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The party gets started

Friday finally arrived; it would be the first of three days of partying ahead. Somehow, I felt slightly nervous. Everything had been going too smoothly up to that point, which was a bit strange. Also, as the antisocial person I had been all my life, this kind of extremely social event left me a bit anxious.

I had the impression I might end up freezing in that kind of environment, unable to do anything useful. Or maybe even worse, I could end up doing several things wrong.

By the way, putting my anxiety aside for a moment, after Helena fainted, we ended up taking her to bed. In the end, it was decided that everyone would sleep at Isabel's house. 

Of course, there weren't enough beds for everyone, but spreading mattresses on the floor solved everything. That night, I ended up sleeping with Isabel herself, as she wouldn't be going to the party and wanted to make the most of the time she had left with me.