
Every world has its own myths and legends.

This world is no exception, especially when it comes to the legends about the origins of the races that inhabit its lands. Hundreds of races that once lived and thrived in this world each had their own unique myths and legends—about creation, about great heroes, or about the destruction of other races that were once their rivals.

These myths and legends were passed down from generation to generation, in the hope that these stories would become lessons and guides that would endure forever.

As long as their race still walked the earth, in the relentless struggle for survival, only the strong would endure. The weak would be cast aside, wiped out without a trace from the harsh world.

This world is not a place of mercy for the weak. Even the strong face immense challenges in surviving amidst the merciless nature of this world. This world consists of one vast continent dominating the horizon, surrounded by several islands scattered across the oceans.

On land, ferocious beasts roam, ready to devour anything they encounter. In the sea, gigantic creatures that can grow larger than mountains swim freely, destroying anything that dares to challenge them. In the sky, winged beings capable of toppling massive trees with a single gust of wind fly gracefully, ruling the air.

There is only one word to describe all these creatures—monsters.

However, there is one more factor that determines a race's chances of survival: the ability to wield magic. Most monsters possess extraordinary magical abilities, while not all races in this world are blessed with such gifts. In fact, nearly all races struggle with mastering magic, making them more vulnerable to the threats posed by these wild creatures. The combination of harsh natural conditions and the inability to wield magic has led many races to extinction or brought them to the brink of it.

Now, less than 20 races remain, along with several half-monster races that continue to fight for their existence. These races include the Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, Demons, Dragons, Fairies, Giants, Merfolk, Harpies, Angels, Vampires, and others. The half-monster races that still inhabit this world include Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and a few others whose names are only whispered in fearful rumors. In this merciless world, they all struggle to survive, hoping that their myths and legends will not be buried alongside the destruction of their race.


1446 Ancient Empire Calendar

Fires raged everywhere, buildings crumbled, and hordes of monsters surged forward like an unstoppable flood.

Screams echoed from every direction, with only fear filling the hearts of those who witnessed this terrifying scene. Amidst the panic, one thought dominated their minds—"The human race will be wiped out soon."

There was no time to seek help from other races. The world was engulfed in a great war that had raged for centuries, rendering them incapable of aiding one another. All they could do was pray and hope that at least a few would survive to ensure that the human race did not disappear from the face of the earth.

"Run! Save yourselves!!!"

"Leave your belongings behind! There's no time to take anything! LEAVE IT!!!"



People ran in all directions, obeying the commands of those clad in armor amidst the chaos. In the town square, a large crowd gathered, their faces painted with fear and confusion.






The panicked crowd began to shout, demanding answers from a man in luxurious clothing who stood before them. His voice, laden with anxiety, echoed among the crumbling buildings.

"SILENCE!!!" A knight in armor shouted, forcing the crowd into a brief silence, his authoritative voice cutting through the surrounding commotion.

"Thank you, Ronald," said the king softly, his voice almost drowned out by the noise of the crowd.

"There's no need to thank me, my King," Ronald replied with deep respect, bowing his head low.

"MY PEOPLE! We have no other choice! It has been 10 days since the start of the great war between the Angels and Demons, and the number of monsters attacking us is more than the knights can handle." The king took a deep breath, his eyes clouded with the weight of the responsibility he bore.

"WE, HUMANS, are a weak race and cannot use magic. We can only bear the consequences of the actions of other races without the ability to defend ourselves, let alone retaliate. Therefore, we will evacuate through the *GATE* and continue to survive while waiting for the right time to reclaim our homeland. But for now, EVACUATE!!!"

The king's words pierced through the fear hanging in the air, causing the crowd to pause before they began to move, following the knights' guidance. They walked towards a blue vortex standing 10 meters high, their faces etched with fear and confusion. However, now, fear was not the only emotion visible on their faces—there was also a glimmer of hope, faint but real.

The king watched his people with a gaze filled with sadness and compassion, as if understanding the suffering they endured.

"You should evacuate too, my King," Ronald said softly, looking at the king who still stood firm in his place.

"I cannot leave until all my people are safe, Ronald. What about you? Don't you have a child as well?" the king asked, his lips forming a weak smile.

"My child and wife have already evacuated along with the princess and the queen. I've instructed them to protect the princess during the evacuation," Ronald replied, his voice firm despite the worry in his eyes.

"Hmmm, is that so?"

"Yes, and you should evacuate now," Ronald urged again, this time with a more pressing tone.

"Very well," the king finally agreed, nodding before he began walking toward the Gate.

After that, the human race disappeared from the continent, never to return. This led other races to believe that they had perished like the others before them, and slowly, they faded from the memory of the world.