Chapter 53: Grek and Thras to the Rescue!

The arrival of the massive Shergogoan dreadnought electrified the battlefield, its imposing presence and advanced weaponry striking fear into the advancing Reaver forces. The defenders along the wall cheered as the dreadnought's energy blasts tore through the Reaver lines, creating a massive breach in their formation. Its weaponry fired with precision, beams of pulsing energy obliterating groups of Reaver drones and walkers with each strike.

Ethan watched in awe as the dreadnought provided critical support, turning the tide of the battle in their favor. He could feel the tension among the defenders ease slightly, as hope began to replace the fear that had gripped them moments before.

The Shergogoan pilot who had introduced himself earlier reappeared on Ethan's comm, his voice as calm as ever despite the chaos. "Captain Warren, our dreadnought will continue to provide support. The Reavers are resilient, but we believe this should help stem their assault."