Meeting the Old Crush    



I squinted at him suspiciously. "How long have you been standing there?"


Sinclair raised a brow, taking a slow sip of his drink. "Long enough."


Of course. The old man had far too much time on his hands, and lately, snooping around seemed to be his favorite pastime. If eavesdropping were a competitive sport, Sinclair would have an entire trophy shelf.


I shrugged, deciding it wasn't worth getting into. "Yeah, Victor and I had a little chat. I thought he was avoiding me because he liked Cole, but don't worry, I already drew the line. Very firmly."


Sinclair froze mid-sip, then lowered the glass with a sigh so heavy it felt like it carried the weight of a thousand disappointments. He shook his head, muttering under his breath before fixing me with a look that was equal parts disbelief and exasperation.