Deadly Decisions

Mike was the first one up that morning. He left his room to go shower and get ready. When he was done, he quietly went to the kitchen, to make him a small breakfast, before the intense workout he was about to get into. "I need to get stronger for Sarah's sake, because if I don't, I will just be a burden to her," Mike whispered to himself, as he ate his bowl of cereal. When Mike looked down at his phone, he could see that it was already 6:00am. "Is she going to get up or was she just bluffing yesterday?" Mike said to himself, as he walked to Ashley's room. *Knock* *Knock* "Yes," Ashley replied. "Are you coming or not?" Mike said through the door. Ashley got up to open the door, "I've been ready since 5am," Ashley said, as she brushed past him. "Let's go."

Mike picked up his pace to catch up with her, "Why didn't you come out then, if you were ready to go?" Mike asked, as he ran up to her. "I wanted to relax, before it was time to go," Ashley said, as they walked to her car. "Oh no no no, we are taking my car today," Mike said. "Why? What's wrong with my car?" Ashley asked. "One I want to drive, and two I don't think you're going to be in the best position to drive when we are finished," Mike said, as he smirked at her. "Oh, now you have truly lost it, if you think you're going to beat me that bad. And you know what, I didn't really feel like driving anyway, so this works for me," Ashley said, as she smiled and got in the car. Mike pulled out of his parking spot, as Ashley entered the address for the training center into Mike's GPS system.

Back at the hospital, both James and Jones were just getting up. "Hey I believe I get discharged today, so do you want to go get something to eat?" Jones asked. "Yea I'm down, because this hospital food is disgusting," James said, with a slight chuckle. James pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste from his bag, as he headed to the bathroom in Jones's room, to wash his face and brush his teeth. As James was freshening up in the bathroom, the chief walked through the door. "Good Morning chief," Jones said, as he sat up on the bed. "Good Morning," the chief replied. "Do you feel any better today?" He asked. "Yes they gave me the good pain medication," Jones said, as he laughed softly. "That's good. I'm glad to see you are in good spirits," the chief said, as he sat down.

"Where's James?" The chief asked. "I'm right here chief," James said, before Jones could respond, as he emerged from the bathroom. "Good Morning chief," James said, as he wiped his face with the towel. "Good Morning James," the chief replied. "When do you think they are going to discharge you?" The chief asked. "I believe today, since there isn't any major damage," Jones replied. "Well good because I'm going to need you both to get back to work immediately," the chief said sternly. "Why chief? Is it about the mafia gangs?" Jones asked. "Yes and no," the chief replied. "Well then, what is it about?" James asked, as he sat down. "Since it was a huge arrest for both gangs, we need more hands on deck to help with the investigation, also the coroner just called me this morning and told me she had identified the body of the dead woman, who we thought was Sarah Jenkins," the chief explained. "Really? Who is it?" James said, as he perked up. "Her name was Sahlariea Jordan, she was 24 years old and she worked as a banker, and was reported missing after leaving a friend's party," the chief replied. "I'm going to need you to visit her home, and unfortunately give her parents the news so they can get a proper goodbye and burial," the chief added, as he turned to leave.

When Sarah finally woke up, the house was extremely quiet and empty. "I wonder where everyone went?" Sarah asked herself, as she picked up her phone to call Jack. "Good Morning Sarah," he said, as he answered the phone. "Good Morning Jack. Uhm where is everyone?" Sarah asked. "Mike and Ashley left this morning to go work out, Johnson had to run home real quick to get a change of clothes, and I'm out just grabbing a few things," Jack explained. "Oh okay. When will you be back?" Sarah asked. "I'll be back in like 15 to 20 minutes," Jack replied. "Okay, well I will see you when you get back," Sarah said, as she hung up the phone. Sarah walked back to Jack's room to get ready for the day. She was super excited to be spending the day with the people she loved the most. After Sarah finished getting ready, she headed to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. "I guess I won't need to make everyone breakfast today," Sarah said, a little sad.

As Sarah was done eating and cleaning up, Jack finally returned home. "Hey Jack wher-" Sarah tried to say, before she immediately burst into tears. When Jack came through the door he was holding some balloons, pink roses, a cute teddy bear, and a few of Sarah's favorite food items from different locations. "Sarah, are you okay?" Jack said, as he carefully placed down all the items in his hands. "I'm fine," Sarah said through tears, as she smiled at him. "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" Jack asked, concerned. "No, not at all. These are happy tears. I am just so overwhelmed with happiness and appreciation, that you would do something like this for me," Sarah said, as she hugged him. "You just have been so down lately and I wanted to cheer you up," Jack said, as he hugged her tighter. "Thank you so much Jack. You just don't know how much this means to me," Sarah said, as she removed herself from his embrace to go look at what he got her.

When Mike and Ashley pulled up to the training center, they immediately headed inside and got to work. "Don't hold back on me today, because I'm not going to hold back on you," Ashley said, as she dropped her things and got into a fighting stance. "Oh trust me I'm not," Mike said, as he swung and punched her in the face. Ashley wiped the blood from her mouth and smiled. "Oh I guess we started," she said, as she kicked him in the head. Mike stumbled back, as Ashley came charging at him. Mike barely dogged her punch, as it grazed his chin. Mike hopped back, as he planted his feet. "I see you learned something yesterday," Ashley said. "I guess you can say that," Mike replied, as he took another swing at Ashley. Ashley put both of her arms up, effectively blocking the punch. Ashley then turned to the side and punched him in his gut.

Mike involuntarily spit up on the mat, as he doubles over in pain. Ashley then takes advantage of his distress, as she kicks him in the face. Mike flew backwards onto the ground, Ashley then got on top of him and started dropping vicious punches and elbows. Mike blocked most of them, as he took his hands and put them down at her waist, and forcefully pushed her off of him and flipped her over. Ashley landed on her back, and immediately went on the defense, trying to block Mike's punches. Mike was raining down blow after blow. Ashley snuck her hand under him and star fished him. "Whoa! Aye men," Mike said, as he hopped up off of her. Ashley sinisterly smiles, as she gets back on her feet. "So I guess we're playing dirty," Mike said with a smile. "I guess we are," Ashley says, as she charges at him. Mike steps forward, grabs her wrist and upper arm, as he quickly turns sideways to flip her over his shoulder and forcefully slams her onto the ground.

Ashley collided with the mat with so much force it knocked the wind out of her lungs. As soon as her back slammed into the ground, she bounced back up like a ball, gasping for air. "Omg are you okay?" Mike asked, concerned, as he ran to her side. Ashley didn't say a word, as she got up to catch her breath. As she was bent over, she took this moment to catch Mike off guard, as she wrapped her arms around his leg, forcefully pulling his leg up, to dip him onto the ground. Before Mike could react, Ashley was already on top of him, punching and kneeing him in his side. Mike took his hand to pull her face in closer, close enough to kiss her, as she freezes up and he sinisterly smiles at her, before he head butts her. "You fucking bitch!!" Ashley yelled, as she held her head. "FUCK!!" Ashley screamed, as her head started ringing. Mike began to laugh his ass off, as Ashley tried to get her equilibrium back to normal.

James and Jones got ready to leave the hospital, to go get something to eat and meet up with the bereaved family, "I'm glad we are able to bring closure to her family," Jones said, as he packed up his last few items. "Yea me too," James replied. "How about we meet up with the family first then head to lunch," James suggested. "Yea sure I think it's best if we tackle that first," Jones said, as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Both James and Jones walked out of his hospital room and headed towards James's car. As soon as they got in the car, James pulled out of the parking lot and drove straight to Jordan's home, after the chief texted him the address. Once they showed up at the house, they walked up the steps and knocked on the door. "Yes? How can I help you?" The lady asked, as she cracked open the door. "Are you Mrs. Jordan?" James asked kindly.

"Uhm yes, how can I help you?" She asked nervously. "Well ma'am I'm detective James and this my partner detective Jones, and we are here to talk to you about your daughter Sahlareia Jordan," James said, as he and Jones showed her their badges. "Sure yes come in," her mother said, as she opened the door to let them in. Both detectives walked in and sat down on the couch in the living room. "Where are my manners, would you gentlemen like some tea or water?" She asked. "Sure ma'am some water would be fine," Jones replied with a smile. James looked around the house and could see pictures of their family and daughter all throughout their home. "They adored their daughter," Jones whispered in James' ear. "Here you go," the mom said, as she handed them two water bottles. So what is this about ?" She asked. "Is your husband home?" Jones asked. "Yes he is, would you like for me to go get him?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am if you don't mind. It will be best to tell the both of you together," James replied. "Ok give me a moment," she said, as she got up to go get her husband. A minute or so passed before her and her husband walked into the living room. "What is this concerning?" The father asked sternly. "Well you see we had come across a body a few months back and believed it to be someone else's body, but unfortunately after running additional tests, we were able to identify that the woman was actually your daughter Sahlareia Jordan," Jones said sadly. Her mother just broke down crying. "No! Not my baby!" She kept screaming. The father tried to comfort her, as he turned to ask the detectives a question, "How did she die?" Her father asked. "Please don't tell me she was murdered!" The mother shouted. "No ma'am she wasn't murdered, it was an unfortunate accident. She passed away due to alcohol poisoning," James replied.

"Oh god!" The mom yelled out, as she passed out. "Honey! Honey! Are you okay?" The father asked. Jones quickly jumped into action, as he checked her pulse and breathing. "She just passed out due to emotional distress," Jones said. James pulled out his phone to call the ambulance. "When can we see our daughter?" The father asked. "Well after you are done making sure your wife is okay. You can head over to the police station to identify her body," James replied. "Okay I'll be over there immediately," the father said. As soon as the ambulance came Mr. and Mrs. Jordan headed over to the hospital to get her checked out. "That was heartbreaking," Jones said, as they walked back to the car. "Yes it definitely was," James said. Once they finished up at the Jordan's house, they went to grab something to eat, and headed back to the police station.

"What are you two doing back? Weren't you supposed to go home?" The chief said, as he walked out the bathroom. "Yes, but the parents of Sahlareia wanted to come in and identify the body, so they can start planning a funeral," James explained. "Okay well after that you two will be off for the next two days," the chief stated. "Why two days?" Jones asked. "Because the investigation for the mafia gangs won't start for another two days, and you both need some rest," the chief explained, as he walked back into his office. "Thanks chief," James yelled, while the chief just waved him off. James and Jones waited around for a good hour before the Jordans arrived. "We are here to see our daughter," the father said, as he approached Jones. "Follow me sir, I will take you to the back." Jones then proceeded to walk them to the back, where the morgue was. "They are here to identify their daughter's body, her name is Sahlareia Jordan," Jones said. The coroner proceeded to walk over to a wall lined with big steel doors. She turned around, opened one, and pulled out a large slab with a woman's body on it.

The mom just fell to her knees crying, as the dad placed his hand on her face. "She.. she.. she is so cold," her father said, as he tried to hold her. "Is this your daughter?" The coroner asked. "Yes," the dad said, trying not to break down. "When can we get her body released to us so we can have a funeral?" The father asked, as he tried to help his wife up off the floor. "You can send her to a funeral home as soon as you get done filling out the release paperwork," the coroner said. "Thank you," the dad said. "I'm going to head back to my desk, but if you need anything, here is my card, please call me anytime," Jones said, as he turned to leave. "Was it really their daughter?" James asked, as soon as Jones returned to his desk. "Unfortunately yes. They are filling out the release paperwork to get her sent off to a funeral home so they can have the funeral," Jones explained. "Damn that's so unfortunate. She was so young too," James said. "I know I just hope they can get through this difficult time," Jones replied. "Yea me too." "You ready to head out?" James asked. "Yup, let's go," Jones responded. "Two day vacation here I come," Jones said jokingly, as they walked out of the police station.

After Sarah looked over her gifts, she went into the bathroom to freshen up. "What am I going to do?" She said to herself. "I have to make a decision that will change the course of my life and everyone's lives no matter what I choose. And what about Mike or Jack? I love both of them, but I can't put either of them in danger," she added. Sarah let out a big sigh, as she sat down on the floor. She couldn't believe this is what her life has come to. Just a few months ago she was living a boring life wanting a change, and now she is trying to figure out whether to save her life or end it. Sarah was snapped out of her thoughts, when she heard a knock at the door. "Sarah, are you okay in there?" Jack asked. "Yea I'm fine," she said through the door. "Are you sure?" Jack asked. Sarah looked at herself in the mirror, wiped away her tears, and opened the door.

"I'm fine Jack," Sarah says with a smile. "Sarah, are you trying to figure out what decision to make?" Jack asked. "Yes... how did you know?" She asked. "Because I can see the worry all over your face," he replied. "I just don't know what's the best decision to make, especially trying to choose between you or Mike," she said softly. "Sarah, you just need to follow your heart and make the best decision for your life moving forward. Whether that's choosing to continue this line of work and be with me or Mike or choosing to end it. It's up to you, because when it's all said and done you have to live with the choices you made. Granted I don't want you to die, but it's your life," Jack said, as he gently lifted her head up to look at him. "But what about the dangers that come with that life?" Sarah said, as tears streamed down her face.

Jack wiped away her tears, "My life is danger Sarah, and has been since I turned 17, joined the navy, and worked my way up through the ranks to be in the black ops. And the same goes for Ashley and Johnson, they both go on deadly missions all the time, so you don't have to worry about us. Now Mike is different, because he isn't and has never been a part of that life, but he's trying his best to understand, and get stronger for you, and you need to recognize that," Jack said. "You're right. I really hadn't viewed it in that way," Sarah said. "Johnson should be back soon, how about you take some time to yourself so you can decompress before we leave," Jack said. "Okay," Sarah said, as she walked to Jack's room to lay down. Sarah laid down and ran through all the pros and cons that came with each decision. After about an hour she got up and called the director. "Hello," the director said, as he answered. "I've made my decision sir," Sarah said immediately into the phone. "Ok come to my office in about 2 hours and we can discuss it," Birmingham said and then hung up the phone.

As soon as Ashley recovers, she charges at Mike sliding past him, then she grabs his arm, as she sweeps his feet and flips him onto the ground. As soon as Mike falls she kicks him in the side. Ashley starts wailing on him. Mike wraps his leg around hers and takes her arm and flips her over, and lands on top of her. "You're learning," Ashley says, as she smirks at him. Ashley leaned up, as she stared at him face to face. "You're very close, what are you going to do, kiss me ," Mike says jokingly, as he leaned back. Ashley just stared at him for a few seconds. Ashley looked up at Mike as he laughed, she then wrapped her arm around his neck and used her knee to push him up and with the momentum of his body, she flipped him over and was back on top of him. "You're very sneaky," Mike said smiling. As Ashley looked down to see Mike laughing, she then leaned down and looked him in his eyes and kissed him.

Mike opened his eyes wide in shock, as Ashley immediately jumped back. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry," Ashley said, as she jumped up and immediately started picking up her things. Mike sat there speechless for a moment before he got up. As Ashley tried to leave, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into him. "Look I'm so so sorry Mike. I know how you feel about Sarah and I shouldn't have di-" Ashley tried to explain, as Mike placed his hands on her cheeks, while staring into her eyes and kissed her. Ashley froze for a few seconds before she returned his kiss. Ashley drops her things on the floor, as she wraps her arms around his neck. Mike placed his hand in the middle of her back and pulled her closer. Ashley and Mike stayed in each other's embrace for a few more moments, before she pulled away. "We can't do this. We need to go," she said, as she ran away to the locker room.

Mike smiled at her as she left. "What about Sarah?" Mike said, as he came down from the ecstasy of the kiss. Mike walked away to shower and get ready. When Ashley got in the locker room she took a very cold shower. "Why did you do that?" Ashley said to herself. "What about Jack? Do you really have feelings for Mike? Do you like him more than Jack?" Ashley said, as she pondered on those questions. When Ashley was done getting ready, she quietly walked out the locker room and went straight to the car. Mike left the locker room, now seeing the center was empty, "Ashley?!" Mike said, as he called out to her. "She must have gone back to the car." Mike walked out the center and walked towards his car. Mike could see Ashley staring into nothingness. "Are you okay?" Mike said, as he came up on the side of her.

"I'm sorry Mike I don't know what I was thinking," she says barely above a whisper, as she stares at the ground. "Why are you sorry? Hm? It's not like I didn't kiss you back," Mike said with a slight laugh. "I know, but you're in love with Sarah and want to be with her and I'm in love with Jack and want to be with him," Ashley said. "Do you?" Mike asked. "Do I what?" "Do you really want to be with Jack? Or does a part of you want something different?" "I don't know Mike, I really don't understand my feelings right now." "I don't know either, but what I do know is that sometime during all this, I caught feelings for you," Mike said, as he lifted her head up to look at her. Ashley just looked into Mike's eyes. "Somehow along the way my feelings for you grew. You were always beautiful, but for some reason every time I saw you smile or saw your face, you glowed like an angel. It started to make me happy just to see you smile," Mike said, as he looked her in her eyes.

"And I know it sounds crazy but-" "No it doesn't sound crazy, because I feel the same way to," Ashley said, as she looked back at him. "You do?" Mike asked. "Yes, I thought it was just because of circumstance that I felt this way, but as time passed and I started to get to know you more, it was like something clicked. And when you hold me, your embrace feels like home," Ashley said shyly. "But I never acted on my feelings, because it felt wrong. You wanted Sarah and I wanted Jack, but after a while you became the only man on my mind." Mike smiled at Ashley, as he leaned in and kissed her. "Me too. You became a constant thought in my mind and you became my best friend," Mike said, as he slowly pulled his lips away. "But what about Jack and Sarah?" Ashley said. "If you decide to pursue something with me, we are gonna have to tell them eventually," Mike said.

"I don't know. Is it even okay to do this?" Ashley said. "I don't want to pressure you at all, but it's not like I was in a relationship with Sarah, we had been broken up for almost a year, and you and Jack never even made it out of the friend zone," Mike stated. "That is very true, but I don't want to ruin something with you when you still might have a chance," Ashley said. "I don't think Sarah truly wants to be back with me, we have grown apart and unfortunately she isn't the woman I fell in love with all those years ago and vice versa," Mike stated matter of factly. "And I don't believe I can win over Jack," Mike said laughing. "You are right about that. He is a tough contender," Ashley said laughing. "How about we get in the car and we can talk about this later, I don't want to be late for our friend's vacation," Mike said, as he looked down at his watch.

Johnson pulled back up to Jack's house about an hour or so later. Johnson quickly got out of his car, and ran to knock on the door, fearing that he might be too late for their outing. "Hey Johnson," Jack said with a smile, as he answered the door. "Hey, am I late?" Johnson asked. "No, not at all. We are still waiting for Mike and Ashley to get back, and then we will be ready to go," Jack replied, as Johnson came in. "Oh good, I thought I didn't make it back in time," Johnson said, as he breathed a sigh of relief. "Where is Sarah?" Johnson asked. "Oh she is just relaxing, before we head out," Jack said. "Matter of fact let me go check on her," Jack said, as he left the room. Jack walked down the hall to his room and knocked on the door. "Come in," Sarah said. "Hey how are you feeling?" Jack asked. "I'm feeling okay, but we are gonna need to cancel our hangout today or push it to tonight," Sarah says. "Why?" Jack said, as he walked over to sit down next to her.

"I called and told Birmingham that I'm ready to make my decision," Sarah said. "Really?!" Jack asked nervously. "Yes he told me to come to his office in 2 hours and that was over an hour and a half ago," Sarah replied. "Shit! Well we need to get going right now then," Jack said, as he jumped up. Sarah got up and walked to the living room. "Johnson, thank you for coming over, but I'm going to need to push our outing back by a few hours, as Birmingham wants to see me as soon as possible, plus Mike and Ashley haven't made it back yet," Sarah said. "Ok. I don't mind waiting here until you get back," Johnson replied. "Sounds fine to me," Jack says, as he emerges from the hallway. "Are you ready to go, Sarah?" Jack asked. "Yea I'm ready?" She replied. Sarah and Jack both walked outside and headed towards Jack's car.

The drive to Birmingham's office was tense and quiet. Jack didn't know what to say, because he was terrified of the answer to his question. When they pulled into the parking spot, Sarah tried to get out of the car, but Jack stopped her. "Sarah I don't know what your decision is, but just know that I support you, I'm here for you, and I truly do love you, and want the best for you," Jack said, as held her hand. Sarah just sat there and smiled at him for a few seconds, before she leaned over the seat and hugged him. "Thank you Jack for everything," she said, as she removed herself from his embrace. Sarah looked Jack into his eyes and kissed him. Jack held her face in his hands as he kissed her back. "I love you too Jack, and I choose you," she said, as she immediately got out of the car. "Choose me-" "What do you mean choose me?" Jack shouted in the parking lot, as Sarah walked into the building.

As Jack was sitting in the car waiting on pins and needles for Sarah to come back and explain what she meant, he received a phone call. "Hello," Jack said. "Hey Jack," the person over the phone said. "Who is th- Brian is that you?" Jack asked shocked. Brian laughed, "yes it's me Jack." "Man I thought you were dead. What the fuck happened?" Jack asked concerned. "Well when I called you to tell you that the government was coming for Sarah, someone broke into my house," Brian said. "What? Who?" Jack asked. "Remember that mission we went on a few years back to take down those men from the Mexican cartel?" Brian asked. "Yea." "Well there was an additional blacks ops mission and I was one of the man on the task force along with Ashley and a few others." "What?! Is Ashley in danger too?" Jack asked. "I don't believe so, but let me finish telling you man." "Well spit it the fuck out." "Ok so while I was on the phone with you in my office, I seen two men dressed in all black scoping out my house. I let them be for a second, as I was trying to see what they were going to do. After a few seconds of them just casing my home they broke in."

"And as I was trying to tell you to get out of there, they were already almost at my office door, so I quickly hung up, so I could get to my hidden weapon's box. By the time they were able to bust through my office door, I shot both of them in the stomach. One died and one survived. When he was healed enough, we took him from the hospital and worked our magic, and was able to find out that the cartels sent out a hit on all the agents involved in that take do-" "But you just said that Ashley wasn't in any danger and now I'm in danger to," Jack said, slightly shouting at him, as he cut him off. "Damn man if you would shut the fuck up, I will be able to explain everything to you," Brian said a little annoyed. "Well if you wasn't talking so damn slow like a fucking sloth I would hear you out to the end," Jack barked back. "Soooo," Brian said mockingly. "Motherfucka gets to the point." "No in all seriousness though, after we took him and got the information from him, it was all that we needed to take all those men out immediately, so everyone should be safe," Brian said. "What about the dude who survived? Won't he come back and try to kill us?" Jack asked. "Oh hell no," Brian said laughing. "What's so funny?" Jack said. "Let's just say him and the devil became roommates," Brian laughed.

Ashley and Mike pulled back up to Jack's house, all smiles, and walked in. "Hey," Johnson said, as they came into the living room. "Hey Johnson, where is Jack and Sarah?" Mike asked. "Oh they went to the director's office, they should be back soon," Johnson replied. "You two look very close," he said, as he looked at them. "Oh us, we're just friends," Mike said, as he moved to go sit down next to Johnson. Ashley just looked at Mike with so much anger, as she stormed off to go to the room she was staying in. Mike looked up and could see her go into her room and slam the door. "Damn what's her problem? She was just so happy," Johnson said. "I don't know, but let me go check on her," Mike said, as he got up. Mike walked over to Ashley's room and knocked on the door. "What!" She said with an attitude. "Can I come in?" Mike asked nicely. Ashley stomped over to open the door. "What do you want Mike?" She said rudely. "What's the matter? You were just fine," Mike said, as he squeezed past her to get into the room and close the door.

"I'm just a "friend"?!" Ashley said, as plopped down in the seat next to the door. "I didn't mean it like that Ashley," Mike said. "What do you mean you didn't mean it like that. There is no other meaning to it. How are you going to tell me you have feelings for me and then friend-zone me in front of Johnson." "I only did that because I don't know if you wanted me to say anything, and also you never said yes to wanting to be with me," Mike said, as he got up and pulled her into a hug. "I thought that was implied," Ashley said. "No it was not, you were still worried about Sarah and Jack, and I didn't want to pressure you into doing something you weren't sure about. I was just waiting for you to feel comfortable in choosing me wholeheartedly," Mike said, as he looked down at her. Ashley's heart fluttered, as she stared into Mike's eyes, got on her tippy toes, and kissed him."Ashley will you be my girlfriend?" Mike said, as they stopped kissing. "Yes Mike," Ashley said with a big smile. "Are you sure?" Mike asked with a smirk. Ashley punched him in the arm and said "Yes I'm sure." Mike just laughed at her and kissed her again.

"Do you feel comfortable telling everyone?" Mike asked. "I kind of do, but I'm extremely nervous," Ashley said. "Well if you want to tell them I'm down, and if you want to keep it between us for a while, I'm down with that too," Mike said. "Ok. Thank you for understanding," she said, as she kissed his cheek and walked out the room. Ashley went to sit down on the couch and watch tv, as Mike smiled and walked out the room to go sit right next to her. "Hello," Johnson said, as he got a phone call. "I'll be over there in a few minutes," the person on the other end said and hung up. Ashley and Mike could see the smile fade from his face. "Is everything alright?" Ashley asked. "I don't know. That was the director, he said he will be here soon, and then he just hung up," Johnson said. "What?!" Mike asked. "Is Sarah okay?" Ashley asked. Mike quickly pulled out his phone to dial Sarah's number. "Fuck she isn't answering!!" Mike shouted. "Let me call Jack," Ashley said. "Oh no he isn't answering either," Ashley said, as she looked at Johnson and Mike. "What the fuck is happening," Johnson said.

Sarah came back to Jack's car with a look of shock on her face. "Sarah what's wrong? What happened in there?" Jack asked. "The director is coming over to your house right now, and we need to meet him there," Sarah said. "What?! What the fuck is going on?" Jack asked, concerned. "It will all make sense as soon as we talk to him," she explained. Jack quickly turned his car on and sped off. As they were driving for a few miles, Sarah turned to him and grabbed his hand. "I want to be with you Jack, I choose you!" Sarah said, breaking the silence. "Whoa! Where did that come from?" Jack asked, confused. "As I was making my decision on whether to live or die, I was also making a decision who I wanted to be with," Sarah said.

"Wait?! You didn't just choose me because I can "protect you" and Mike can't, because that's unfair," Jack said. "No that's not the reason, but I'll be lying if I said I didn't take that into consideration," Sarah said sadly. "Then what is it?" Jack asked. "I choose you because what me and Mike had is over. I'm not the woman he fell in love with anymore and who I am, and the path I'm going on in life, I don't believe fits into his anymore. I can tell by the way he looks at me, he looks at me- indifferently. I know he has love for me, but the girl he is wanting to be with is unfortunately gone. And I believe he realizes it too," Sarah explains.

"Give him some credit, when he came back you were a whole different person, mentally and physically," Jack said. "I know, but because of that we aren't a match anymore, who I am and who he is, just doesn't fit any more and it's okay. We've been broken up for almost a year now, there is no reason in trying to make something work that we both know isn't right for either of us," Sarah said. "So you chose me, because you can't be with him?" Jack asked, a little hurt. "No! I'm sorry if it came off that way. I choose you because you see me for who I truly am, because when all my flaws and problems were laid out on the table you didn't run, you stood right there with me, and helped me pick up the pieces, to make me feel whole again. You are my person," Sarah said with a smile, as the tears began to flow. "I love you Jack and I want to be with you because you complete me."

As soon as Sarah was done talking, Jack had pulled up to his house. Jack took a deep breath and turned to Sarah. "I love you too Sarah and I'm glad you chose me, because I have something special for you." "What is it?" Jack goes into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful rose gold heart shaped diamond ring. "Omg!!" Sarah said, as she put her hands over her mouth. "Are you serious," she said through heavy tears. "Yes I'm serious. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Sarah. When I almost lost you I realized that you are the person I want to be with forever," Jack said. "So.. Sarah Jenkins. Will you marry me?" "Yes Jack! A thousand times yes," Sarah said, as she held out her hand for Jack to put the ring on. Sarah pulled his face to hers and passionately kissed him. "Omg it's so beautiful," Sarah said, as she looked down at the ring. "Let's go inside, before the Director gets here," Jack said, as he smiled.

Both Sarah and Jack walked hand in hand into the house. As soon as they came in everyone rushed up to them. "Are you okay?" "Why weren't you answering your phones?" They said in unison. "You called us?" Jack asked, as he pulled out his phone. "Omg my phone was on silent," Jack said. "And I left my phone in the car, when I went in to see the director and I never checked it. I'm so sorry," Sarah added. "It's okay I'm just glad you both are safe," Johnson said. "Yes us too," Mike said. "Is the director not with you?" Johnson asked. "No but I believe he should be here soon," Jack said, looking down at his watch. "Hey Mike, can I talk to you?" Sarah said. "Uh yea sure," Mike said, as he followed Sarah to the back of the house. Ashley stared them down, as she felt a sense of uneasiness. "What are they going to talk about? Is she going to choose him now, and he is going to pick her over me?" Ashley said, as she tried to calm her nerves.

Sarah pulled Mike into his room and sat him down. "So what's up?" Mike asked. "I wanted to be the one to tell you this first," Sarah said. "Tell me what?" Mike asked anxiously. Sarah took a deep breath, as she tried to calm her nerves. "So... as I was making a decision on how to answer the director's question. I also decided on how to answer yours." "And what would your answer be?" Mike asked. "I decided to be with Jack," she said shyly. Mike let her words sink in, as he sat there in silence. Sarah looked up at him, trying to read his body language. Mike got up and hugged her. "Thank you Sarah," Mike said. "Huh?!" Sarah said, confused. "I'm glad you were able to make the best decision for yourself, because I made one too," Mike said. "What do you mean?" "I have chosen to be with Ashley," Mike said proudly. "What!" Sarah said in shock. "Are you serious?"she asked. "Yes. I don't know how it happened, but before I knew it, she was the only woman I wanted to be with. I believe she is my person," Mike said, as he smiled brightly.

"I'm glad you found that person for you Mike. I truly am happy for you," Sarah said with a smile. "So are you two now dating?" Sarah asked excitedly. "Yes." "That's so wonderful." "Oh I also have something to tell everyone as well," Sarah said, as she grabbed his hand to leave, bringing him with her. "What is it?" He asked as he lunged forward. Both Sarah and Mike walked back to the living room, with big smiles on their faces. Ashley looked at them and felt sick. "Did he really decide to be with her now?" She asked herself. Mike went to sit down next to Ashley, as Sarah went to sit down next to Jack. Before Sarah could share her announcement with them, there was a knock at the door. "That must be Director Birmingham," Jack said, as he got up to answer the door.When Jack came back with the director the whole room tensed up. "Hello everyone," the director said, as he entered the room.

"What is this about?" Mike asked nervously. "Well I think Sarah should be the one to answer that question first," the director said. Sarah stood up and looked at everyone. "So I've made my decision to be a secret agent and you all will be contracted with me as well, except you Mike," Sarah said. "What!" Jack said, as he looked at her. "Yes she made the decision, on the condition that you all could continue working as a team together. It was the only way she felt comfortable," the director said. Everyone was shocked and speechless. "I also have another announcement to make," Sarah said, as she pulled Jack up with her. "We are getting married," Sarah said excitedly with a smile. Ashley and Johnson's eyes almost popped out of their heads. "Omg congratulations," Mike said happily. Ashley felt a little hurt, but she was truly happy for them, because she has Mike now. "Congrats you two," Ashley said. "Congratulations," Johnson said. Congratulations Sarah and Jack," the director said. "But you probably are going to need to hold off on getting married any time soon," the director added. "Why?" Sarah asked concerned. "Well that's why I came over. I just received some new intel on the Russian spies. The Russians are out for blood, they have found out about the take down, and they are preparing to send more spies. I'm going to need you to head to Moscow and take them down from the inside," he explained. "WHAT!!!" Everyone said in shock.