Chapter 27

I can see how she threw big men around in the cartoon. It's the same with everything. And not only did I study it myself, but Toph explained everything, which made my understanding even better. All in all, it was not in vain that I chose the little one.

We stayed in the cave for a little more than a day, there were plenty of berries near the mountain. Then the forester came and dispersed everyone. The forester was Poppy, who burst into the cave in a rage, and when she saw her daughter near the badgermole, she sent a strong impulse that sent the beasts through the thickness of the earth far into the depths.

Poppy herself, picking up Toph, darted outside. I was the only one left in the dark cave. I had to catch up. Almost the whole family was outside, led by Lao.

«Hello everyone», I greeted them all. They noticed me, but since they already knew who I was, they quietly ignored me.

«Why didn't you bring her directly to the mansion?», Lao asked me in a less than friendly tone.

«Because, stupid, I'm nobody to her and there were badger moles around them all the time», he turned pale and Toph was squeezed tighter in Poppy's arms, «And if I had attacked them, Toph could have gotten hurt. Is that what you wanted?» he nodded his head in denial, «I didn't have much of a choice. I had to find out why she ran away from home.»

«And?» asked Leo expectantly and Poppy listened to him.

«She's tired of being a puppet in your hands.», Toph grinned at these words, «Children her age should be playing, not being puppets for their parents. I'm actually surprised she hasn't lost her mind», I rubbed my eyes tiredly as they cut into the light after so much time in the dark, «Anyway, if you don't want more problems in the future, treat her like a little girl, not a doll.»

Leo just clenched his fists in anger, but he couldn't find anything to say to me, so he went over to his daughter and hugged her as well. When things calmed down a bit, I decided to defuse the situation. I chose a strange way. I drew her attention to me by tapping on the ground and asked her to repeat another trick. So I showed her the ground steps. Being a smart girl, she did it very quickly.

You should have seen the look on everyone's face when Toph started running at breakneck speed with the earth steps. Poppy, realizing who was behind it, gave me a wolfish look, but she couldn't say anything because she was far enough away from me and she was busy trying to catch her daughter.


«Why?» asked Poppy with an angry face. We were already at the manor, in the same pavilion as the first time. I was lay on a bench, looking at the clouds.

«Just so you know, you have an interesting, funny and above all talented daughter who wants to play and have fun and not behave like a lady at the age of six», I said calmly, «Are you aware that she is much more talented than you and has great potential? Yes, and in skill she surpasses you, at the time we met. And she's only six years old. Imagine how strong she will be when she's older.»

«As an earth magician, she has a duty that requires every magician, regardless of gender, to serve in the army and go to war. I don't want that for her. You, through your efforts, have put it out there for all to see, which essentially leaves her no choice now.»

«And you can't use your connections to create a safe place for her?» I asked her perplexed. It was interesting that Toph had been eavesdropping from the beginning.

«We're not allowed to do that», I raised an eyebrow in surprise, «It took all of our connections to go to your training. A lot of people didn't like it, and to take revenge on us, Toph won't be allowed to go anywhere but the crucible of war. And you are to blame for that.»

«Then train her. Make her as strong as you can. Or have you forgotten what you were?»

«Precisely because I remember, I don't want that for her», she replied emphatically.

«Eh. You can't change your mind, can you?» I asked calmly. And saw that I was right, «Then I have no business being here.»

I got up and walked towards the exit. Toph ran after me, but was caught by Poppy. I feel sorry for the little girl, but I'm not her parent, so there's basically nothing I can do about it. Maybe she's the girl from my memories and we'll meet again. At least I hope so.