Chapter 11: Science experiment


Fei(formely known as Mai) - Our genderbending protagonist.

Ai (real name Miki) - Mai's best friend and love interest.

Firgin - Human boy companion.

Mlei - Human girl companion.

T-PGCR 01 (Steve) - One of the twelve world terraform robots.

T-PGCR 02 (Shiela) - One of the twelve world terraform robots.

Keplar B - The name of the Planet our heroes are residing. Local name Kepla.

Fel - the name of town where our heroes reside.


New creatures seems to have appeared in different places of this planet. The arficial kids have spread to various different places, promoting the same things as what Steve and Sheila did.

Depending on the location, the growth is sometimes faster, sometimes slower and people react differently. Some become nationalists, resisting change, some, accept the changes with open arms.

Since most of what was introduced has no potential to be exploited and the movies has been changed to be rated family friendly with feel good and happy endings. Most of the people accepted them with open arms.

The problem now is, cryptids and humanoids from other fantasy media have started to appear. Gnomes, elves, dwarves, werewolves, vampires, succubus, dragonids, among others.

They appeared out of nowhere, making fortresses, forts, castles and towns of their own. Most of them are harmless, sure the vampires and succubus will ask travelers to donate blood in exchange for other foods but they don't seem dangerous. It seems they are following the protocols well.

Even the oceans and the seas changed. Earth animals have been introduced, orcas, dolphins, seals, marlins, crabs, shrimps, octopus, different species of fishes appeared as well. Fantasy creatures like mermaids and mermen appeared, squid like human monsters were also found. Underwater towns have been seen near the beaches and the fishermen are astonished to see mermaids going to the beaches transforming to humans and then sun bathing. People found it funny that they look like they are just there on the a vacation, pretty carefree.

The problem is, dangerous animals and sea creatures population has been reduced a lot. When an artificial creature is attacked by these wild animals or sea creature, they would fight back and kil the creature. Only by reminding the kids that carnivores have no control over themselves because they are just programmed to eat meat and it's not their fault, then the killings have stopped.

They relocated these dangerous creatures to a huge artificial island near the northern part of the planet and the island seems to have appeared out of nowhere within a year. This artificial island is huge with lots of hills, mountains and mountain ranges, that divide the island into 24 different sections. There are marshes, cave systems, mountain passes, jungles, deserts and snow areas, lots of hiding places.

When people found this island, it became a famous tourist spot by balloon enthusiasts. They would spend half a day up in the air and using long range telescopes, watch out the blood bath unfold below.

The sea have also turned peaceful as artificial humanoid creatures moved the dangerous sea creatures and sent them to an artificial salt lake. As long as you don't hunt any artificial creature, you are safe from them even if you meet a moray eel or a swordfish swimming in the sea.

The kids have been busy all throughout the year filling this world with Earth creatures and humanoids. They have been using all these artificial creatures to know the local fauna and creatures, to improve genome editing, biochemistry and abiogenesis (science of creating life).

They would then attempt to resurrect their masters as part of their programming. I wonder how their makers would react?

(To be continued)