Chapter 5 The World of Zeravia

*Warning: This Chapter contain a little bit of breaking through the fourth wall. For readers who don't like the 4th wall breaking because they felt that this will disturb their immersion of this story, feel free to skip this chapter*

[Ahem ahem, test test test....]

[Hello and good day (or night), Dear Readers!]

[Before we are going down to the story, while we are waiting for my host to finish with his bathing, let me, the Fantastic Random System, tells you about the World we are living in.]

[Umu, umu, where have we left of earlier? Oh yeah right, let me, the system, explain about the background setting of this story, also known as the World.]

[The World we are living in is called Zeravia. It is a gigantic -and by that I mean it is VERY VERY BIG- If Terra Firma a.k.a. the Earth is compared to that planet, then the Earth would be as small as a ping pong ball while Zeravia is bigger than even a Basketball. That's just how big that world is compared to the blue planet.]

[Also, while Earth is so poor that it only have one moon, Zeravia have Three -yes, not one or two, but three- Moons on its night sky. The three moons are even color coded, one is Red, the second is Green and finally, the last is Blue. Where else you can find another World with three RGB colour coded moons hanging up high on its night sky?]

[Zeravia calendar and timetable is different than that of the Earth. Although one year in Zeravia also consists of 12 months, but each month have the exact same length at 30 days per month. And thus, one year in Zeravia always consists of exactly 360 days, and we have nothing called leap year in our calendar.]

[How is it? Our calendar is neater than Earth that have 28 - 31 days on their months with a leap year every four years, right?]

[Oh, talking about time, unlike the Earth than have 24 hours in one day, 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minutes, Zeravia have 30 hours in one day, each hours are 100 minutes long and each minutes are 100 seconds in length. So yeah, we have a very very long day here in Zeravia, a total of 300,000 seconds per day, unlike the Earth which is only 86,400 seconds per day.]

[Despite having longer time per day and thus accumulated in the year (1 year in Zeravia is equivalent to 3.425 years on Earth), the human beings in Zeravia also aged slower than the human on Earth. Strangely, that makes them looks the same if we compare them based on the years of their planets. I mean is, a 20 year old Zeravian beings appeared to be the same with a 20 year old Earthlings, despite the Zeravians having spend almost 69 years of their lifetime if they're living on Earth's timeline.]

[Aside from the human beings, just like in any other fantasy world, we also have other humanoid races such as the Elves, the Dwarves and even the half monsters like the Dragonkins and Beastkins.]

[Also, just like the humans, all other sentient races also have their own version of Awakening Ritual that is held as the coming of age ceremony for their young generations. Although most of the other races already have their own knacks for magic and skills from birth.]

[A fine example is an Elf who can read the nature like a book, the dwarves who are inherently resistant to heat and pressure, the beastkins with their animal instinct intact and the dragonkins that can attack using their elemental breath straight from hatching -yes, they are born from eggs just like any other dragons. Although if a dragon kin is born from a dragonic father and a human woman, they do born through the womb-]

[Hmmm.... We have talked about the World, the Calendar and Time System we used and also of the Sentient races we have here. What else that is needed to be talked about?]

[Oh, right, I forgot to mention about the level of civilization here. This world have a more advanced technology than the modern day Earth, with VR Gaming, nano machines and space adventure being the peak of technology of this world. Some people do have awakened the skills and magics related to machinery, they are often called as a Magitec or Technomancer.]

[This system is currently bound to a Host living in a place called Cherry Blossom Country, an island country with culture resembling that we have seen in those Japanese Anime.]

[The host is currently living in an island called Tsubaki Island, one of the nine main island in the Cherry Blossom Country that is as big as the Australia Continent on Earth, in a city that have the same name of the island.]

[And before I close this chapter, I will tell you that aside from the normal animals and plants living in this world, there also exists monsters, magical beasts and spirit herbs living in the wilderness outside the civilization.]

[After all, we are currently living in a world with a modern fantasy setting. And aside from the wondrous wildlife, we also have magical places called dungeons scattered all over the world, on which powerful monsters are living inside them, and marvellous treasures laying quitely in there are awaiting those who are brave enough to venture into the dungeon and picked them up.]


*Author's Note*

I made this novel with complete randomness by throwing all the ideas that my brain cooked up and then decided which one to use by throwing dice (hence the old cover of this novel: a heterochromatic girl holding a dice in her hand. The different colors of her eyes represent the different ideas that I see will look good if I placed it in my novel and the dice of course represent the randomness, what else?)