Chapter 04:Dwarf Race

Mount Draùpnir, Western Continent

Mount Draùpnir towers 1,378 meters above sea level, serving as a home to various creatures, both monsters and intelligent beings who have built civilizations within it. Among the most well-known inhabitants of this mountain are the Dwarves, a race that physically resembles humans but with a maximum height of only about 1.5 meters.

Despite their small stature, Dwarves possess large muscles and incredible strength. They do not live above ground. Instead, they have constructed a magnificent underground city to protect themselves from predators and because of their professions and beliefs. This city is known as Dvergar, a mining city teeming with life in the depths of Mount Draùpnir.

Most Dwarves work as miners and blacksmiths. They forge weapons such as swords, spears, shields, armor, and other tools that aid in their work, like furnaces and mining carts. Their mining and blacksmithing skills are unmatched by any other race, and the quality of their equipment is highly prized.

Other races cannot replicate their craftsmanship, forcing them to purchase Dwarven equipment at high prices. This often leads to disputes, as the Dwarves, particularly those in the merchant clan, are known for their greed and always try to raise the prices of their goods as high as possible.

Note: They also have a great fondness for alcohol and wine. So if you want to purchase items at a lower price, it's better to share a drink first:)

The majority of Dwarves believe that they were created from the minerals of the mines by the goddess Terra. However, some believe they were created from the flesh of Ymir, the legendary giant ancestor. This belief forms the basis of many traditions and ceremonies they perform within their underground city.

Dwarves live in a highly structured society, divided into various clans, each with a specific role, such as the mining clan, the blacksmith clan, the warrior clan, and the merchant clan. Leadership within the clan is usually passed down through generations and is led by a leader called 'Than' or 'Jarl.'

The merchant clan is known to be the most greedy, buying equipment from other clans at very low prices and then selling it at extremely high prices to other races.

Underground, Mount Draùpnir

Deep within the earth of Mount Draùpnir, an unexpected sight unfolds. Rather than being filled with dirt and stone, the underground of Mount Draùpnir houses a bustling mining city teeming with life.

The clang of hammers echoes throughout the city, mining carts move from cave to cave, and people no taller than 1.5 meters are busy with various tasks. This is the city of the Dwarves—Dvergar.

The Dwarves are occupied with various activities: some are forging iron, some are mining, some are transporting the mined materials, some are arm-wrestling, and some are even drinking. (Wait, aren't those last two just loafing around?! I mean, shouldn't the sun be shining out there?!)

From a blacksmith's workshop located in the center of the city, the sound of someone hammering iron can be heard. Another Dwarf arrives and knocks on the workshop's door.

Knock knock knock

Knock knock knock

"Oiii, Aisel, are you in there?!" shouts the Dwarf who just arrived.

"Come in! The door isn't even locked, you fool!" shouts the person inside at the Dwarf knocking on the door.

"Hehehe," laughs the Dwarf as he opens the door.

"So, is it done?" he asks as he opens the door.

Standing before the furnace, a Dwarf about 1.3 meters tall with a beard covering his face and long hair holds a sword that he has just finished forging.

"Almost, I just need to add the 'Runes' to the sword," says Aisel, directing his hand towards the newly made sword.

"Alright, alright," says the Dwarf who knocked, his name is Dwego.

Magically, two parallel lines of light emerge from Aisel's fingers and float towards the sword, wrapping around it. Then, writing appears between the two lines.




"Phew, here are the four runes as requested," says Aisel, handing the sword to Dwego.

"Wow, no matter how many times I see it, I'm still amazed. It seems the title of 'Best Rune Enchanter' in this city isn't just a name, huh?" replies Dwego in awe as he takes the sword.

"Yeah, yeah, because I'm just that good, so hurry up and pay," says Aisel, puffing out his chest and holding out his hand towards Dwego.

"Tch, at least give me a discount," Dwego replies.

"I've given you discounts so many times before, and you should still be making a big profit, right?" Aisel retorts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay, okay, you win," says Dwego sadly as he hands over a bag of money.

"Alright then, I'm off," he continues as he turns to leave.

"Yeah, yeah," Aisel responds.



Runes are a type of magic that has the ability to enhance inanimate objects like weapons, armor, arrows, and more by inputting magical energy with a specific frequency known as 'Rune Letters.' This magic is commonly used by Dwarves and other blacksmiths to increase the durability (and price) of the equipment they create.