Ant Hill Colony, 420 Million Years Ago

Chapter 44


~420 Million Years Ago.

As soon as Astaroth reached the light at the end of the tunnel, he felt the sun rays beat down on his backside. The temperature had changed, the skies were bluer, and the ecosystem was more diverse and developed.

Flying around in the air were prehistoric dragonflies, grasshoppers, and other early winged insects.

On the ground, the ancestors of cockroaches, beetles, and worms traversed the warm soil and fertilized earth below them. 

From the air-based insects to the ground-based insects, they all went about their days as per usual, living out their short lives to the fullest.

"Hmm…?" Astaroth noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Is that a Venus flytrap?" He asked.

He looked at a claw trap-shaped plant with long, pointy, green protruding parts in the shape of teeth.