Chapter 35

A month had passed, and Giovanni had tried multiple times to see Aaron at the Smirnov Manor, to no avail.

He was consumed with frustration and anger towards the Smirnov family, knowing he was powerless against their influence. At least, in Russia. And he did not want to bring harm to the family of the person he loved. Or was he simply powerless!?

During this month, numerous events unfolded. Aaron remained in a deep coma, surrounded by his father's medical team. Myra's wedding had taken place without him, as Alexeï's family had decided to proceed with the celebration. Kira, on the other hand, stayed constantly by her brother's side, relaying updates to Olivia, who then passed them on to Giovanni. The young girl had changed; she was not the same since Aaron's accident.

Myra had joined Alexeï in the city after their wedding, but he allowed her to return regularly to the manor to be with her family. No one truly held hope for Aaron to wake up. So Myra made the decision to stay by her brother's side until the end, accompanied by her husband.

Aaron's fate seemed sealed, plunging his entire family into deep despair.

"Have there been any signs of improvement?"

"No. He doesn't even respond," Kira sobbed. "He's growing weaker by the day."

"What do the doctors say?"

"They've done all they can, but they say it's in Aaron's hands now."

"It's absurd," retorted Alexeï. "How could he do anything if he's in a coma? That's just their way of masking their incompetence."

"Alexeï, don't speak like that," his wife reprimanded. "They really have done their best."

"I know, dear."

"And where is Dad?"

"He's in his study. He doesn't even go to the office anymore; he brought all his work home."

"I fear what he might do if Aaron were to pass away..."

"Who says I'm going to die?" came Aaron's hoarse and faint voice, having just awakened from a long slumber (coma). His voice was raspy and barely audible. The ceiling looked familiar to him. He found himself in his room at the manor.

His sisters and brother-in-law approached him in tears, while the household staff summoned Ivan Smirnov from his office and woke Elena Smirnov, who had just fallen asleep after a sleepless night caring for her son.

"Sir is awake," Claudia announced, prompting both of them to hurry upstairs to see their son. Elena was moved to tears as she embraced her son, while Ivan Smirnov sat by the bed and held his son's hand. Their eyes were brimming with restrained tears.

"We are so relieved that you are back with us, my son," he said with a choked voice. The women in the house couldn't hold back their tears, while only he and Alexeï managed to remain composed.

"I want to apologize for all the worry I may have caused you," he said, tears streaming down his cheeks. Fear had consumed him when he was rushed to the hospital. He heard distant voices calling out to him, but he couldn't respond. He had tried to reassure his loved ones that everything was fine, but his voice seemed to have deserted him. He dreaded not seeing the people he loved again, especially his dear sister.

He wasn't afraid of the end of his life, but rather the immense sorrow of never seeing his loved ones again. The cruel prospect of leaving them behind, alone and bereft in their anguish, filled him with infinite sadness.

He could already envision himself as a shadow in their lives, a painful memory that would haunt them forever. Their happiness, their joy of living, slowly fading away in the whirlwind of insurmountable grief. How could they go on, how could they move forward without his presence by their side?

But he had no regrets about saving that child from the shootings.

"Please refrain from making such reckless decisions in the future," his mother said tearfully.

"Okay, mother. I promise you," he replied.

He then noticed the wedding ring on his sister's finger.

"It looks like I didn't receive a wedding invitation!" he joked with a smile. But his sister burst into tears, apologizing for choosing to get married while he was between life and death.

"It's my fault, not hers," Alexeï admitted. "Myra wanted to wait, but my parents insisted."

"It's alright. I was just teasing you. And besides... you made the right decision. We didn't know if I would survive."

A heavy silence settled in the room, each lost in their own thoughts.

"I'm hungry," Aaron declared, breaking the somber mood, which made everyone laugh. His mother then headed to the kitchen to prepare him some porridge, the only dish she knew how to cook.

As Kira was about to leave the room, her father abruptly stopped her.

"Are you going to call that man?" he asked.

"Yes," replied Kira. "He has the right to know."

"Who are you talking about?" Aaron inquired, intrigued.

"Giovanni Rossi," revealed Kira.

Kira asked her brother if he wanted to call Giovanni, telling him she wouldn't do it if Aaron wasn't on board. Aaron responded by telling her to go ahead and, if she managed to reach him, to pass him the phone.