Thalindra is definitely going to kill me

A single puff of black fire ignited the oil, sending a wave of flames racing across the counter.

I screamed, grabbing the nearest pot and hurling water at the flames. The fire hissed and sputtered, but the smoke was thick now, filling the room and making it hard to see.

The fox darted around my feet, barking excitedly as if this was the best day of his life.

"This is not fun!" I shouted, coughing as I tried to douse the flames.

The fire spread faster than I could control it, licking up the walls and toward the ceiling.

"Oh no, no, no!" I yelled, grabbing the fox by the scruff of his neck. "We're getting out of here!"

I bolted for the door, the fox dangling awkwardly from my grip. Behind us, the fire roared, consuming the kitchen in a wave of heat and smoke.

As I stumbled into the courtyard, gasping for air, I looked back at the house. Flames licked at the windows, and black smoke billowed into the sky.