Chapter 39

After the Avatar flew off the island and the prince followed them, the island was quiet again. I don't know about everyone else, but it felt that way to me. But I knew the final battle was coming soon, and I had to get to it. Too bad I don't remember the details. There was only one way out. I had to prepare for everything.

I don't know exactly how long the Avatar's adventures lasted, but I don't think it was more than a year. A year and a half at the most. So I'm going to assume that the final battle between the Goodness and the Evil is a year and a half away. What can be done in that time to affect the war? Raise an army. I think that would be a nice advantage. The question is, how exactly do you raise an army and who do you raise it with?

Ideally, we could run through the prisons and organize escapes, me and my students are qualified to do that. What else? We can do guerrilla warfare, it will undermine the morale of the Fire Army and reduce their strength a bit. Industrial sabotage. There's a lot of things. It's too much to list. So what's the plan? Right, we need to make a plan.

That's what I'm doing. Without deviating from the training of warriors and patrolling, it took me a week to come up with a rough plan. But it was too big, and even in the beginning, I didn't have enough people. After some thought, I found a way out. I decided to consult my students first. When we met at the dojo, I began.

«I don't know if you know this, but before I settled here, I traveled a lot. Saw a lot of things. Seen things I would never want you to see. Only recently, things have changed. An Avatar has appeared», I calmed down after pacing a bit, «It is not just a symbol for ordinary people, but a formidable weapon. I think the Avatar has enough power to destroy the Fire Lord. But I don't want to just sit around, and I can't. In the time since the Avatar left, I've come up with a plan. Here», I held out my plan and a few copies. After everyone read it, they all stared at me again. Interestingly, no one said a word until I finished, «What do you think?»

«The plan is certainly crude, but it could work», the oldest of the warriors said, «Except are you absolutely sure you want to go back to war?»

«This is different. In the past, I didn't have the goal of destroying the Fire Tribe and I was just doing my best to hold them back», I continued after some thought, «Now, I'm not burdened by anything and my goal is more global, but much simpler. The main thing is to do everything on time and not get caught. Then it will be much easier for the Avatar.»

«That's true. But what about the island? If we leave, it will be completely defenseless, not to mention your departure», the second warrior said. And she was absolutely right:, «If anyone finds out where we came from, the Fire Warriors will simply destroy us out of revenge. All of our family and friends could get hurt.»

«You're right», I had ideas, but they were more like simple half-measures. «One of you will stay on the island, recruit new recruits and train them. That'll be enough for a while, and it'll give the appearance of our presence. We don't need much, a year, a year and a half, and the war will be over. In the meantime, we'll be operating under different names.»

«How do you know we have a year or two?» asked the third-in-command. What was there to tell her?

«I have been to many places, and at that time I went to many different libraries. In one of them I found an interesting item», I can lie, so I think it'll work, «It said that the war began when a comet passed by our planet, later called the Sozin Comet. «That comet made the firebenders ten times stronger. It also said that the comet would return in a hundred years. If the Avatar is to end the war, he must do so before the comet arrives, for when the comet came the first time, a great desert was formed in the land of Earth, and many people were destroyed.»

After my words there was a ringing silence. And if I have invented that the comet will return in a hundred years, the rest is true. And given the current state of development, it will be a strong argument for the girls, and the consequences could be much worse. Good thing the comet's return only exists in my head.


Packing took a whole month. There was a lot to pack and more to buy from merchants, and we could order everything we needed. Also, my original plan had been thoroughly refined. The oldest of the warriors would stay on the island and start training the younger ones. All the others will travel around the country and start following the plan. There's nothing unusual about it.

Sneak into the Land of Fire, gather information, and destroy as many factories and plants as possible. Depending on the circumstances, we will also have to sneak into the prisons and free as many mages as possible. I, on the other hand, will sneak into the Fire Nation continent and operate there.

All of this should divert the Fire Nation's attention and make the Avatar's victory much easier. It's not a quick job; it could take up to a month just to gather information. It could take even longer to devise a plan of destruction. It's good if the girls can do it in a year.

But now that we're packed, we're on our way. It was hard to leave the island, but in all the time I've lived here, I've come to think of this place as my home. And my home, where I've lived the most, is here. I've gotten used to the people too. I don't want to leave this place, but I have to.