Chapter 40

Aaron returned to his room to find Giovanni still asleep. Meanwhile, Kira and Olivia found themselves in Kira's room to continue their intimacy where they had left off.

Myra returned to town with Alexeï while Aaron had fallen back asleep next to his partner. After a good hour of sleep, they woke up and Aaron looked serious as he told Giovanni everything.

Giovanni was puzzled by the idea that two men could have children, but he was happy at the thought of having one with Aaron. He asked when this experience would begin and Aaron replied after his recovery. Giovanni also asked if his father had already found a surrogate mother, to which Aaron replied that he didn't know, but assumed so since his father was always ahead of everyone and thought of everything.

"I didn't think these scientific advancements were even possible."

"True. If we succeed, it will be a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of science."

"I think about how much this could help young LGBTQ couples. And thank you, Bambino, for choosing me as your boyfriend, and for facing your father for me."

"It's only natural. I love you and..."

"Say it again."

"I love you. I promise you love and loyalty."

"Ughhh!! You are so adorable. I wish I could have you right now if you weren't recovering."

"We can still masturbate!"

"Are you sure?"

"I want you, Cucciolo. I want you to touch me and I want to touch you."

They were lying side by side on the bed, facing each other. Without any hesitation, Aaron slid his hand down to Giovanni's groin, while Giovanni gave him a passionate kiss. He returned the kiss while exploring the area of his underwear, playing with his penis. Pleasure built up until they both reached orgasm together. Despite Aaron's desire to continue, Giovanni preferred not to tire him out. He kissed him tenderly on the forehead and they remained lying on the bed, kissing and talking.

However, their intimacy was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Kira, who was bored. Lamenting Olivia's absence, asleep.

This interruption pulled them out of their bubble, but Aaron didn't want to leave the bed, growling at the intrusion. Finally, Kira urged them to leave and join her. Giovanni and Aaron left the bed and the room. Not seeing his sister, Giovanni asked where she was and Kira replied that she was asleep.

"Why didn't you wake her up?" Aaron asked irritably.

"Because she's tired."

"And aren't we tired too?"

"Maybe. Who knows? But we made love and she's very tired." She smiled.

"I'm tired but you should have still woken me up," Olivia's voice was heard as she appeared in a pair of shorts belonging to Kira. Excited to see her, Kira jumped for joy.

"The more, the merrier. Follow me!" she exclaimed with a wide smile. She was a ball of positive energy. Their father watched the scene from the slightly open door of his office.

He noticed Giovanni's reluctance to touch his son, how he was afraid to touch him and how he was helping him. It reminded him of his own reaction in taking care of his wife during the birth of their triplets.

Kira led them to the game room, located in the basement of the mansion. It was a huge room filled with a thousand and one games they could enjoy. Aaron just observed, even though his serum had been removed, he had only regained consciousness recently after his coma. So he needed to take it easy.

They had fun playing several games like pool, cards, and darts, spending three enjoyable hours in the game room. Aaron sometimes participated, but most of the time he just watched. He teased his companion often losing to his little sister, Olivia, and they laughed as they teased him. He was not very good at games and had a hard time accepting defeat.

"I'm starting to get really hungry. I'm starving," Aaron declared. Since waking up from his coma, he had a big appetite.

"Can we order pizza or something like that here?" Olivia asked, even though it wasn't lunchtime yet.

"We could, but we would have to wait five or six hours," Aaron and Kira joked.

"Our cook prepares delicious dishes. We'll ask her to make us something," Kira suggested before quickly leaving the room with Olivia, leaving Giovanni and Aaron alone.

Giovanni put aside the game he was playing and joined Aaron on the chair next to him.

"I'm not saying it will happen right away, not today or tomorrow, but one day, I want to marry you and start a family with you, and raise our children together," he unexpectedly confessed.

Surprised by this spontaneous confession, Aaron was left speechless.

"Okay. When I'm ready, I'll ask you myself," he replied with a laugh.

"No, it's up to me to do it," insisted Giovanni, though aware of their status as men.

Kira and Olivia quickly returned, interrupting the conversation. After playing a little more, the mother of the triplets called them over to talk. Elena, a loving and kind woman, gave her blessing to the couple, simply wishing them happiness. She could see the sincere love Giovanni had for her son.

Following their extended stay at the Smirnov mansion, Giovanni and his sister had to finally leave for Italy. They couldn't stay indefinitely at the mansion. Their professional commitments and responsibilities were waiting for them. A week wasn't enough to fully enjoy the hospitality of their hosts, their lovers, but it was time to get back to their daily lives.