Chapter 16:Return.

Huft huft hah huft hah.

The sound of heavy breathing came from someone with a peculiar appearance—a combination of human and lion. Standing in the midst of ruins was Ian. His muscular body, adorned with thick, mane-like hair around his face, gripped a massive sword measuring 1.2 meters long in both hands. In front of him stood a man dressed in black robes and wearing a mask, Zach, holding a much shorter sword, about 60 centimeters in length.

They had been training without rest for the past three days, only stopping to eat and sleep. This was more than just a test of strength; it was preparation for facing a highly intelligent race known for their tactical prowess in combat. Ian and Zach were preparing for the challenging days ahead.

"Are you ready?" Zach asked, smiling behind his black mask, his voice calm but clearly enjoying the moment. Even though his eyes were hidden, his tone indicated he was relishing the situation.

Ian simply nodded without saying a word, tightening his grip on the large sword. His muscles tensed, ready for an attack that could come at any moment.

Zach's smile widened behind his mask as he stepped forward with his left foot. His body lowered into an attack stance, and his sword, which had been resting at his side, swung behind him, poised for action. In the blink of an eye, Zach vanished from Ian's sight, only to reappear at his right side with incredible speed.

Ian, already accustomed to Zach's swift movements, immediately swung his sword from above, aiming to strike with overwhelming force. But Zach, with precise movement, easily deflected Ian's attack. His smaller sword skillfully redirected the massive swing, demonstrating just how well-trained he was in the art of combat.

Realizing his attack had failed, Ian quickly stepped back. He adjusted his stance, pulling his sword back and preparing for defense.

Zach gave Ian no time to recover. His sword swung upward from below his waist, aiming for Ian's neck. Ian blocked the attack, but Zach didn't stop there. He attacked again, faster and stronger than before. Blow after blow followed, each strike faster and more powerful, gradually overwhelming Ian.

The flurry of attacks wasn't just testing Ian's physical strength, but his mental fortitude as well. Ian could feel every clash of their swords, every swing becoming faster and harder to deflect. As soon as he thought he had matched Zach's rhythm, another quicker, stronger attack would come.

'How are his strikes this strong when his physical strength is far below mine?' Ian thought, struggling to block a strike aimed at his face. 'Is he aiming for my head? Is he trying to kill me?'

Ian swallowed hard. This was supposed to be training, not a life-or-death battle. But the way Zach fought made Ian think otherwise. He knew if he didn't act soon, neither his strength nor his speed would be enough to withstand the onslaught.

'Calm down,' Ian told himself, trying to still his growing panic. 'If this continues, I won't be able to match his speed and strength anymore. I have to stop his sword from swinging.'

With that thought, Ian took a step forward. His right foot pushed off the ground, and he thrust his massive sword straight at Zach, trying to regain control of the fight.

The powerful thrust hurtled toward Zach's chest. But, with extraordinary agility, Zach dodged it effortlessly. Not only that, he immediately counterattacked, this time aiming from Ian's right side.

Zach's blade slashed from upper left to lower right, targeting Ian's exposed side.

Clang! Crack!

A loud sound echoed as their swords clashed. Zach's strike this time felt different. The force behind his attack was immense, far stronger than before. Ian struggled to withstand the blow, but the pressure was too great, and his massive sword cracked and shattered. Fragments of the blade fell to the ground.

'Damn it!' Ian cursed in his mind. 'I wanted to stop his sword, not end this fight because my weapon broke!'

The impact left Ian's hands numb. Frustration welled up inside him. 'How could I forget the First Art! If I had remembered sooner, I could have stopped his attack before it became this powerful.'

Ian sighed deeply as he looked down at the shattered remains of his sword. The blade had been old, rusting, and it had been picked up from the ruins—Zach had found it among the remnants of the people who once lived here.

'Sorry, previous owner of the sword, but it was Zach who broke it, not me. If you want to curse someone, curse him,' Ian thought as he glanced at Zach.

"So… how am I supposed to train without a sword now?" Ian asked Zach, frustration evident in his voice. 'He can't seriously expect me to fight barehanded, right? What if he says something like, 'To master the sword, you must first feel what it's like to be cut by one'? That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?'

Just thinking about it made Ian's skin crawl. But Zach chuckled softly behind his mask and said, "We should head to your village now. Your training is done. All that's left is for you to perfect your technique and gain some experience."

Zach's words drained Ian of enthusiasm. "Didn't you say there's an unused sword in your village? Besides, don't you have to prove to your father that you've become stronger?" Zach added, with a smirk that was visible even through his black mask.

Those words reignited Ian's spirit. He nodded in agreement, ready to return to his village.

"How about we eat first? I'm starving after watching you two fight all morning!" said Lena, breaking the silence. The young woman had been sitting and watching them since the early hours and was now standing with a broad smile. She had prepared some seasoned meat, ready to be cooked.

The three of them laughed together, agreeing to eat before continuing their journey. After they were full, they began preparing for the trip south, to the Beastkin village where Ian had grown up.

"By the way, how long is the journey to your village from here?" Lena asked curiously.

Ian thought for a moment before replying, "About two days, I'd say."

"Are we ready to go?" asked Zach, who had packed their equipment and extinguished the campfire. Ian and Lena nodded.

"You can still fight monsters without a sword, right, Ian?" Zach teased with a grin.

Ian smiled back. "Are you mocking me, Zach? I'm Beastkin. Of course, I can fight barehanded, even if I'm not as strong as some others."

"Hehehe, just kidding," Zach said, laughing awkwardly.

"Come on, let's get moving," Lena interjected, shaking her head before heading south. Zach and Ian laughed again before following Lena, setting off on their journey back to the village.