Rank 3 Micro Jellyfish, Pulsation Lazer

Chapter 16


|Undulation Zoom| X12

After using this ability more than a dozen times, Astaroth materialized into view, this time with even greater amounts of translucent blood trickling down his razor-sharp tentacles.

[True Absorption] X12

Those same tentacles shot away from his slimy body and wrapped around the dismembered jellyfish corpses. In one to three blinks, they became the nutrients that supplied Astaroth with even more substantial growth.

[Ding! You have absorbed 38,000 Energy from a Lvl 3 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 47,000 Energy from a Lvl 3 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 36,000 Energy from a Lvl 3 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have…]

After a few more similar system notifications rang out, Astaroth came out with a grand total of 820,000 Energy!

"I just reached Rank 2, and yet I'm already a tenth of the way to Rank 3… Have I really become too OP, or what?"

While thinking this matter over for a second, his body moved as if on instinct and used the movement, attack, and absorb combination on another ignorant Micro Jellyfish.

[Ding! You have absorbed 780,000 Energy from a Lvl 4 Micro Jellyfish!]

"Well, since I'm already this close to a breakthrough, I might as well just kill the last few that I need."

Letting his predatory gaze drift across a few more Lvl 4 Micro Jellyfish, Astaroth vanished like an elusive ghost and came out of a swift scuffle with all the necessary Energy.

[Ding! You have passed the 10 million Energy milestone and have achieved a point of Energy Overflow! Would you like to go through with the evolution process?]

"Yes, I would."


After the iridescent light was done shining, Astaroth's body had changed. Instead of the flat head that he had before, there were now two small, stubby horns toward the front of his head.

"Hmm…? This appears to be the only real change, but what does it do—?"


Feeling a large presence looming over him from behind, Astaroth activated |Undulation Zoom| more than twenty times, causing his slimy body to shoot off into the distance like a rocket!


In the place where he was just positioned, a massive tentacle slammed down onto the air!

Taking the time to appraise his situation, Astaroth focused his special eyesight on the creature that attacked him so very rudely.

[Micro Jellyfish (Lvl 6) - Threat Level: Red]

"Oh, well shit… Why did something so powerful decide that it wanted to eat me- oh, wait, all that blood from earlier probably attracted it over, huh?"

Looking away from the enormous jellyfish staring him down, Astaroth also saw multiple Lvl 5 and Lvl 4 Micro Jellyfish of the Yellow Threat Level.

"Hey system… Could you pull up the details of this new evolution…?"

[Ding! Yes!]


{[Rank 3 Micro Jellyfish]} 

{Acquired Abilities:}

[Pulsation Lazer] - (Uses Energy to condense power at the tip of two horns, causing a rudimentary Lazer beam to shoot out and decimate foes. Deals |1200% Energy Damage| to organisms in the Jelly Sea.)


"Ahh… So Rank 3 also gives one ability, and these horns… What a pleasant surprise," Astaroth smiled coldly and used his new Ability right away.

|Pulsation Lazer|


A thinly condensed translucent beam of energy shot out of Astaroth's miniature horns, drilling a small hole through the brain area of a Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfish!

|True Energy Absorption|

Absorbing the corpse of the jellyfish within milliseconds of its death, Astaroth then received a system notification.

[Ding! You have absorbed 3,500,000 Energy from a Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfish!]

"...That attack was even more overpowered than I thought it was going to be, but with it now in my arsenal of chaos, I believe the farming will be a lot easier."

Another word had been added to Astaroth's new Fantasy Dictionary. And this one was going to be one that would be said a countless number of times from here on out…

"Time to start the farm anew," Astaroth said coldly. 

His movements mimicked his words as he phased from his spot and zipped toward a group of twenty Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfishes. During this entire process, he did his best to dodge the huge tentacles crashing to the earth from all around him.

After a few seconds of zigzagging and casting Pulsation Lazer, Astaroth ended up killing all of the Lvl 5 and Lvl 4 Micro Jellyfish. But even with 100% of all their energy, he only wound up being one eighth the size of the massive Lvl 6 Micro Jellyfish…


As the Lvl 6 Micro Jellyfish and Astaroth traded blows, he weaved out of the way of a huge tentacle, taking this time to peruse the last of the incoming system notifications.

[Ding! You have absorbed 110,000,000 Energy from a Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 120,000,000 Energy from a Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 180,000,000 Energy from a Lvl 5 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have absorbed 7,600,000 Energy from a Lvl 4 Micro Jellyfish!]

[Ding! You have…]

[Ding! You have passed the 10 billion Energy milestone and reached a point of Energy Overflow! Do you wish to go through with the evolution process?]

"Well…" pausing for a second, Astaroth looked at the slight burn marks on the gelatin body of the Lvl 6 Micro Jellyfish and realized that he would get nowhere as he was. This prompted him to give his confirmation and go through another blast of iridescent light.


Emerging from the layer of shimmering light that encased him, Astaroth's size and energy mass had not changed a single bit. However, by both sides of his head, he now had spiraling horns sticking forward. 

These ones were longer than the ones on top of his head and morphed his appearance from something cute to something… dangerous…

Opening up his system interface, this was what he saw:



{[Infinite Energy System]}

[Host: Astaroth]

[Evolution Stage: Micro Jellyfish (Rank 4)] - [10,400,000,000/1,000,000,000,000,000]

[Evolution Area: Jelly Sea]

[Energy Level: 4] - [10,400,000,000/1,000,000,000,000,000]

[Energy Storage: 400,500,000/1,000,000,000]

{[Current Energy Abilities:]} 

[Level 1 (Spore): (Energy Absorption), (Unlimited Energy Absorption), (Spore Slash), (Spore Propulsion)]

[Level 2 (Micro Jellyfish): (True Energy Absorption), (Jelly Lash), (Undulation Zoom), (Razor Whip), (Pulsation Lazer), (Multi-Pulsation Lazer), (Super Pulsation Lazer)]
