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After the wonderful night with Mina, I returned home, barely resting before diving back into my routine. There wasn't much time to pause, as I had tasks piling up. During a brief break at work, I coordinated a time to meet with Isabel, wanting to be fully prepared to console Amber. After that, I quickly shifted my attention to other messages waiting for me.

Clara had sent me a few videos about digital marketing. We'd been talking a bit, she was helping me with Eva's channel, though it was still in its early stages.

She had also ended her message with a request for an interview. Specifically, she wanted to know everything I could share about the chaos surrounding Amber's presentation and the cult-like nature of her following. 

Most journalists had already covered the event, usually favoring Amber due to her ability to sway people into adoration. However, Clara had a knack for sniffing out hidden scandals. Her curiosity and determination to uncover the truth were unmatched.

I considered sharing some information with her. Staying close to Clara during her investigation might also help me avoid potential pitfalls. Still, I decided to put that on hold for the moment. 

I told her I'd try to reach out to Amber, pretending it would be my first time speaking with her directly. I also mentioned we could meet to discuss everything the following week or whenever it suited her schedule.

Speaking of people wanting to talk, there were also messages from Helena. She wrote that she trusted me deeply and had something important to share.

Her tone sounded serious enough that I offered to jump on a call immediately. However, she insisted on speaking in person.

In the end, I arranged to meet her the next evening. Since she had class, it would be later in the day. Max, surprisingly, had plans to meet some online friends, and Helena's parents worked late. So, she suggested her house as a meeting spot.

If her messages hadn't carried such a grave tone, I might have thought there were ulterior motives behind her invitation. But this didn't seem to be the case.

Lucia had sent me two pictures of wine, asking which one I preferred. I didn't know anything about the subject, and both seemed expensive, so I chose the one with the prettier label.

I asked her why she wanted to know, but she didn't reply. The redhead was always like that.

Finally, I sent Eva a message asking her to cover for me that day since I wouldn't be able to make it to work.

With everything sorted, I headed to Isabel's place.

"Welcome," she greeted me with a smile, guiding me inside. "So, which girl are you meeting today?"

I hadn't even responded to her greeting, and she was already teasing me about women with her usual playful smile. I ignored her question and greeted her with a smile in return.

"Is it that gorgeous woman from the other night?" she asked, referring to Mina.

"No," I answered honestly. "That was just a one-time thing. A lot happened, and we ended up going out together. I'm not sure if we'll go out again. She gave me her number, but we haven't exchanged a single word since."

"Hmmm... That girl seemed really into you. Did you do something stupid to scare her off? You can tell me; I can give you some tips on what to do." She kept her usual teasing and provocative tone.

I always found her hard to figure out or understand what she really wanted. But at the very least, she was a good friend, and I enjoyed sharing things with her.

"I don't think I did anything wrong; it's just that..."

After I sat down and, while she started applying a bit of makeup and other things, I recounted the whole story of how I ended up going on a date with Mina.

Since we barely knew each other and she mentioned wanting something casual, it turned out to be just like that. Besides, my life had been extremely busy over the past few days, so I hadn't thought about reaching out to her.

"I see. There really are a lot of women in your life." She leaned in close to my eyes, doing something to my eyelashes while smiling.

"I guess so..."

"And you always seem to find yourself involved in the craziest, most heroic stories."

It was worth noting she didn't even know the whole story with Amber. Indeed, I always seemed to end up in more and more complicated situations.

"I guess so, I just act when I feel I should, and things end up like this."

She took a step back, then looked at me with eyes full of admiration. Isabel tilted her body in a seductive way, causing her shirt to slip and reveal her purple bra and sensual cleavage.

"Yes, I think that makes you very admirable and..." her rosy lips moved slowly, letting the words form, "sexy."

She stepped back, smiling and showing a hint of shyness after what she had said.

"Anyway, if it's not Mina, is it the girl you saved the other day? I'm sure she must have been jealous seeing another girl take the spotlight, so now she's asked you out."

"It's not a date, I'm just meeting someone. Besides, Helena is just the sister of a friend of mine. Nothing is likely to happen..." Well, eventually, as the missions progressed, things might change, but at that moment, I believed it to be true.

"Sure, sure. You might not have noticed it yet, but you're always seducing every woman around you, Casanova." Her tone was playful, and she seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Soon after, she showed me in the mirror how my hair had turned out. I was surprised since I hadn't even noticed when she started cutting it; probably because I was so absorbed in the conversation.

She moved to stand behind me to show how it looked from the back. Yes, it looked great. Well, even if I didn't think it did, knowing her, she'd just tell me I was wrong and stick with the cut anyway.

"So, could it be that you're meeting that short girl from the other day?" she continued guessing.

"Eva…" I muttered, "no."

"Is there a problem with her?" Noticing my slight change in expression, Isabel asked.

It was impressive how well she understood me. Maybe it was because she was a very attentive woman, she always noticed the smallest details.

That being said, I denied that there was any problem. Technically, everything was on track to be resolved, so in fact, there was no problem.

Isabel then hugged me gently from behind, letting me feel her warmth. Her heart was beating at such a pleasant rhythm, and her scent took me to a calm place. Then her soft voice tickled my ear:

"Come on..." her voice made my whole body relax, "just open up to me, I'm your friend."

Her arms gently wrapped around my neck, in a warm hug that calmed me. Carried by the moment, my lips moved and I told a whole story.

I omitted how I met Lila, but basically, I told her that I had a girlfriend. That she and I had invited Eva to be the second, but she didn't accept and even became more distant from me.

Moreover, what concerned me the most was the situation with her parents. With her being a little more distant, it was harder to help.

"Are you really trying to make a harem?" she murmured almost unconsciously.

The girl pulled away a bit and thought about the matter for a moment. Soon after, with a reassuring smile, she said that I would definitely be able to handle everything.

I didn't understand why, but in that girl's mind, I was an incredible guy. Someone women were interested in and who could make things work. In reality, I knew I was just an ordinary, weak boy.

Then she looked at me in a perverted way, changing the tone of the conversation, and commented:

"But if you have such a girlfriend who's willing to share, you should invite me for a threesome sometime." She got closer to me, exuding her sensuality.

More and more, I felt the girl coming out of her shell and opening up to me.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Y-yes," for some reason, Isabel became more shy, "knowing you, I'm sure your girlfriend must be a beautiful woman, I love pretty girls. I also have no problem with a nice guy like you."

She looked away a little, as provocative as she was, I guess she wasn't used to talking seriously about herself. That said, I would definitely organize things for this threesome.

"Changing the subject, if it's not any of them, then who will you meet?"

Since I was already telling everything, I shared the story of Amber.

While telling it all, we left the hall since everything was ready, so I sat next to her on the couch. We still had some time to kill, so there was no problem.

Being as provocative as always, the girl rested her legs over mine, making sure to rub her thighs against my crotch.

"So there's another girl..." Isabel seemed to get lost in thought.

She then stood up, facing me with a more serious look on her face. She was always floating between her playful self and moments of more seriousness.

"What do you think of me?" she asked.

"Hummm... You're my friend, my best friend. You're beautiful, fun, perverted, and a constant temptation. And I'd say being with you relaxes me, makes me feel good."

Apparently, I chose the right answer, since Isabel gave me a big smile. In this case, there was no ambiguity, she was just happy.

"I feel the same way. I really like you, Liam." Her gaze was intense.

I couldn't help but blush at that 'love declaration' Isabel was so beautiful, so captivating. My heart raced thinking of the possibilities and waiting for her next words.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded, and then she continued: "What's your goal? Where do you want to go? What will you do with all the hearts you capture along the way?"

First, it wasn't a question, it was a questionnaire.

Second, all the questions were complicated. To be honest, I had never thought much about the future.

I needed to survive. Things had gone very wrong, and since then, I had been trying to find a way to deal with it all. Since then…

"I had some problems a few months ago, and since then I've been acting according to my instincts and desires, trying to make everything work and distance myself from the pathetic version of me in the past, hoping to become someone I could be proud of."

"I understand," Isabel smiled. She was as enchanting as ever. "Can you come with me?"

Without giving any further explanation, she looked at me hesitantly, then headed toward her art studio. Naturally, I followed right behind.

When I entered, I was surprised by a large painting of a naked woman.

She had seductive curves, a perfect body, with large breasts and her nipples beautifully decorating the scene. Her thighs were strong and sensual, with a small birthmark in the shape of a cat with pointy ears on her right thigh, which drew attention amidst her perfect skin.

However, even in the nude, more than sexy, the woman looked imposing. There was something about her perfect body that exuded power. Maybe her posture? Or the strong and aggressive brushstrokes that were used to portray her.

Looking up, one characteristic caught my attention: she had no head. It seemed as if the work was not yet finished.

"It's beautiful and a bit imposing..." I commented almost unconsciously.

"Yes," Isabel sighed. "Yesterday, I had a new client, a beautiful and strong woman. She appeared out of nowhere, saying that a friend of hers was my client, and practically forced me to attend to her right then. Normally, I'd consider that kind of behavior rude, but it just felt natural to do as she asked."

She began to recount how the appointment went, describing how fascinated she was with the beauty of that woman. Then she told me it was always like this: she loved beautiful women and loved making them even more beautiful. That was her art.

What she desired most was to reveal the profound beauty of the world: the body and soul of a woman. To elevate both, every detail mattered, clothing, accessories, makeup, perfume, each played a vital role in crafting perfection.

"In the end, can you believe the woman asked if I wanted to paint a portrait of her? Her only condition was that I hide her identity. I was shocked at the time. It felt like she was reading my mind..." She looked proudly at the work she had stayed up all night creating. "But in the end, I'm really glad I did it."

I couldn't understand where she was going with this, but her satisfied smile was stunning.

"I've always thought I was strange, an incorrigible pervert, but I also want to live according to my desires. I want to be like you." She looked at me with incredible intensity, then leaned over me, her sensual scent enveloping me.

She said she had a fetish for women. She loved admiring them, devouring them, presenting them. To her, women were the most beautiful things in this world.

Her gaze showed a passion I had never seen in her before. She was being honest, completely honest.

Her flushed cheeks and hesitant look showed how difficult it still was for Isabel to say all those things.

I knew this moment would come, the moment when she would finally come out of her shell. And that moment had arrived, it was right in front of me.

Isabel felt embarrassed, but her gaze was also increasingly alive. Slowly, her contradictory actions started to make more sense.

It was so beautiful to see her finally opening up to me. I was captivated by every word she said, by her gaze filled with intense desire.

Stripping away her shame and barriers, she was ready to be honest with her desires. Far more honest than I had ever been.

"And I thank you so much. Thanks to you, I've been able to form a clear image of what I want and how I should be. I'm also deeply grateful to that mysterious client. From today onward, I plan to be true to my desires."

Bluish hearts appeared in her gaze, consumed by passion. She looked at me the way a woman overwhelmed by passion would look at her man.

It was sudden. Completely out of my sight and understanding, everything changed in her life. She was now determined to love me.

And, of course, I would accept that love in every way. I was ready to face any consequence the future might bring.

I smiled. Talking to Isabel had strengthened my spirit.

"I'm going to create a harem!" I interrupted her speech to say it loud and clear.

It was inevitable.

I loved many women and wasn't willing to give up any of them.

I had been given a power that made all this possible.

And I desired it.

I would follow my desires, my heart, and make all of them happy with it. I had no intention of hiding anything, I would never do something like that.

"It will be a harem. Everyone will know everything and will know that this is what I want." There was immense determination in my gaze.

Isabel smiled with visible pleasure. Then her legs trembled slightly.

An enjoyable moan escaped her lips.

Her face was filled with pleasure and passion. It looked like she had experienced a mental orgasm.

She approached me, her legs shaky, exuding an uncontrollable sensual aroma.

She looked at me, and in place of her pupils, glowing hearts shone. Her breathing was heavy, her body trembled, and her face was red, overtaken by pleasure and intense desire.

Then she spoke in a sweet and warm voice:

"If you ever create a harem… No, knowing the man you are, it's not an if." 

She smiled provocatively. Then, in a very graceful act, she bowed slightly before looking at me with a charming smile and saying clearly:

"Please, when you create your harem, could you allow me to take care of all of them? Could you let me be a part of it?"

I didn't answer; I simply took a step forward.

Our lips touched.