Chapter 19 The Power of Phoenix, the second cub appears and   Zhao Yueyue vomits so hard that she is about to vomit bile.

He killed someone again, but unlike last time, this time he did it while he was awake.

Five lives were killed just like that. When Zhao Yueyue thought of this, and then of the smell of blood she had just smelled, physical nausea and psychological pressure surged up her throat, making her morning sickness even worse.

Tears and vomiting came up at the same time, making me feel very embarrassed.

After finally suppressing her morning sickness, Zhao Yueyue quickly used her sword to support her weak body and moved towards the crime scene.

"With such a big commotion here, it will soon alert people nearby. It will be terrible if Tianyan Sect also sends people to check. I must quickly eliminate all traces and leave this troubled place!"

Seeing the crime scene, the place where the few people had stayed was all charred black, and there was even a lot of flying ashes where they were. Zhao Yueyue tried hard not to let herself think about what the flying ashes were. She endured the nausea of ​​vomiting, quickly dealt with the scene, and put away the few storage rings that were not burned.

Then quickly turned around and left.

Sure enough, not long after Zhao Yueyue left, the commotion here attracted a lot of people to come and see.

But because Zhao Yueyue handled the scene, some people who came to check didn't find anything.

"Strange, didn't the noise just now happen here?"

"Not sure, maybe!"

"I think this is the place. How dare you act wildly in my Tianyan Sect? I will report this to the sect and ask someone to come over and investigate!"

"Brother is wise!"

The man whose horse was photographed was very proud and reported it to the authorities.

He originally thought that even if he reported it, at most only his next superior would come to check it out. However, he did not expect that a group of big guys would come to check it out. After checking it out, they even asked them to keep it secret and not spread it outside, otherwise they would be punished according to the rules of the sect.

The two were so frightened that they thought they had discovered some secret, and they were so scared that they dared not hang around anymore.

And the reason for this is all because——


Lin Shang, who was meditating inside the sword, suddenly opened his eyes, then fell down holding his chest, looking extremely painful.

"Ah, what's going on? Why does the blood in my body feel like it's on fire? I can even feel it trying to separate from my body."

Lin Shang was sweating coldly from the pain and his face was as pale as paper.

"Oh no! This is the bloodline's owner trying to summon and take back her bloodline power! That Lin Yue must have used the power of the phoenix to make you do this!"

"What?!" Lin Shang asked the owner of the voice weakly.

"How is this possible? I have taken away all her bloodline. Without the body of a phoenix, how could she possibly use the power of the phoenix!" Lin Shang couldn't believe this was true.

"Idiot, you only took away her bloodline, but her phoenix bones are still there and she is not dead. Although the chance is pitifully small, as long as she works hard, it is not impossible to restore her bloodline!

By that time, your bloodline will backfire and you will be in a much worse situation than you are now! I have long said that a woman's kindness will not accomplish anything great! If you kill her at the beginning, nothing will happen! "

Lin Shang was so frightened by what it said about the future that she broke out in a cold sweat and gritted her teeth and fought back.

"Do you think I didn't want to? At that time, there were eyes around her and me. It was luck that I found the time to take her blood. If I killed her, it would alert the top leaders of Tianyan Sect. What if they found out? Why didn't you say that you were so useless that you couldn't even kill a little girl?"

After hearing these words, the owner of the voice had nothing to say, after all, this was the truth.

"So what are you going to do now? Judging from your reaction now, she should have only used a little bit of the power of the Phoenix, and it is not likely to cause any danger. But if a small problem is not solved, it will become a big problem! And the Tianyan Sect is not short of capable people, maybe they have already taken action."

After these words were spoken, Lin Shang's hatred towards Lin Yue deepened.

"Lin Yue!"

Why don't you just stay still? Why do you always struggle to get up every time I push you into the mud, even if you are covered in filth? Why! Why

don't you just die! If you die, it will be good for me and everyone, isn't it?

Lin Shang's face twisted for a moment, then slowly calmed down.

"It's okay. I can still keep this secret. Even if they can tell it's the power of the Phoenix, they won't suspect anyone else, let alone Lin Yue! As long as I admit it, this matter will end like this! As for Lin Yue, she's about to enter the Yuntian Secret Realm. By then, there will be plenty of ways to kill her!"

"What do you want to do? Yuntian Secret Realm is a small secret realm for Tianyan Sect's foundation-building disciples to train. You can't even enter it, right?"

"Everything depends on human effort, and whoever says that someone must kill someone himself is inferior. The most brilliant chess player will make good use of all the chess pieces in his hand and let them do things for him!"

Lin Shang showed a creepy smile, and even the owner of the voice couldn't help but doubt their identities. Who is the devil? This woman is not even as good as the devil!

Zhao Yueyue, who was leaving, did not stop along the way.

After quickly flying out of the crime scene, he was even ready to fly to the Tianyan Sect.

But when he flew to a river near Tianyan Sect.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The sound of a baby crying very loudly reached her ears.

The five senses of a cultivator are extremely sharp. Someone like Zhao Yueyue can hear the movements within a radius of 500 miles, so Zhao Yueyue quickly lowered her head to look.

Then they found a child swimming downstream in the upper reaches of the river.

Such a small child is placed in a small wooden basin. If it is not good, a small wave can overturn the basin.

Perhaps he was wet by the river water when he was flowing down, or he knew that his situation was very dangerous, and the baby's crying was deafening.

But it was already dark, and there were few cultivators around. Even if there were, their long-term practice had made them somewhat indifferent, and few people would stop to look. At most, they would just glance at the child and then leave.

Soon there were no people around.

Zhao Yueyue looked around and prepared herself mentally.

What? This is not my child? There is no need to say that. I can't even take care of myself. I already have a child to raise. If I have another one, it will be like asking for her life.

But after building it for a long time, the flying sword under her feet didn't move at all, and Zhao Yueyue just stayed in the air.

Finally, the baby seemed tired of crying and the noise became quieter. A gust of wind blew, and the waves created by it lifted up the wooden basin containing the child. From her angle, it seemed that the child was in danger, and her heart sank.

Her actions were faster than her thoughts. When she came to her senses, she had already landed beside the child, holding the wooden basin that the child was about to pour out.

Finally, he no longer had to float in the water, and the child smiled happily with his toothless mouth.

At that moment, Zhao Yueyue felt her heart melted by this smile.

He also smiled and picked up the baby wrapped in rags.

"Forget it, since you're so cute, just come with me!"