Unspoken words

Chen Wei chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, it's actually something Liu Wei you should know about," he teased, his tone playful. "Remember? We all went to the same university, and Zhang Yan here never kissed or even had feelings for anyone. But now he's gone and kissed someone!"

He laughed out loud, his excitement bubbling over, while Zhang Yan shot him a look of pure panic and quickly pinched his arm, trying to get him to stop.

Liu Wei raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "Yeah, he never liked anyone," she mumbled, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "And no one will like him, I guess."

Chen Wei grinned, catching the edge in her tone. "Exactly! Who would like a psychopath like him?" he joked, laughing again. Then, turning back to Liu Wei, his voice softened a bit. "Anyway, Liu Wei, it's been a long time. And now that we're all working at the same company… I haven't seen Lin Mei in a while either. How about we catch up over dinner? I'll reserve a table at Brother Ching's. How does that sound?"

Liu Wei hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure," she said, casting a cold gaze at Zhang Yan. "That sounds fine." She turned to leave, pausing just at the door to throw a quick, indifferent "bye" over her shoulder.

Zhang Yan watched her go, his expression unreadable, while Chen Wei chuckled beside him, still amused by the unexpected tension that had filled the room.