Chapter 55 Wait for Me

 Zhao Yueyue feels very strange now. The whole process of being unconscious was a mixture of pain and fear. At one point she felt like she was going to die.

But when she thought of her unborn baby, Zhao Yueyue didn't dare to die.

Xiaobao is only four months old. If she dies, will Xiaobao still be able to live?

Therefore, even though she was in unbearable pain, even though her body was constantly being eroded by the evil spirit and her insides were completely destroyed, Zhao Yueyue still told herself that she couldn't die!

With her maternal instinct, she kept trying to mobilize the spiritual power in her body to protect her belly. Even though it was very meager, she still wanted to protect her child as much as possible.

However, Xiaobao's actual condition is much better than hers. Xiaobao is blessed by heaven, and this power will ensure her safe birth. At most, the invasion of evil spirits will make Xiaobao feel painful, but her life is still worry-free.

But Zhao Yueyue didn't know all this. She only knew that it was too painful and she couldn't hold on any longer.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Mommy tried her best, but Mommy can't hold on any longer."

After Zhao Yueyue murmured softly, her consciousness began to fade. Just when Zhao Yueyue was about to fall into darkness completely, suddenly a bright light appeared in the boundless darkness, accompanied by an extremely majestic dragon roar.


The light broke through the darkness, dispelled the bone-chilling cold, and brought warmth and light to Zhao Yueyue.

The gradually cold body began to warm up, and the pain in the limbs and bones seemed to disappear because of the dragon's roar.

Zhao Yueyue's consciousness, which was about to dissipate, slowly gathered.

"Dragon roar?"

Zhao Yueyue thought she was hallucinating, but she soon found out that it was not.


There was another dragon roar, and then Zhao Yueyue saw a majestic five-clawed golden dragon appear in her body. With its appearance, the evil spirit in Zhao Yueyue's body dissipated as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

As the evil spirit dissipated in Zhao Yueyue's body, a gentle blue halo emanated from the golden dragon's body. As the halo spread, it spread throughout Zhao Yueyue's body, like a dead tree coming back to life, immediately bringing new life to Zhao Yueyue's body!

It felt like her whole body was soaking in a warm hot spring, warm and comfortable, Zhao Yueyue didn't want to wake up at all.

But time is limited and someone can't wait any longer.

Zhao Yueyue felt a warm big hand brushing across her cheek, and a gentle male voice sounded in her ears.

"Little girl, we meet again!"

What a familiar voice!

Zhao Yueyue's eyelids twitched violently when she heard it. She smiled solemnly when she saw it.

He was ready to open his mouth again to wake up the Sleeping Beauty in front of him. He had many things he wanted to ask her and many things he wanted to tell her, but he didn't have much time and couldn't maintain this incarnation for too long.

But before he could take any action, Sui Zhong suddenly looked towards a certain place. There was endless void there. It was the place where Heaven had sealed the Demon Emperor. At this moment, he could feel that if he stayed any longer, the Demon Emperor would probably sense his presence!

"It's really haunting!"

Chongzhong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards where the Demon Emperor was with murderous intent, but he quickly put away the murderous intent, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He couldn't be impulsive. He and many people in the entire world of immortal cultivation had paid too much to get to this point. If he was discovered in advance, he would not be important. What was important was the Cang Qiong Sect, Zhao Yueyue and Xiaobao, and the entire world of immortal cultivation would be affected.

If that happens, a lot of people's efforts will be wasted.

Thinking of this, his reluctant eyes fell on Zhao Yueyue and Zhao Yueyue's belly.

"I'm sorry, we have to separate just after we met. I don't even have the chance to talk to you properly. And for the safety of you and the child, I'm afraid I can't fulfill my promise. Yueyue, don't blame me! In this world, I dare not trust anyone except Master, and I dare not leave you and your child to anyone else to take care of.

"Xiaobao was able to connect with my soul before she was born, which means she must have inherited my true dragon bloodline. If the Heavenly Demon Clan finds out, the safety of you and your child will be in jeopardy. So, wait for me! When I complete the true dragon bloodline, I will definitely come to find you!"

After saying that, he bent down and left an extremely gentle kiss on Zhao Yueyue's forehead, while extending his slender white fingers and gently touching her abdomen.


A light blue spiritual power was injected into Zhao Yueyue's lower abdomen from Suzhong's fingers. The spiritual power coming from her biological father immediately made the somewhat listless little guy excited, and she danced with joy to accept the gift from her father.

Then he started to interact with his father.

"Aa ...

Chongzhong raised his body and felt the light blue spiritual power from Xiaobao chasing and entangled with his own. The warmth in his eyes almost overflowed, but thinking of his purpose, Chongzhong withdrew his spiritual power and merged it into Xiaobao's body.


Sensing Xiaobao's confusion, Chongzhong explained softly, "Be good, Xiaobao, don't reveal yourself before Daddy comes. This is also for the safety of you and Mommy, okay?"

"Aa ...

Well, Uncle Tiandao said the same thing~


Chongzhong frowned slightly in doubt, but then he thought that the little guy might also have the blood of a true dragon, and it seemed reasonable for God to take care of him through the back door, so his brows smoothed out.

"Then baby, just be good and obedient, okay?"

"Aa ...

"So good!"

After comforting the little one, he looked at Zhao Yueyue with reverence.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that although Zhao Yueyue looked a little pale, her whole body had recovered.

"I don't have enough time to observe you carefully. I'm sorry, Yueyue. You and Xiaobao must be well."

After he finished speaking, his incarnation gradually disappeared amid the reluctant gazes.

As he disappeared, Zhao Yueyue's fingertips moved and her lips trembled. If you look closely, you can tell that Zhao Yueyue was talking at this time, but her voice was too soft and Sui Zhong, who had left, didn't hear it.

And what she said was: "Don't go, tell me who you are?"

Isn't this a big mistake? The other person talked about his affection for a long time, but Zhao Yueyue didn't even know his name. It was even outrageous that they had a child!

Zhao Yueyue herself thought it was quite funny. Obviously, her body had recovered, but the evil spirit entering her body not only destroyed her body, but also exhausted her mentally.

So the reason why Zhao Yueyue couldn't wake up for a while was not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't.

But perhaps because she was too resentful, Zhao Yueyue finally struggled to wake up a few minutes after Chongzhong left. She opened her eyes and sat up angrily, roaring -

"So what is your name, you stinky man? Can you please get to the point, fuck!"

It can be said that the resentment is enormous.

Looking around, there was no one in sight except those lying there.

Before Zhao Yueyue could try to recall everything about the man, a "buzzing" sound was heard. Zhao Yueyue immediately looked up at the source of the sound.