Chapter 6 The Counterfeit Heiress Turns the Tables 05

"Yet, Father, must you stand idly by and watch your beloved granddaughter suffer such injustice?" Alex's mother protested, her voice laced with resentment, only to be cut off by Alex.

"Mom, please don't say that. We've already invested in the Keller Group. Withdrawing our funds would tarnish our reputation, and how could we possibly maintain our standing in the business world thereafter?" Alex reasoned.

"Alex is right. Integrity is paramount, especially in business. Losing credibility is tantamount to self-destruction," Keller's grandfather acknowledged with admiration. "I understand that the Keller boy has been unreasonable, but this is a matter between the young generation. Let them handle it themselves."

"But..." Alex's mother attempted to interject, only to be silenced once again by Alex's father, who had remained silent throughout the exchange.

"Matters of the young should be left to them. Furthermore, I support Alex's decision to sever her engagement with the Keller boy. Our Alex is too accomplished to settle for someone so fickle. They're simply not worthy of her." As Alex's father spoke, a fleeting trace of malice flickered across his eyes, swiftly concealed but not unnoticed by Alex.

The death of Tian Mama had festered Alex's father's hatred towards Alex's mother, driving him to secretly administer a slow-acting poison. The revelation of Tian Mama's diary exposed his actions, and though Alex's mother chose to forgive him out of love, Tian Tian's subsequent disclosure of the poisoning plot ignited a new wave of anger. Unable to forgive him again, Alex's mother pressed charges, leading to his imprisonment and eventual suicide.

Determined to prevent this tragic chain of events from repeating, Alex vowed to stop her father's nefarious plans. However, the daily meals for Alex's mother and the rest of the family were meticulously prepared by loyal servants who had worked for Keller's grandfather since his youth, rendering them unlikely suspects.

Alex, mired in despair and self-imposed isolation, had paid little heed to these matters in her past life, consumed solely by her grandfather's expectations and her dedication to assisting Tian Tian. Thus, she was oblivious to the intricacies of her father's sinister scheme.

Now, she resolved to observe closely, gathering information and devising strategies.

As Alex's father, an unusual ally in this domestic squabble, sided with Keller's grandfather, Alex's mother slammed her chopsticks onto the table in frustration. "Fine, you're all right, and I'm wrong! Satisfied?" she exclaimed before storming upstairs. Alex attempted to follow but was halted by Keller's grandfather.

"Alex, sit. I need to speak with you."

Obediently, Alex resumed her seat, awaiting Keller's grandfather's words while Alex's father ascended to console Alex's mother.

"Alex, are you truly resolved? No regrets?" Keller's grandfather inquired, his brow furrowed with concern. Ethan had long sought to end the engagement, but Alex's steadfast refusal had prolonged the ordeal, straining relations between the two families.

"Grandfather, I am resolute. No regrets. As you once said, one must know when to hold on and when to let go." Alex replied without hesitation.

The mere thought of being Ethan's fiancée sent shivers down her spine, and the prospect of severing ties with him filled her with a sense of liberation.

Though perplexed by his granddaughter's sudden change of heart, Keller's grandfather found solace in her decision. His furrowed brow relaxed as he nodded in approval. "Alex, I'm relieved to hear that. I'll have your father arrange a press conference to announce the dissolution of your engagement."

"Grandfather, I'll handle the press conference myself. You can trust me to do it right." Alex assured him.

Keller's grandfather nodded, accepting her offer.

Moments later, Alex's mother rejoined the family, her demeanor suggesting that Alex's father had managed to calm her. However, the earlier altercation had cast a palpable pall over the atmosphere.

After dinner, Alex retreated to Alex's mother's room to keep her company.

In her past life, Alex had taken her family's adoration for granted, particularly her mother's unwavering devotion. Her lack of reciprocation had inadvertently driven her mother's affections towards Tian Tian upon her return to the Andra family. Now, Alex was determined to mend their relationship, to rekindle the bond they once shared.

"Darling, are you sure you can bear this injustice?" Alex's mother asked, still unsure of Alex's apparent resignation.

"Mom, what's done is done. Just promise me you won't interfere."

Seeing her daughter's genuine acceptance, Alex's mother sighed, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Alex's ear. "I only want you to be happy, my dear. I'd do anything for that."

"Mom..." Alex's eyes welled up as she leaned into her mother's embrace. "You're so good to me..."

"Of course, you're my flesh and blood. Who else would I be good to?" Alex's mother replied casually, unaware of the sting it inflicted on Alex's heart. For she knew all too well that in her previous life, Alex's mother's affection had dwindled significantly upon discovering her non-biological ties.

Despite knowing the outcome, Alex couldn't help but ask, her voice tinged with trepidation. "Mom, what if...what if one day you find out I'm not your biological daughter? Will you still love me? Even just a little..."

"Don't be silly, there's no need for such hypotheticals. You're my child, and that's all that matters." Alex's mother dismissed the question lightly, but Alex's heart was heavy with the truth she dared not reveal.

In reality, she was no more than a stranger in Alex's body, yet she cherished the pure love of a mother just as deeply.

Exhausted from her emotional turmoil, Alex retired to her room, where she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, she was awakened by the unfamiliar beep of an alarm clock. Her soul and body still not fully synchronized, she felt drained and lethargic. This delicate frame, though pampered as a wealthy heiress, lacked the vitality of her own robust constitution.