Chapter 7

It was just as awful as he remembered it to be. "The opera."

Our hero and his friends were seated in the VIP box, located on the second floor of the opera house. This spacious box had comfortable red velvet seats and finely carved wooden railings. Above their heads, a magnificent crystal chandelier sparkled, illuminating the space with a warm glow.

Next to the seats were silver opera glasses, allowing spectators to see the singers' expressions up close on stage. Through the opera glasses, Aaron could see the main stage, extravagantly decorated with red velvet curtains and glittering chandeliers.

Despite the luxury of their location, Aaron couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. He found opera to be pretentious and boring, and the lead singer's performance only made his discomfort worse. Every note seemed to be a piercing scream that grated on his ears, reminding him why he had loathed opera for so long.

"Pass me the opera glasses if you're not enjoying it!" his sister Myra requested, tears welling up in her eyes from the emotion the opera elicited in her. A reaction that Aaron found nonsensical.

Luckily, he had his headphones to spare him from having to endure those unbearable screams.

On the other side of their box, a stranger, apparently Italian or Mexican, was engrossed in the spectacle. When he briefly turned his gaze, he saw Aaron asleep with his headphones, regarding him with disdain. "How vulgar," he thought, noting the lack of appreciation for this masterpiece. He even had a violent thought towards him. "Others would give anything to be in his place." But he refused to let someone like him ignorance disturb his magnificent evening.

The man in question's name was Giovanni Rossi, the leader of the most feared Italian mafia. He was a magnetic man, with undeniable charisma. His skin was slightly tanned, his eyes a deep, almost black brown, exuding a striking intensity. His jet-black hair was slightly wavy, framing his angular and masculine face.

Giovanni stood nearly 6'3", making him an imposing and impressive figure. His physique was muscular and solid, a testament to his physical strength and ability to command respect. He always wore elegant and well-kept clothing, showcasing his virile and attractive appearance.

Beneath this alluring exterior was a complex man, endowed with sharp intelligence and unwavering determination. Giovanni was a natural leader, capable of making difficult decisions with calm and confidence. He concealed his intentions well, but behind his calm demeanor was a formidable clan leader, willing to do anything to protect his own.

Giovanni Rossi perfectly embodied the blend of danger and fascination characteristic of great mafia bosses. His magnetic aura and captivating charisma made him as fearsome as he was alluring, and it was impossible to remain indifferent in the face of his troubling presence.

Aaron was awakened by the cheers of the audience, pretending to applaud along, which annoyed Giovanni. He left the box, exiting the opera house. As he walked outside, Aaron was still half asleep.

"You're so embarrassing," teased Kira, amused. Myra laughed beside her.

"I told you I didn't want to come," Aaron shrugged.

"Wait until we tell this to our parents," joked the two girls.

Myra and Alexeï held hands while Kira teased her brother by tickling him. As they exited the building, their car was waiting for them. However, another car was blocking their driver, belonging to Giovanni Rossi.

Alexeï asked his driver to go speak to the car's owner, but he was on the phone and his driver couldn't do anything.

Giovanni Rossi stood near the building's entrance, looking at his wristwatch, a phone against his right ear, and a hand in his pocket.

"I'll go talk to him," declared Alexeï before walking off to initiate the conversation.

"I bet he'll scare that man with his Viking look and deep voice," Kira remarked teasingly, prompting her sister to immediately follow to see what was happening.

"Hello," Alexeï said in Russian to the man, but Giovanni didn't turn around. He removed his hand from his pocket and gestured for the voice to move away, thinking it was someone trying to sell him something.

"Filthy foreigner!" Alexeï exclaimed, causing Giovanni to turn around. He spoke fluent Russian. He clenched his fist and turned to face the man. And...