A new body

In a faraway space of the cosmos, there was a small part of land moving through the space. Though it appears small looking from far, the land had the size of a continent in it. The land is surrounded by several strong spatial turbulences.

Time and space appeared to be distorted around the land as if this part of the land did not belong to this world and the forces of the world are trying to eradicate its existence. This is the primordial land, the remnants of the previous kalpa which somehow managed to exist till now.


Several figures can be seen moving towards the land. They were all maintaining some distance to avoid the turbulences while observing the changes in the turbulences that were showing signs of reducing in intensity. They were waiting for an opportunity.

Slowly, the turbulence around the land became slow enough that tiny loopholes started appearing around the land.

Some of the bold ones threw some strange weapons even stones as if testing the gap but all non-living objects disintegrated and vanished before they could reach the land.

These figures who had prepared beforehand took advantage of the loopholes and threw something filled with light into the gap which was not affected but seemed to even be guided by some forces after entering the land.

These were the various embryos that went missing in various parts of the cosmos. 

Among those thrown into the land was a small embryo which was not thrown by any of the figures present. But this did not appear conspicuous enough to gather the attention of the figures around the land.

After a brief moment of time, the temporal-spatial turbulence started increasing in intensity as if the brief slowing down was to gather more energy for greater destruction power. This increased intensity then started grinding the edges of the land slowly which means the land will cease to exist after some time.


The figures that were moving around the land started receding quickly increasing the distance between them and the effect of the turbulence as they were afraid of it.


Inside the ancient continent, the land was full of greenery with grasses and trees everywhere, the air clean enough to see afar, water bodies were clear and pristine, and wild animals could be seen roaming around hunting their prey, sleeping or fighting as if this land was not touched by any intelligent being making it the sole playground of mother nature.

If a gardener were to see this land, they would not like it as the trees and vegetation were growing wildly anywhere. But amidst the chaotic and wild arrangement, there was a mysterious arrangement and harmony that developed after nature worked at it for a long time where every life was nourishing each other and with a food chain that was keeping these lives in check. \

No gardener can bring such harmony among these different varieties of plant and animal lives but such a miracle existed here.

Suddenly, the harmony of this land was disrupted as various brilliant lights and auroras started forming in the sky with different colors appearing as curtains, rays, spirals, or dynamic flickers covering the entire sky.

With these lights entered various beings in their embryonic forms slowly settling down in various parts of the land guided by an unknown force that does not want the harmony to be disturbed by them. It settled the various beings in different areas so as not to disturb other beings and slowly guiding to make them a part of the ecosystem.

Then, a mysterious phenomenon took place as each embryo was nourished by every other life around them whether it was trees, grass, or even wild animals forming an invisible thread that slowly developed into transparent cocoons forming an environment suitable for growth.

With time, these babies started growing forming the shape of small children within an amniotic sac in the womb but the unique thing was these wombs were not of their actual mothers but some unseen forces were guiding them making suitable situations as if they really were in their mother's womb.

The children were growing at a normal pace and time seemed to pass normally in this serene and untouched ancient land. The disturbance caused by the arrival of these children slowly reduced as if the harmony of this place had returned.

Among those various unique children, each with their own distinct aura and capabilities can be differentiated even though all of them were getting similar environments with the same treatment.

One of the child's bodies had a two-coloured complexion on his face with his left side a bit darker and the right side a bit brighter forming a contrast between them as if only one side of his face had been tanned in hot sun for years. It was strange that the two disharmonious energies were maintaining a rare balance like two enemies working together.

These children slowly grew to be days old, months old eventually a year old.

They didn't come out even after more than nine months had passed as the cocoons started slowly expanding themselves to accommodate the children growing beyond the size that can be attained by normal mothers. The nourishing forces also increased to adapt to the requirements of these children.

After seven years have passed, the body of the children seems to take another step in evolution. The framework of their musculoskeletal system was established with bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage growing in proper order.

After the basic framework of the body was established, the energy system in their bodies then started taking proper shape establishing various pathways of energy also called 'Nāḍī'. With this, the basic human system was developing in their bodies connecting them with this land forming nurturing beings with immense life.

Due to the presence of ancient primordial energy, the potential of their bodies was improving which will bring them immense benefits in cultivating energy in the future.

Slowly, different children started gathering different auras and energies with different qualities according to their previous samskara. The child with a contrasting face was undergoing big changes as his unique physique which was previously not special among these unique beings then started resonating with the land resulting in him absorbing the primordial energy at a rapid rate which suddenly brought disharmony to this land. His rate of absorption was steadily increasing, and within a few months, he absorbed as much energy as the other children would in a decade at their current rate. This caused a big disruption in the balance of this world resulting in it triggering certain laws of the land which then prevented the child from absorbing primordial energies any further.

Due to this, the womb-like condition around the child started slowly receding and the transparent cocoon around him started becoming thinner and thinner which ultimately became invisible under the naked eye. The child slowly became awake and instinctively opened his eyes to see the world that he had not seen in such a view ever.

He tried to move his body but felt every part of his body somewhat stiff and a bit painful. This was the result of staying in the womb-like condition for 7 years.

Despite the pain, he enjoyed the novel feeling of moving his body. As he continued moving his body, the remnant amniotic aura started working relieving the pain and bringing the vitality and flexibility of a 7-year-old child.

He was hearing various sounds including birds, insects, and leaves rustling with wind which were all new and enticing causing him to turn his body in various directions struggling to maintain the balance.

These continuous efforts resulted in him being able to slowly walk on all four limbs. After some time, he became hungry as the energy in his body started reducing causing him to slow down and take rest. He was still observing everything around him.