2. New town: Military enlisting

"Master, I swear to help you fulfill your wish. I will find the witch who took your life and ensure she pays dearly!"

With a sword strapped to his back, Li Yifei knelt heavily before the old man's tombstone.

Taking one last look at the tombstone and the small stone house, Li Yifei's figure swept through the woods like a whirlwind, quickly vanishing into the wilderness.

Luoyang, the second most prosperous city in the world and the capital of Wu Zhou, drew countless immigrants daily, all flocking to this bustling capital.

For Li Yifei, who had spent over a decade in the desolate mountains and ancient forests, this was his first time in Luoyang city. The sight of the majestic city and the endless stream of people left him momentarily stunned.

"So this is the emperor's domain. The grandeur here is unmatched compared to the small forest I called home in the mountains!"

With anticipation, Li Yifei entered the thriving capital.

"Sir, what would you like to order?"

A waiter from a nearby restaurant approached Li Yifei, asking politely.

"Bring me a few side dishes, and a pot of your best wine. Consider this a small reward, so make sure it's quick!"

With a casual flick of his sleeve, a small piece of silver flew from Li Yifei's hand into the waiter's grasp.

"Right away, sir! Please wait a moment!"

Feeling the weight of the silver in his hand, the waiter's face lit up with a smile so ingratiating that he nearly bowed to Li Yifei on the spot. It was the first time the waiter had seen such a generous customer, so he quickly served Li Yifei's food and wine.

As Li Yifei sipped his wine, he contemplated his next move. His original plan was to infiltrate the Demon Queen's camp and avenge his parents, who had been unjustly killed.

However, as someone who had lived in the wilderness since childhood, his only remaining connections were to his late mentor. He dared not contact any relatives for fear that exposing his identity would lead to great trouble. In such a case, avenging his parents and mentor might become impossible, and even his own escape could be at risk.

After more than thirty minutes of drinking, Li Yifei was still mulling over his next step, but no satisfactory plan had come to mind.

Just as he was feeling uncertain, the conversation between two burly men at a nearby table caught his attention.

"Brother, I heard the emperor will be holding a martial arts examination at Tianxuanmen in a few days. Want to join me? If we pass, glory and success are within reach—much better than being bodyguards for life!"

"Brother, I'd love to pursue something better, but it's hard for warriors like us, who come from the wild, to compete with those from more formal backgrounds."

"You don't get it! The current emperor is wise and values martial talent. Since she took the throne, she's been advocating for warriors to serve the country. She won't look down on us just because of our status."

"It's worth a shot. If we're lucky enough to pass, our families would be honored!"

"Alright, let's finish our meal and then head to the Ministry of War to register!"

"Martial arts examination? Ministry of War?" Li Yifei murmured softly, a sly light flickering in his eyes as an idea took shape.

The Ministry of War, responsible for local armies' food, fodder, and officer selection, was where the two strong men headed. Li Yifei discreetly followed them all the way there.

But just as he was about to step through the gate, soldiers barred his way.

"This is a government office; no unauthorized entry!"

"My lord, I've heard the emperor is recruiting talented people through a public military examination. I came specifically to take the exam and serve the country."

Li Yifei cupped his hands, forcing a polite smile.

"Do you have a recommendation letter from the local government, or from another lord?" The soldier eyed him suspiciously, unmoved by Li Yifei's politeness.

"A recommendation letter? Is that required for the martial arts exam?"

Li Yifei was puzzled. Having grown up in the wilderness, he knew little of the court's formalities.

"Of course! You think just anyone can join the martial arts competition?"

The soldier shouted rudely.

Li Yifei clenched his fist, suppressing his anger. In other circumstances, he might have drawn his sword and killed the guard on the spot.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yifei forced a smile back onto his face. With a quick flick of his right hand, he discreetly handed a ten-tael silver ingot to the gatekeeper. "Sir, I've been working outside for years and didn't know I needed a recommendation letter. Could you be flexible and let me register first? I'll complete the formalities later."

The guard glanced at the silver, his face suddenly turning stern. He shouted, "How dare you, scoundrel, try to bribe a military officer? Get out of here, or I'll arrest you and drag you to the government office. You'll regret it!"

"Unbelievable, what an ungrateful dog slave!" Li Yifei cursed inwardly, frustrated by the gatekeeper's stubbornness.

"Yan Liang, what's causing the commotion?"

A majestic voice boomed from within the gate.

Li Yifei looked up to see a middle-aged general in fine armor walking out, accompanied by an elderly man dressed in luxurious clothing, who was smiling apologetically.

The old man's face was ruddy, and though slightly thin, he walked with the gait of a dragon and a tiger. Every movement exuded an invisible nobility and majesty, marking him as someone of great importance.

"I pay my respects to Lord Wu and General Lu!" The gatekeeper bowed respectfully to the elderly man and General Lu, then pointed at Li Yifei and said, "My lords, this scoundrel has neither a recommendation letter from the local government nor from any lords. Yet he boldly claims he wants to participate in the military examination, showing no respect for the court's system!"

"Oh?" The elderly man in luxurious clothes looked curiously at Li Yifei, his eyes lighting up as he thought, "What a handsome young man."

After a moment of contemplation, the elderly man smiled at Li Yifei and said, "Young man, my household is recruiting guest officials. Would you be interested in becoming my disciple?"

"Will becoming your disciple allow me to participate in the martial arts exam?" Li Yifei asked bluntly, his mind racing.

"Boy, Lord Wu Sansi is offering you a position because he sees potential in you. Don't be ungrateful!"

Before the elderly man could respond, General Lu's loud voice cut in.

"Wu Sansi? Isn't he the Demon Queen's nephew?" Li Yifei was slightly taken aback by the name, but he quickly regained his composure.