Along the Way

After the conversation between Richel and me, we planned our journey and decided to get ready by tomorrow, so we separated to do so. I didn't have any problem getting prepared since I was ready long before reaching Rio, but it wasn't a bad idea to be cautious.

"Hello, how may I help you?" said the receptionist.

"I'm looking for some easy missions to finish while I am traveling in Drenche Desert," I said after I handed over my Adventurer ID to the receptionist.

"Very well, wait a little."

As long as there were monsters in the world, there were Adventurer Guilds, and Barndeth wasn't an exception.

A long time ago, long before any modern achievements, people lived in complete fear due to the monsters. Although there were strong humans at that time, they didn't want to risk their lives for nothing, so they began to help themselves until a person turned an idea into reality and created guilds in all countries with the help of the country's rulers.