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My friend's sexy sister

"So, after you got expelled, everything went crazy. A new girl joined in the middle of the semester named Amelia, and she's really good friends with my sister. To make things worse, she started dating Cole, and in the end, I got dragged into their group, and now I've become the target of all their jokes. It's been hell." Max started talking nonstop.

Eva couldn't keep up with everything he was saying and seemed regretful about having made the invitation. Well, that was only natural; even I couldn't keep up, I got lost at the third name he mentioned.

Eventually, I got him to explain things calmly, one by one. First, about the bitch who got me expelled and her little group: they fought not long after I left. The reason, of course, had nothing to do with me.

From what Max said, Eric and Karen started dating, while the other three in the group — Cole, Michael, and Thomas — stayed close friends. The fight started when Eric and Karen began dating, or something like that. On top of that, a girl named Amelia apparently started dating Cole. Honestly, I didn't care about the story, and just as much as they didn't remember me, I had no reason to remember them either.

Of course, I'd still like to get revenge one day, but I had more important things to do. I just wanted to find a way to pay off my debt and move on with my life. Unfortunately, fate would laugh in my face as those same people would keep crossing my path.

"The problem is that now I've become their punching bag," he said, whining as he explained how they talked trash about him all day long, not to mention the other pranks he hated. The worst part for the guy was that his sister was close friends with Amelia, who, in turn, was dating one of the three. That's why he was practically forced to hang out with the trio, which was also the case that day, but he had managed to escape quickly.

And Max kept being a pain in the ass. The guy could be nice once in a while, especially when he was gaming, but he was unbearable on the days when all he wanted to do was complain.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Eva was about to tell him to fuck off. Wanting to save my friend from that, I got ready to step in, but God did it for me.

"Hey, bro…" A cheerful voice called out.

Drawing attention wherever she went, the young woman opened her graceful smile, while waving excitedly when she saw her brother. Helena wore jeans that gracefully hugged her curves and a simple shirt with a subtle neckline, revealing a casual elegance.

With an animated smile on her face, she ran towards us, waving at her brother. Her rather ample bust naturally swayed magnificently with her energetic steps. Beside me, the little rebel seemed to watch the scene with deep envy. Wanting to avoid any trouble for myself, I made sure to turn my gaze as far away from it as possible.

"Where have you been? Don't just disappear like that; I was worried." The girl began to scold her brother but then noticed our presence and, somewhat embarrassed, apologized and extended her hand towards me. "Sorry, I didn't notice you two. I'm Helena, this idiot's sister," she pointed at her brother with her thumb, "nice to meet you… or maybe I already know you?"

"I'm from your brother's class, technically I'm your senior, but from a different course, I mean, I was…"

"Wait, you're the…" Helena chose not to continue discussing the matter, noticing her brother's disapproving look.

Not quite sure how to address me, the girl shifted her attention to the cute girl next to me. She quickly greeted her and then complimented her clothes, saying they were very stylish. Eva, like a skittish cat, maintained an intense gaze and responded in a more curt manner.

Somehow, the busty girl saw that as a challenge. She seemed determined to tame that cute cat, no matter if she got scratched. Eva, also competitive, didn't seem willing to give in so easily.

Electric sparks seemed to fly between their glances as they entered a mental combat arena. In front of me, I saw powerful strikes being delivered one after another.

But the girl was weak when it came to compliments.

In the end, Helena easily won the mental competition between the two. After commenting on the clothes, nails, hair, eyes, and more, the younger sister managed to break through all the defenses of that skittish cat, who finally "sat in her lap" asking for affection.

I won't deny it was very cute to see it all unfold in front of me. I couldn't help but be impressed by that girl; her social skills were very good. It was almost as if she were the complete opposite of her brother, who lived in his own world.

Speaking of being in another world, at that very moment Max looked at me more lost than a blind man in a shooting range, as he tried to find a way into the girls' conversation. I, on the other hand, although I hadn't allocated any skill points into communication, at least knew how to read the mood and stay quiet when I should.

With not much to do, I decided to open my app to check things out. Something I noticed right away was that I was close to leveling up again; my missions were as follows:

☑ Go on a date at the mall

☑ Learn new skills

☑ Practice some martial art for 8 days straight

☐ Have a date with two girls together

☑ Flirt with a new girl

☑ Start the third quest

☑ Go at a date

☐ Buy new clothes

☐ Get a new girl's contact info

I remembered looking at this a day or two before and there were a lot of missions left, apparently just starting to study what was necessary for working with Amber, I already managed to complete a mission

The flirting one, I don't know if I fulfilled it with Lucia or Eva, but there wasn't much left, just buying clothes and maybe kissing Lila in a square or something like that. I thought I'd leave that for later anyway.

Anyway, apparently, the little contact I had with the two brothers was enough to be considered as if I had made friends with them. Well, technically I was already friends with Max, Helena must have had a very low standard for what she considered a friendship. Just out of curiosity, I also opened her profile to see her status in relation to me:

Helena Naomi

- Age: 18

- Status: none.

- Health: perfect.

- Skills: none

- Affection: 11%

- Relationship: 4%

- Sexual intimacy: 1%

- Desire: 25%

As expected, she considered me practically a stranger. I also noticed that as I leveled up, more information appeared. The only thing that made me curious was its desire value, 25% wasn't necessarily high, but it was something considerable. For comparison purposes, I also opened the other girls' window wanting to compare:


- Age: 25

- Status: In love.

- Health: perfect.

- Skills: [partial transformation], [????], [????], [????], [????], [????], [????], [????], [????].

- Affection: 100%

- Relationship: 100%

- Sexual intimacy: 100%

- Desire: 100%

In Lila's case, the parameters were just as expected. However, I noticed that she had received a new ability, so I'd have to talk to her later to better understand it. Besides that, her old ability had gained a considerable boost in both power and duration with my level-ups.

Since Lila obviously wasn't a good example for understanding the parameters, I took a look at the rest of the girls that appeared in the app and found this:


- Age: 18

- Status: falling in love.

- Health: perfect.

- Skills: none.

- Affection: 77%

- Relationship: 89%

- Sexual intimacy: 59%

- Desire: 83%

I could breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the date was going well up to that point, Eva was really close to being my second girlfriend. Well, there was still the really difficult part left, which would be talking to her about it, as well as some missions to be done, but that was it.


- Age: 27

- Status: disgust (none).

- Health: perfect.

- Skills: [beloved]; [sexual frenzy].

- Affection: -34(25)%

- Relationship: -10(5)%

- Intimacy: -5(0)%

- Desire: -50(0)%

With Amber, because she knew me as both the guy she hired and the guy she caught having sex in her backyard, there were two values ​​for these two "versions" of me. The whole situation was a little worrying, especially how negative the statuses were, but apparently I was managing to overcome it.


- Age: 26

- Status: ????.

- Health: perfect.

- Skills: [?????]; [?????].

- Affection: ???%

- Relationship: ???%

- Intimacy: 38%

- Desire: 23%

Making a comparison, Helena's desire was far below those of the girls I was close to having, so maybe it was just some mild interest for some reason I didn't know. There was no point thinking about it too much, but at least he had completed the first mission of his quest:


Third quest

(Win over the confused sister's heart.)

Description: Helena Naomi is a young girl who was very lonely in her adolescence, but a strict diet turned her into a beautiful woman. Upon entering university she is courted by many, but she can make many mistakes.

- Complete phases: 1/7

Second phase:

 As a handsome knight, protect the lady Helena Kirigaya and win her admiration.

Second phase reward:

 +1 status point

Notice: you will receive more rewards in the upcoming stages.


Since there were no instructions on what to do in the next phase, I just accepted that life was like that and that things would naturally happen as they always did. I simply had to be ready when the moment came to save her, or whatever was needed.

"Apparently, Thomas got rejected by a gorgeous clerk, and Amelia and Cole want to cheer him up. I'm heading over too. Want to come?" Helena interrupted my thoughts. Eva seemed like she was about to agree for a moment, but my quick refusal stopped her from doing anything like that.

It was only natural for those guys to be at the mall; after all, there was only one in town. In fact, it was almost inevitable that I'd run into them at some point, as the town was pretty small. Still, I really wanted to delay that for as long as possible.

Max also seemed like he wanted to decline, but his sister forced him to go along. Before they left, Helena asked for our phone numbers, and we exchanged contacts. Once they were gone, I finally had the chance to be alone with Eva again, and we resumed our date.

"That friend of yours is kind of annoying," she said bluntly.

"He's... unique, but no need to be so harsh. I mean, he does get on my nerves sometimes too," I admitted.

"But his sister is pretty, right?" The jealousy in her eyes was obvious, and my instincts screamed that this was a dangerous moment. I had to give the right answer, or everything could fall apart…