Easiest Test

After I made a sword, I had a long talk with Ken about teaching him smithing. It wasn't that I couldn't teach him everything I knew, but I had some other things I needed to take care of.

I walked out of the blacksmith's and went straight towards the most recognizable place in the whole [Doomed Fantasy]. Despite the grandeur of Arcania City, any Adventurer Guild had its unique properties that were repeated in all locations: the sound of people talking, the smell of drinks, and the laughter of friends.

I walked slowly towards a table in a corner with a calm expression. I was there to eat something after spending a long time cleaning the tower without eating anything besides meats and materials found in the tower.

"Hello there. Do you want any drinks?" said the waiter, who approached me after I sat down.

"No, thank you. I want to eat some food. Soup, if possible," I said.