WebNovelIdola Deus100.00%


Idola-Deus [Version 14.4.214431.4047 65 85 82 79 82 65] …  System> ≰⟌↛𖠿⧂…  System> Playback finished. System> 𑁪✢𓅴⩨𑀘⩬⌇⬟⧚⟅⊞¤⤼𓊂𑀆…System> Memory corrupted. Unable to continue playing the file.System> Change reading zone? (Y/N) O:\User\Ethia> N System> Data recorded successfully. O:\User\Ethia> "Why do you think the species of the girl with big ears was enslaved by someone else? Is it a sin to be weak?" System> Invalid command. O:\User\Ethia> "Answer." System> Invalid command. O:\User\Ethia> End session. System> System shutdown in progress…