Chapter 63 The Demon Cultivator Deserving Death

That was a high-level divine invisibility talisman! It was as high as level 6, and ordinary cultivators could not find it at all.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yueyue remembered something else, looked for it in the storage ring, and then took it out.

It was the trophy Zhao Yueyue got from her first murder—a shadow-chasing bug!

Only after seeing these two things did Zhao Yueyue feel at ease.

Then, after quickly going through all the details in his mind, he followed the blatant evil aura in front of him to look for someone.

Zhao Hua breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Zhao Yueyue walked very carefully along the way, and after walking for an unknown amount of time, she arrived at a house.

Zhao Yueyue was shocked. This place was hidden very deeply. If Zhao Yueyue hadn't followed the evil spirit, normal cultivators would never have been able to get here, because not only was there no one living near the house, but there was also a formation protecting it.

With these two approaches working together, it would be difficult to be discovered unless a high-level cultivator went out of his way to look for it.

However, Zhao Yueyue did not dare to step into the formation easily for fear of being discovered, so she immediately put an invisibility talisman on herself.

Feeling that her breath was completely hidden and she was slowly disappearing, Zhao Yueyue carefully passed through the formation and went in. After tiptoeing for a long time and finding that she was not discovered, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Zhao Yueyue sneaked into the house at an extremely fast speed.

Following the demonic energy that almost led her the way, it would be difficult for Zhao Yueyue to find the group of demon cultivators.

But the further she walked, the more Zhao Yueyue frowned, because she was almost vomiting from the extremely unpleasant smell in the air.

What is this smell, death? And corpse smell?

"How many people would it take to have such a smell? These people, won't..."

Zhao Yueyue thought of a terrible idea, and then she dared not delay any longer.

After she quickly sneaked into the place with the heaviest evil spirit and death energy, Zhao Yueyue wanted to kill that group of people!

Because the scene before her eyes was no exaggeration to say that it was purgatory!

This was an underground secret room. As soon as Zhao Yueyue entered, she was almost vomited by the smell of blood. Fortunately, she held her breath in time and managed to hold it in.

He calmed himself down and walked in again, and was frightened by the huge pool of blood in front of him.

In the very center of the secret room is a huge pool of blood. If you only look at the pool without looking at the blood inside, it can almost be considered a pond. It is a hundred feet long and a hundred feet wide, with a depth visible to the naked eye. How many people must be killed to fill such a huge pool of blood?

This was just the appetizer. When Zhao Yueyue saw the mountain of corpses inside, she really wanted to kill!

Countless corpses piled up like a mountain, and broken limbs were everywhere. They were just thrown there casually, and there was even fear in their eyes. Zhao Yueyue's stomach kept churning.

Zhao Yueyue was about to vomit after seeing all this, but suddenly, from deeper inside, bursts of children's crying were heard, accompanied by bursts of cursing from men and women, which caught Zhao Yueyue's attention.


These two words aroused Zhao Yueyue's nerves, especially the presence of children in such a purgatory on earth. Zhao Yueyue didn't think these bastards were doing anything good!

The worry about the children occupied the nausea and vomiting, and Zhao Yueyue went deeper inside again.

As a result, we saw that this group of people kidnapped hundreds of babies from somewhere and put them on a strange altar. The children cried. It was completely because of these inhuman dogs that they cut the babies' wrists, causing large amounts of blood to flow out, which caused the babies to cry!

There were about 50 demon cultivators who were disturbed by the crying of the baby. They cursed the baby for being so noisy, and knelt down with fanatical expressions to beg for mercy from the huge statue on the altar.

Weird, dark, and hideous, she could actually see the evil spirit wrapped around a statue. It was the one she had just discovered. It turned out to be emitted by the statue of the devil. No wonder it was so much weaker!

Seeing this, Zhao Yueyue kept persuading herself to stay calm, stay calm!

But when she saw that the child's blood was almost drained, the crying became quieter, and the smell of blood in the air became thicker and thicker, Zhao Yueyue could no longer bear it!

Zhao Yueyue rushed out of the secret room at the fastest speed and sent out the sect's distress signal, which was given to her by Xu Ningyuan when she was a direct disciple. After seeing that it was sent successfully, Zhao Yueyue was still worried and sent another distress signal to Uncle Cheng.

Then, after attracting the attention of the people inside, he rushed into the secret room again and happened to confront those evil cultivators.

Zhao Yueyue said nothing, drew out the sword in her hand - Fengxiao Sword, and slashed with the sword to kill several demon cultivators.


A few screams attracted the attention of the demon cultivators, and a leading demon cultivator who looked to be at least at the Nascent Soul stage spoke sternly.


Unfortunately, with the advanced invisibility talisman in her hand, Zhao Yueyue's figure could not be seen by the other party at all.

Zhao Yueyue relied on this point to catch them off guard and quickly killed those demon cultivators with low cultivation levels.

Although it felt satisfying to kill these enemies, Zhao Yueyue felt extremely painful.

Because she was concerned about the sacrificed babies, the longer she delayed, the more danger those babies would be in.

Even if these demon cultivators were intercepted, they would still tightly surround the door of the underground secret room, not allowing Zhao Yueyue, who they could not see, to have the opportunity to go in and interrupt this strange sacrifice. In their opinion, this was even more important than the lives of their companions!

So Zhao Yueyue knew that this sacrifice was definitely not simple!

If it was allowed to continue, those babies would die, and there was a possibility that some terrifying existence would be summoned!

Could it be a demon?

When Zhao Yueyue thought of this, she could no longer hide the anxiety in her eyes.

Damn it! Get out of my way, you beast!

The sword skills in Zhao Yueyue's hand became more and more fierce, and her murderous intent became stronger and stronger!

I kept praying in my heart: Hurry up, hurry up! No matter who you are, please hurry up! Hurry up and save those poor children and stop the terrible demon from appearing in the world!

Hurry up!

Every second felt like an age. Zhao Yueyue's forehead was completely soaked with sweat, and it was even about to flow into her eyes, but she still didn't get any support, and was instead caught by their leader!

After nearly ten demon cultivators were sacrificed, the demon cultivator who started the incident finally observed Zhao Yueyue's whereabouts according to his guess, and grinned, full of blood and madness.

"Found you, little bug!"

After saying that, he swung out a pitch-black slash, heading towards Zhao Yueyue!

Zhao Yueyue's eyes shone, and she had no time to dodge!

So she gritted her teeth and threw the talisman in her hand.


A powerful sword energy talisman was used, and an extremely powerful sword comparable to that of a mid-Nascent Soul was swung towards the opponent fiercely.

"What is this? How could there be an attack from a mid-Nascent Soul Stage expert!"


When the two collided, it was obvious that the attack from the sword energy talisman was more powerful, but even so, the opponent was only blasted back several steps, which means that his strength was most likely in the middle Nascent Soul stage, or even higher!

"That's troublesome!"