting better, stronger, more in tune with our powers.


What's really exciting about all of this is the feeling of growth. Every day, we're learning more about our Astras, expanding our aura pools, and discovering new abilities.


It's thrilling. There's something addicting about the power, about feeling your aura grow and knowing that you can control more and more of it. The more we train, the more we realize just how limitless the potential of our Astras is.

It's only been a little over a year, but we've already accomplished so much. I can't wait to see how far we'll go from here.