Chapter 4


If one is affected or categorised under the human four (4) temperament, one is likely to possess a weak strength. The four human temperament are:

1. The melancholy.

2. The sanguine.

3. The choleric.

4. The phlegmatic.

A melancholic person is one who is always feeling or looking sad and without hope. Such a person will always exhibit dejection and gloominess. Depressed in spirit, someone deranged in mind and calamitous. With all these sad attributes, it is definite for an individual to develop a weak strength in whatever she does or in any aspect of her life.

A sanguine person is one who is confident and hopeful about what might happen, especially in a difficult situation. Here, people possesses attributes of cheerfulness, confidence, being optimistic and enthusiastic. With these, we can't say people with this temperament can develop a weak strength.

Looking into the choleric temperament. Here, a person gets angry easily, easily irritated, irascible, hasty and hotheaded. Knowing that anger is a source of weakness in some aspect, when you get angry, it an action that exhaust the energy in the body. It is a voluntary action that speeds some reactions in the body, in which some organs and hormones in the body rise and increase. It act up the emotions in the body also, thereby making one weak(medical aspect). If this action is what an individual performs everyday of his life, then I doubt if he would be successful in what he does. Anger is a strong feeling that makes one feel he or she has been treated badly, cheated or offended. When one gets angry, even the brain at that particular time is affected and when this action takes place often, it weakens the brain to function well, making one's strength weak, medically and physically.

A phlegmatic person is one who is able to be calm in a dangerous or frightening situation. Such an individual is always kind, patient and easy going. Imagine being calm in a frightening or difficult situation, this shows how strong the person is. However, a phlegmatic person might be a strong headed person, but exhibiting this kind of personality, it will help in building strength for goals, dreams and future purposes.

Other types of people who possesses a weak strength.

1. Easily influenced people:

One who is influenced would not be able to make decisions on his own, neither be able to stand and hold firm on decisions made by himself. They easily bring up their secret and life matters to others, expecting solutions or advices from them. When persuaded, they easily change their decisions, this shows how weak they are in strength and adaptation.

2. People who lack trust in themselves:

Lack of trust or confidence in oneself cannot make one strong. Lack of trust diminish one's strength. There is a need to believe and trust ourselves, that we are capable of doing exploits and accomplishing tasks in life. Having trusting yourself, this would prepare you ahead to future challenges.

3. People with little or no hope:

A little hope is also liken to a dead or no hope. Having little hope takes one no where. It causes stagnancy and self rejection, which reflects badly in every aspect of your life. Therefore, always make your hope big and alive.

4. People with less confidence and courage:

With courage, boldness and confidence, one can overcome any obstacles or hindrances. An adage says "cowards die many times before their time". It means one who is fearful, will witness shock, worries and lots of trouble, even before the problems comes in. Gradually weakening the body and soul, diminishing strength in one and developing traumas or sickness, which might go on for a long time or eventually leading to death.

5. People with financial difficulties or liabilities:

These refers to people who lacks support. Most people have lots of dreams and visions, but their poor financial condition never allows them to achieve them. Some possess confidence, hope, courage and other necessary attributes in deriving a strong strength. But when the support isn't available for them, from people who are blessed financially, they begin to loose hope and fall victims of weak strength.

Frankly speaking, support in any aspect can help boost strong strength, making it easy to accomplish goals and dreams.