Alluring Fruits

The boy was exploring the dangerous territories like just another day when he was attracted by an alluring perfume.

This was the first time he smelled something so attractive. He went in the direction where the smell was the strongest.

As he went closer and closer to the smell, the densities of trees and other vegetation around him started reducing which he was oblivious to.

Moving towards the smell, he could finally see it was coming from a thick tree with many branches wide enough to occupy the space of several trees.

There were no other trees within the vicinity of that tree so it had the freedom to grow as wide and tall as it could.

Even from afar, he could clearly see that this tree had several of the glowing fruits.

As he went closer to the tree, he observed another strange fruit that he had never seen before. These fruits were typically pear-shaped hanging in the tree branches in pairs, with a slightly asymmetrical appearance.

Because of the size of the tree many of the fruits were on higher branches which could not even be seen as he went more and more closer to the tree.

He looked at the only pair that was closest to him ignoring other pairs of fruits of the same kind in the tree which was exuding an alluring smell as they were higher and difficult to pluck.

The good thing was no animals could be seen around this area and the only plant with special property was that tree. The area around the tree was like an open space where no other animal could set up any traps or ambushes as they would be visible even from far away.

He felt some creepy vibes that he had never experienced before as he went very close to the tree in order to pluck fruits.

He reached up and plucked one fruit from the pair of fruits within his reach. It was a plump, curvy fruit that fit snugly in his palm. Its skin appears green glowing with a slight purplish aura around it. He put it in his bag and immediately left this area as he felt some uncomfortable vibes in this place to bring it back to his territory for the eating experiment.

He tried breaking the fruit which easily broke in two with exactly two symmetrical halves as if the fruit was meant to be eaten by two people and it released an alluring smell that made his heart want to eat this whole fruit.

Despite that, he took only a small bite of the flesh inside one half which was creamy and pale green, with a rich, slightly nutty flavor.

He cautiously chewed and swallowed, after which his body started feeling a bit hotter which alarmed him remembering the previous red fruit. But the hotness was only in the feeling, his body temperature was normal.

Furthermore, he had an intoxicating feeling as if he had a bit more power and stamina. He waited for a few minutes but gave in to the alluring smell as if under some influence to eat another bite which only increased his intoxicated feeling of power and stamina but did not raise his temperature.

Throwing caution to the wind, he ate the whole thing. After eating it whole, he felt hotter in the body but his body temperature was still normal, his strength seemed to increase by a lot and he felt himself brimming with power.

Perhaps under the influence of intoxication, he decided to challenge the old monkey, a foe he had never defeated.

As he moved towards the territory of the old ape, his speed was much greater than before.

Though his movements were faster than before, the movements also had a feeling of wobbling mixed in as if some faculties of his mind were affected like someone under the influence of an intoxicant like alcohol or drugs.

Ignoring these all, he challenged the old vigorous ape who easily went to bully him.

Strangely, this time with his increased strength and his strange movements, the ape was not able to land a blow upon our boy.

It almost seemed like the ape was also affected by the boy's situation and somehow had his speed and strength reduced instead while that of the boy was slowly increasing.

However, our boy was also not able to land a hit on the ape despite having greater strength due to his great agility skills.

This battle then became a test of stamina with continuous dodging here and there with a bit of wobbling feeling into it like they were waiting for an opportunity.

If a spectator was here observing their battle, they would see a situation like two drunkards fighting in their inebriated state.

After hours of scuffling back and forth between the trees, the rocks, and around the area, the speed of the old ape was showing signs of decline indicating was on the verge of losing his stamina.

But the situation of the boy was quite the opposite as he seemed to be filled with more power despite the long fight and his stamina was still great so he started dominating the monkey.

The monkey was furious but for the first time, he was on the receiving end of the fists, and the kicks where signs of injuries started showing up on his body which our boy never managed to achieve before.

The old monkey thought that finally its day of retribution had come and he had to face humiliation this time. But, suddenly, our boy started feeling weak, and the massive strength he had gained started receding bringing even greater weakness to him.

Experiencing this sudden change, the boy was alarmed and could not think of any solution other than escaping to avoid falling into the hands of this old ape in the weakened state.

The boy was running but the strength he could muster to run was also far less than before.

Seeing this, the old monkey started retaliating and harassing our boy.

This time he was more ruthless to our boy where in the end there were only a few parts of his body left which was not swollen with multiple wounds that were flowing with blood appearing in his body. But the old monkey's strength and stamina were also greatly depleted so he stopped harassing the boy and left to recuperate himself fearing that other animals might dare to hit him when he's down.