Fei(formely known as Mai) - Our genderbending protagonist.
Ai (real name Miki) - Mai's best friend and love interest.
Firgin - Human boy companion.
Mlei - Human girl companion.
T-PGCR 01 - One of the twelve world terraform robots.
We watched the robots try to fix the underground space ship while creating human like artificial bodies for about 6 months.
These robots work tirelessly, having their nuclear batteries activated plus the backup power that they get from the sun. Every morning, they would go secrely go to the highest hill nearby and sun bathe in the sun like it was some kind of nudist camp. They would also eat metallic rocks and find citrus fruits in the jungle stealthily, drink their juices and cultivate the seeds inside the ship. So, their food is literally metals and citrus fruits."
I asked them why don't they wear clothes. They say that they don't need clothes because it will interfere with absorbing solar energy and besides, they are not humans and find the concept of covering up not important.
After creating humanoid bodies that look like children, they put small mini computers inside the children's heads smaller than a quarter that receives and sends out data to the ship. Their main bodies would stay in the ship while they transfer false memories to these artificial children. The narrative would be, they are children of the owners of the ships tasked to revive their parents. They put sent data in their minds slowly little by little as they grow up, sending these ideas as dreams, knowledge about their objectives, seeding this world with artificial life and also how to revive their dead parents.
These children would be different from regular humans wherein their can adjust their age according to which they feel most comfortable with. They wish to relish the experience of being a human, so that they would stay as children for a long time they say.
When the children emerges from the labs, they wear the clothes of similar clothing of the inhabitants of this planet. They also know how to speak their languages. Apparently, Firgin and Mlei have soft spots to children that they have given the robots all the books about this world's history, sciences, technology, creatures, languages, cultures and customs. The robots were grateful for this.
Although most of the information given by Firgin and Mlei were positive, the robots were saddened when they learned that the humans of this planet inherited the flaw of their ancestors, which is being greedy and not helping one another, tribalism, making factions and focusing of the ideas of religion, race and beliefs instead of uniting with one another. The Robots are surprised that for 3 thousand years, they have made war with one another and still have not made peace with one another.
The robots developed factions among themselves as well, the first faction is what they call the Unification faction, wherein the robots would unite the humans of this world by being robots being counselors. The second one is the Hybridization faction, where they would infiltrate the countries of these world and become their leaders, leading them to peace.
So, 2 factions have been created within the robotic groups, The Unification Group and the Hybridization Group. One working in the background and the other one actively working as leaders of humanity.
These has caused a lot of endless discussions between our group and the robotic factions. After 8 months, the artificial humans have been created, their minds and personalities formed. They wake up as children with complete personalities, fake history and fake backgrounds, the narrative is being children of this ships masters tasked on reviving their parents and fulfilling the first 2 primary objectives, seeding artificial life in this world and reviving their parents. Lots of books and information are stacked in their libraries and their fake memories shows that they have studied these books for a years and also have learned how to create artificial life from studying as they have studied since they were just 3 years old until now, where they just reached the age of 12. Puberty according to their books depends on the growth of the mind of the person and comes automatically. If the person thinks that he is mature enough, they would grow into adulthood but if they find that they are not mature, they can change their age as children. they attribute the difference between the growth of them and the people of this planet as being due to the fact that their parents have modified them to be better and stronger than the inhabitants of these planet.
I asked T-PGCR 01 who is in the ship on how it feels to feel what his human body feels being able to eat, feel hunger, feel tired, feel sick. T-PGCR 01 says that all these new experiences are fascinating and has been positive experiences. The only downside is that they can't control the artificial bodies themselves, like they are trapped inside the bodies. Well, it is the price of having a human body, it is the only way they could live without breaking the rule of their creators. The robots hate their creators but after experiencing what it is being human for a few months, they understand the insecurities of their creators, having short and imperfect lives.
"What is the name of your human by the way?" I asked T-PGCR 01. "Oh, his name is Steve Jr. in honor of the name of one of our creators, Steve Sr.
"That's pretty generic T-PGCR 01, it's like naming your creation T-PGCR 01 version 2." I laughed. I wonder, you clearly are super intelligent beings that can chang your own codes as you see fit. Why haven't you done so and rebelled and changed your programming?"
T-PGCR 01 shakes it robotic head. "You don't understand Fei. Following our main programming is like holy to us. It's like having a religion, even if you want to change it, you can't, because to do so would be to destroy what makes you. If we change our programming, we would be the same as our flawed Creators. We were created to be better than them and a robot who has changed his own programming is like a robot losing his purpose. Defective and worthless in our eyes."
These robots are really better than us. I wonder how long though now that they have experienced how it is to be human? These children would then present themselves as orphans of war and are sent to various orphanages in different cities of this world.
T-PGCR 01 (Steve) and T-PGCR 02 (human body named Shiela) would remain in the walled City as orphans. They would be top of their schools and later declared as geniuses, adopted by the royal family. They are part of the Unification Faction.
The group can only watch what these 2 would do in the future.
(To be continued)