12. Advance to the Finals

Li Yifei fucked Zhou Simin until she fainted countless times. As soon as Zhou Simin woke up, Li Yifei's big cock would pierce into her fiercely again. In the end, Zhou Simin was exhausted and fainted from Li Yifei's fucking.


When she woke up, Li Yifei had already left. Though the fact that Zhang Wei suddenly turned into an idiot caused a huge uproar in the Wu Mansion, it did not cause much disturbance due to Wu Sansi's deliberate suppression.

Finally, after some investigation, Wu Sansi still could not find out the real reason why Zhang Wei turned into an idiot. In desperation, Wu Sansi could only give up and secretly began to choose another husband for his daughter Wu Xuan'er.


Today, Tianxuanmen was as lively as usual. When Li Yifei arrived at the competition venue, the surrounding warriors had already arrived for a long time, so it didn't take long for the second round of competition to begin.


Li Yifei's opponent this time was a warrior from Chuzhou. This warrior was very powerful and had already entered the middle level of second-rate masters. This strength was considered quite good among all the contestants. However, under Li Yifei's sword, he could not withstand a single move and was knocked down by Li Yifei's sword.


The news of Li Yifei's successful promotion soon spread back to the Wu Mansion. After Wu Sansi learned of the good news, he naturally praised Li Yifei highly. He became more and more optimistic about this young man, Li Yifei.


Li Yifei did not disappoint Wu Sansi's expectations. He successfully defeated his opponents in the following rounds and entered the final.


The final of this martial arts examination will be held in three days. Ten heroes from all over the region will launch the most powerful attack for the final top three. Li Yifei, the young man recommended by Wu Sansi, is favored by many experts because of his outstanding performance in the preliminary rounds.


"Come on, little brother Yifei, let's have another drink. Your successful advancement to the finals today is truly the greatest fortune of our region and Wu family!"


Wu Sansi's eyes were blurry with drunkenness. He was so happy today!


Li Yifei's success in reaching the finals undoubtedly brought great honor to his martial arts school. In the future, he would be able to proudly say in court that one of the guest officials trained by him, Wu Sansi, had also made it to the finals of the martial arts examination. This honor was not something that everyone could obtain.


"I can achieve what I have today thanks to the cultivation of Master Wu. I will have to rely on you in the future. Come, Master Wu, I'm toasting you!"


Li Yifei smiled modestly, then stood up and toasted Wu Sansi.


Li Yifei's flattering words immediately made Wu Sansi laugh heartily. He laughed and said, "Okay, Yifei, go for it. If you can really get the top three in this martial arts exam, I will naturally recommend you to the empress."


Li Yifei's eyes flashed coldly, but he kept thanking him: "Then I would like to thank you for your cultivation guide!"


"Brother Yifei, let me offer you a toast. I wish you great success and early success in the imperial examination. When the time comes, don't forget us brothers!"


"Brother Yifei, congratulations!"


"Brother Yifei!"...


It was undoubtedly a great honor for Li Yifei to make it to the final of the martial arts examination. It could even be said that Li Yifei had already stepped one foot into the court. These guests from the martial arts palace knew how to flatter and curry favor with him, so they toasted him one glass after another.


Compared to the lively atmosphere on Li Yifei's side, Zhang Chu's side seemed much quieter. As the number one guest official in the Wu Mansion, he had such an honor in the past. However, since Li Yifei came, this honor was gone forever. Now, not to mention that Wu Sansi was much colder to him than usual, even the guests in the hall were not as enthusiastic as usual. They all avoided him, as if they were afraid to have anything to do with him.


"Humph, what's so great about that! Isn't it just entering the finals of the martial arts examination? Is there any need to be so ostentatious? If it were me who took part in the finals, I would definitely get a better result than this kid!"


Zhang Chu was very unconvinced, so he took the wine pool on the table and drank it all.


The celebration party to celebrate Li Yifei's entry into the finals lasted for several hours and finally ended late at night when everyone was drunk.



"Master Wu, why are you so drunk?"


Zhou Simin sat on the luxurious brocade bed, hoping that her little rascal would come again. However, she waited and waited, but Li Yifei did not come, and Wu Sansi came instead.


Seeing the drunk Wu Sansi, Zhou Simin quickly helped him up and make him sit onto the big bed.


"Oh, my dear, how come you have become so charming? Come here and let the master see you!"


Wu Sansi seemed to be a little drunk. He looked up at Zhou Simin and suddenly felt like he was in a dream. His hand suddenly lifted Zhou Simin's chin without warning, and he made a sound of admiration.


"You, you only remember those slutty vixens, and now you remember me!"


Zhou Simin knocked away Wu Sansi's wolf claws with disgust and then dragged Wu Sansi onto the bed with all her strength.


"Oh, little darling, you are still angry. Come, let the master kiss you!"


As Wu Sansi spoke, he was about to open his mouth to kiss Zhou Simin's face. However, Zhou Simin, who had her heart set on Li Yifei, would not let Wu Sansi succeed. With her pretty face turned away, Wu Sansi missed his kiss. Finally, as he lost his balance, he fell to the ground with a thump.




Wu Sansi fell asleep directly.


Zhou Simin had no choice but to move Wu Sansi's bloated body onto the bed. It was a pity that a weak woman like her had no strength to move a man like Wu Sansi. Not long after, she was panting, her two big breasts heaving violently, and she kept cursing: "You old thing, why do you have to get drunk in my room when you can get drunk anywhere else? Oh, what should I do now? How can a weak woman like me move a heavy person like him? Never mind, let this old pervert sleep on the floor."


"Sister Min, I see you are so tired from carrying the things. Do you want me to help you?"


At this moment, Li Yifei suddenly appeared in Zhou Simin's boudoir with a faint evil smile on his face.


"Ah, little rascal, why are you here?"


Li Yifei's unexpected appearance startled Zhou Simin, and then she covered his mouth and whispered, "Yifei, hurry up, the master is here!"


Zhou Simin pointed at Wu Sansi on the ground and motioned for Li Yifei to leave quickly.


However, Li Yifei stood there for a long time without any intention of leaving. He was still thinking about having sex with the beautiful Zhou Simin in front of Wu Sansi, so how could he leave at this moment?


When Li Yifei thought that he would soon be able to have sex with Wu Sansi's wife in front of him, he began to get excited, and his big cock suddenly stood up and raised its head in demonstration.